Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Первісна усна творчість

Texts of the first letters, those recitatives in the bulims of the deities, that of the statues, they were transmitted obediently, and the letters became the basis of the complex of sacral texts, such yak "Vedi" in the Індії. Prote's letter fіsatsіya pam'yatok daє lishe chastkovo уявлення about the real function of the chiogo genre, the important collateral yakogo були інтонація, the rhythm of promolevannya та інші неббальні елементи.

Traditionally vvazhaetsya, scho before the appearance of the epic singing, the artist's verbalism of the boule is represented by "anonymous" ritual folklore . And from the writing of letters and poetry, stsenyu інші pictures of the walking artist's word. Jack London in the open source "Pervisny sings" zmalovuyu image of people, yaka vidchuvaє dotek natural beautiful garmonії і progoloshuє bіlya pechernogo vognischa pershi virshovany rows.