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Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP


To assess the impact on your working behavior of the degree of manifestation peculiar temperament you use the technique TART1. The reason for this are the conclusions of the psychologist D. Keyrsi a relationship between personality type and temperament. It turned out that the combination of four types of personality preferences correspond to the four temperament types that occurred in people over the centuries. These four combinations:

1. ST (SJ) - sensory static (phlegmatic).

2. SD (SP) - sensory dynamics (choleric).

3. NC (NF) - intuitive irrationals (melancholic).

4. HP (NT) - intuitive rationals (sanguine).

Each of the 16 individual types fall under one of these combinations. One way to determine your temperament is a reconciliation of these to the letter code of your personality type. In humans, such as CT and DM - it is the second and fourth letters. In humans, such as NC and NO - it's the middle letters (Table 8.).

Table 8

























Here we use a shortened and adapted version of our methodology Tartu (see P. .: Tiger, Tiger B. Barron, op. Cit.).

techniques Contents: description of each of the four temperaments of man by revealing their strengths and weaknesses, which can occur during operation.

How to use the procedure.

Refer again to the code of your personality type. Find it in the table. 8 and underline.

Define the code of your temperament.

If the code of your personality type is in column 1 or 2, then write down of its literal image 2 nd and 4 th letter. This will be the code of your temperament: ST (phlegmatic) or SD (choleric).

If your personality type code is in column 3 or 4, the write down of its lettering 2nd and 3rd letters. This will be the code of your temperament: NC (melancholic) or HP (sanguine).

Check out a general description of the manifestations of your temperament traits. Evaluate how you celebrated their manifestation in itself. Even if you do not doubt what type of personality you belong, we advise to read the description of the four temperaments, before drawing a conclusion which one best suits your personality. Do not be worried about the same whether you have selected the letter code describing the type of personality that you have defined for yourself. Rather, the letters match, but there is a possibility of discrepancies.

Check out the description of the strengths and weaknesses of your temperament, which may occur in the work. "Try" them for yourself. Check those in the manifestation of which you have no doubt.

Compare the results with the strengths and weaknesses of your personality type (procedure Workshop-2), as well as to the characteristics of your model of business man (method 2 Practice-ma-3). Ask idea of ​​the hierarchy of your business skills.

temperament type ST: static sensor (phlegmatic)


As you already know, sensory believe only the facts, accurate information, past experience and the information they receive through the five senses. Static prefer to live in an organized, orderly world, they are driven by the desire to make decisions. In combination, these two preferences allow static touch, that is the type of person purely pragmatic and decisive.

Of the four temperaments type ST most committed to tradition. values ​​people like CT system includes a law and order, safety, compliance with rules of conduct in society, obedience. Their behavior is motivated by a strong desire to contribute to society. People like PT respect authority, hierarchy, order, and, as a rule, tend to be conservative. They obey the sense of duty, trying to do what is correct, they can always rely on. They are reliable and, most importantly, have a sense of responsibility.

At work, people like PT feel the need to need them. They strive to serve the community and do what is right. They value stability, order, mutual aid, the consistency of actions and a sense of responsibility. As a rule, they are serious and hardworking. ST impose on themselves and others high standards.

Strengths. ST practical, organized, meticulous, in like system. They attach great importance to the documents, instructions, contracts, schedules. They do an excellent job with the work, which will require control and regulation. ST prefer to deal only with reliable facts, use their abilities for the benefit of the organization where they work. They are proud of what they are doing only what they think is right. They are very well see what should be given priority, and perform the tasks at their disposal funds with maximum efficiency. If the CT take the case, they will bring it to the end. At its best, CT positive, reliable, trustworthy, never fail.

Potential weaknesses. People type ST is not too interested in the theory and abstract ideas. They focused not so much on the future as the present. Long-term planning is usually not on their part. Sometimes CT is too rush to decision-making. They tend to see the world in black and white and do not take into account the diversity of shades. They are inflexible, difficult to adapt to changing conditions, tend to resist the new, unusual or untested approaches to this or that problem. Rather, they will require proof that a new way of solving the problem of work than try to understand it themselves. Recent manifestations of deficiencies CT - rigidity, dogmatism, lack of imagination.

DM type of temperament: the dynamics of sensory (choleric)


As you already know, sensory focus on what you can see, hear, touch, smell and taste, and trust only what can be measured or justified. Speakers like that in front of them remained open all possibilities to prefer to live without fetters. In combination, these two preferences allow the sensor dynamics, personality type nutty and immediate. The motto for the DM type of people can become a slogan: "Eat, drink and be merry!"

Of all the types of temperament the largest number of adventurers falls on the type of diabetes. These people live action impulse. They are focusing on short-term affairs and are able to evaluate just at the moment. Since SD priorities are freedom and spontaneity (unpredictability), they rarely choose their area of ​​activity that that implies a rigid structure with too many restrictions. These people like to take risks, adapt well to changing circumstances, pragmatic, they have an easy character. SD appreciate the high level of professionalism in any field of activity. They often see the adventurers living at risk.

At work, people such as diabetes tend to active and acting freely, obeying the inner impulse. They focus their attention on what can be achieved here and now. SD appreciate the heroic deeds and great skill. Ideal LED - the heroes and masters of their craft. They often like to switch from one task to another.

Strengths. DM type people have a clear idea of ​​what is happening around, and quickly capture opportunities. They perfectly reveal themselves in the solution of practical problems, approach them flexibly, safely, creatively. LEDs are not afraid to take risks or, if necessary, to improvise. Without being committed to traditions, such as CT, people such as diabetes gladly make adjustments in their actions in response to the perceived need or in crisis circumstances. However, as well as CT, they prefer to deal with the facts and the specific problems rather than theories or ideas. LEDs are well versed in humans due to their observation and insight, and may well prove themselves as mediators in the negotiations.

They operate efficiently, without wasting effort in vain. Many (but not all) LEDs are able to handle the tools and mechanisms, with what you can manage physical and that requires high precision. In the best of its manifestations diabetes - people inventive, funny that attracted the interest and attention.

Potential weaknesses. LEDs are often unpredictable to others and sometimes do not think through in advance and carefully their actions. They are not interested in theoretical, abstract or conceptual constructs, and their focus can slip connection between events or patterns of events. When a critical point in this or that situation passed, people have type diabetes often fading enthusiasm. Because they prefer to have a maximum number of options and possibilities, it is not always follow the generally accepted rules and sometimes shy away from its obligations or breach of their and others' plans. In the worst of its manifestations are people unreliable, irresponsible, infantile and impulsive.

temperament type NC: intuitive irrationals (melancholic)


As you already know, for intuitive important sense, relationship, probability. Irrational, taking decisions guided by personal, subjective values. In combination, these two preferences allow intuitive irrationals - man, striving for spiritual self-improvement, to the fullest understanding. Of the four temperaments NC most philosophically tuned. They seem to constantly look for the meaning of life. They really appreciate the integrity and uniqueness of individuals and their relationships. They tend to idealize others. People type NC concentrated their attention on the potential of the human person and often use their gift to help others to develop a spiritual consciousness that brings them great satisfaction. NC - excellent sides, can be catalysts for positive change.

On the NC love to use their innate ability to understand other people, find common language with them. They have a natural gift of empathy. Their attention is focused on the needs of the people working with them, such as co-workers, colleagues, patients or clients.

Strengths. SC knows how to bring out the best qualities of others and understand what to do, so that they proved to be on the best side. NC able to prevent potential conflicts and contribute to the fact that the team worked with greater efficiency. NC have the gift to create a comfortable psychological environment and contribute to the fact that workers receive satisfaction from their participation in the projects. When people type NC praise someone for a good job, they tend to appreciate the person, not the achievement itself. NC creative approach to problem solving. They are eloquent and, as a rule, good command of the pen. Their ideas and actions can cause in the enthusiasm of the people. At its best, NC - people having "charisma", attentive and understanding.

Potential weaknesses. NC tend to make decisions based solely on their personal preferences. It is difficult to be objective. They take other people's problems to heart and as a result find themselves plunged headlong into other people's problems. They do not like to criticize any one whatsoever, nor to educate, but to his very strict in all tend to blame themselves. Sometimes they are willing to sacrifice their opinions in order to achieve harmony in the relationship. Sometimes they show too much idealism, practicality alien. At its worst, people like NTs are sullen, unpredictable and too susceptible to emotions.

Type HP temperament: intuitive rationals (sanguine)


You already know that the intuitive concentrate on the search for hidden meaning. Remember you and that rationals approach to problem solving with the objective position and are guided by logic. In combination, these two preferences create intuitive RATIONAL - human intelligent and competent. Of the four temperaments HP type is the most independent. The driving force HP kinds of people - the desire for knowledge. Their demands on themselves and others are extremely high. Curious by nature, HP generally considered a problem in all its manifestations, is multifaceted. HP perfectly see different options to understand complex issues and find ways to address both practical and theoretical (hypothetical) problems. They often play the role of "Architects of Change".

In the HP gladly use their ability to proschityvaniya different variants, logical analysis and the search for solutions to problems. They are interested in the continuous improvement of their educational level as the just for the sake of knowledge, and for the more distant (strategic) goals.

Strengths. HP had the gift of imagination, there are also great innovators. A variety of features and options are visible to them as well as a complete picture. They are able to develop the concept, outline a plan of changes within the organization. They have no equal (and it gives them great pleasure) in the development of strategic plans, they have a systematic approach to achieving its goals. HP-versed in complex theoretical ideas and are able to be separated from the process of the general principles and laws. The more complex the tasks assigned to them, the better for them. They require a lot of challenging both from themselves and from others. HP are receptive to constructive criticism and do not carry it on your personal account. At its best it is people, credible, different sharp mind and imagination.

Potential weaknesses. In humans, such as HP are so complex, that others often do not understand them. HP sometimes tend to overlook the obvious things. HP may manifest itself desperate skeptical, they often defy conventional rules established opinions or customs. Sometimes they come in conflict with the management, they are often accused of a tendency to snobbery. HP often do not notice how it feels close to them by other people, the harmony in the relationship they do not care, they do not attach importance to emotions. In humans, such as HP's strong competitive spirit, they strive always and everywhere be the first. They may even refuse to participate in any project and a finger does not hit, if not assured of success. In its worst manifestations HP arrogant, kept cold, aloof, closed in his inner world.

After reading the description of the strengths and weaknesses of your temperament, perhaps, it could be clarified. Which of the four temperaments closest to you now?

And what type of personality you have defined for ourselves in the Workshop-1? Write.

If your personality type matches with your choice of type of temperament, it proves once again that you have correctly identified your type of personality.

If your personality type does not match with your chosen type of temperament, it may mean that you have incorrectly identified your true personality type test for the Workshop-1.

Suppose, you have come to the conclusion that your personality type is ENTSD, but you there is a certain attraction to the temperament of HP. Most likely, you are actually ENRD, not ENTSD. In this case, we advise you to go back to these tests and re-qualifying characteristics and personality types ENTSD ENRD and once again think about which one fits you more.

Suppose further that, rereading specifying the characteristics, you are left at its first opinion, ie, that you belong to ENTSD type. Do not despair! There is another explanation why the results do not match. As they get older, we all naturally "flatten" their personal qualities, developing a ill-defined preferences. This process is called "the development of the type of personality." In other words, this means that if you belong to ENTSD type, but is actively developing a preference "rationality", HP's temper gets you closer.

In conclusion, we draw your attention to the fact that the process of identifying their temperament is very complicated and does not always produce the expected result on the basis of only one technique. Therefore, we recommend, if necessary, clarify the correctness of your choice refer to the tests of the books: Transports NN, Shchekin GV Psychology working with people. -. 5 th ed., A stereotype - K .: AIDP, 1999. - S. 80-86 or Litvintseva NA Psychological self-portrait. - M .: Human Resource Management, 1996. - P. 27-33.

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