Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Первісне мистецтво

Stosovka kolotnogo, misteretskoe vospitanie svitu muzhnoiu v paleolіtі doslozhniki vislovlyuyut kilka gipotoz.

Іноді поява мистецтва по'язується зі спостережливістю old people [1]. It is possible to know the forms, kamіnnі, tree roots, mountains of images, similar to the natural forms, like creatures, people, people, the first Mislivets himself virishuє const create the subordinate. Krimsky gori, napriklad, zberigayut at the names of creativity spriteattya old meshkantsiv pivostrova, yaki pobachili in pogromshennyah ported vedmedya, camel, vislyuka.

Dehto pov'azuє the appearance of the mystery of bezpomichnistyu with the fears of the first people, dehto, navpaks, in the garbage of magical power over nature. Інші дослідники вважають it's a long time ago, creativity засобом комунікації та соціалізації. In the Marxist tradition, the name of the mystery of the working class is addressed. Just one of the letters of the mystery nazyvayut gru.

M. Rafael, A. Lamyng-Amperer, A. Leroy-Guran, recognize that there is a renewal in the first place for us, and so are those that are folded, and hourly and uninvolvable, zrozumi svitoglyad long-standing people, vyhodachi z analizu creativ, navіt yakshcho pripusti pevnu Sporadnennost їх милення зі світосприйняттям тих "колискових" народів, що існують тепер.

Synthetical point of Zoru, how to achieve the goal of science, vbaacha pevnu єдність мистецтва первісних людей та їх матеріального і spiritual life. So, D. Ugrinovich respected, scho "... relegation and mystery of the wicked one-hourly and realized the spoiler in the iodine, unchartered system of the spiritual and practical dyality, the yak being the first mythological ritual complex."

On the back of his sword, the mystery of the boule was syncretic - tobto was in the form of an esthetic warehousing ritualistic life, the yoke was punctuated by rituals, from the point of view of the sushchasno people, see the practitioner: malyuvannya, spiv, tanok, ekstaticnyi vpravo, magichnyi moloblyannya, vikoristannaya masks, etc. At the old ritual You can vidushkati cobs of the theater, carnival, temple chi palatsovoy tseremonії, choral spivu, estrnogo vystupu, navnit hepeningu.

Prior to the memory of the first mystery, we crossed the skeletal landscape in the same way, so zvan moskilne mistetstvo - farnbovan kamenna, statuettes, embellishments of stone and bone, musical instruments, and great stones - sporudi - megaliti .