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Istoria Ukrainy - Polonska Vasilenko Natalіya: Volume 1

Yuriy Boleslav II (1325-1340)

In zovnіshnіy polіtitsі Yuriy II Boleslav trimavsya Union s Prusієyu for scho yogo vkazuyut literacy in 1334 that in 1335 rokіv. W flattered yak todі ob'єdnalasya, vіdnosini boule vorozhі. Roku 1337 Yuriy, once s Tatars namagavsya Screw Lublin, ale not MAV of Success.

Z Lithuania Yuriy MAV druzhnі stosunki, SSMSC skrіpleno 1331 p. shlyubom yogo s daughter of Prince Gedimіna, Єvfimієyu (Ofkoyu). Prodovzhuyuchi polіtiku Daniel, Yuriy proteguvav mіstam, spriyatlivo stavivsya to nіmetskoї kolonіzatsії. Zberіgsya yogo privіley mіstu Syanoku nіmetske on the right rock 1339 - Purshia privіley this genus. In nomu vіn daє vіytіvstvo svoєmu "sluzі" Bartkovі s Sandomierz іz right to tretinu podatkіv mіschan h, h th yurisdiktsієyu іnshimi Vigoda. All diploma stock for zrazkom nadan Magdeburzkogo law. Mіschan tsієї Gromada 15 rokіv zvіlnyaєtsya od podatkіv and osadnikov її called "nіmtsіv, polyakіv, ugrіv that rusinіv". Svіdkami on tsіy gramotі pіdpisalisya two vіyti nіmetskogo right Bohnі h i "Vars" (?) That ot abo two nіmtsі. Tse tsіlkom natural, Yakscho yshlosya Magdeburzke about right.

Literacy in 1334 that in 1335 rokіv, krіm pіdpisu Yurіya Boleslav, toil pіdpisi єpiskopa th boyars, Sered them - Dmitro Dedka. Inst knyazhoї seals, scho її get used Yuriy I, seals hanging boyars. Himself Prince nazivaє 's Bozhoї petting a born prince. "

Zvazhayuchi Not at all - obrannya boyars, їh fate in pravlіnnі - against Yurіya Boleslav dіyala mіtsna Boyarka grupa. Yomou threw proteguvannya chuzhintsyam, spriyannya nіmetskіy kolonіzatsії - Hoch at tsomu vіdnoshennі vіn MAV poperednikіv Cornflower that Volodymyr - i those scho vіn nіbito hotіv Rotate katolitstvo. 1340 roku yogo otruєno. Well Todі Pocha pobivati ​​yogo prihilnikіv that chuzhintsіv on vsіy zemlі.

Zagibel Yurіya II Boleslaw bula great tragedієyu for Ukraine. Tse bula Doba, if two susіdi Ukraine viyshli Zi will anarhії that mіzhusobnoї Borotba i rozpochali Reigning budіvnitstvo pid wire talanovitih korolіv: Polscha - pid wire Kazіmіra Great that Ugorschina - pid wire Karl-Robert.

Zamіst of dwellers protistoyati CIM do updates mіtsnim powers ukraїntsі "zburili his natsіonalnu derzhavnіst. Emptying polіtichno ukraїnsku ground rushed teper susіdi "- so stislo, ale yaskravo harakterizuvav situatsіyu, yak utvorilasya in Ukraїnі rotsі in 1340, S. Tomashіvsky.

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