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Istoria Ukrainy - Polonska Vasilenko Natalіya: Volume 1

Vladislav (1372-1378)

Vladislav povodivsya, yak Valadar Galicia tituluvav Me "Bozhoyu mercy pan i dіdich Ruskoї zemlі" MAP Velika s signet emblem, karbuvav coin Halytska s coat of arms. Ale vіn not get used svoїh rights korist Galicia nehtuvav іnteresami population otochiv currently chuzhintsyami, headaches rank nіmtsyami. Іz Vidanov him 120 15 privіleїv deprivation stosuvalisya to Halytska boyars, Rasht - to chuzhintsіv. Vіn proteґuvav nіmetskіy kolonіzatsії. The church pitannі rіshuche pіdtrimuvav Catholicism dіstav papsku boule on zasnuvannya єpiskopstv in Galichі, Peremishlі, Volodimirі, Holmі.

1378 roku i Władysław Ludwik usunuv priznachiv ruler Svoge uryadovtsya. Zakіnchilasya fіktsіya statehood Galicia. "In tsіy dovgіy borotbі i pid gnіtom chuzhinetskoї okupatsії hall aktivnіst Halytska boyars - Pichet I. Holmsky - ... vistavlenі on pereslіduvannya, znischenі vіynoyu, boyars Pocha zalishati svoї derzhavnі zmagannya. Pong fought for svoє іsnuvannya, svoї materіyalnі Interests. The proportion of Kraina virіshuvali Stranger's Seeley. "

Rola-Halytska Volinskbgo knyazіvstva Bula duzhe great. Vono ohoplyuvalo to 0.9 ukraїnskoї teritorії, ohoronyalo up Ukraine od peredchasnogo ponevolennya that asimіlyatsії zboku Polschі i in the same hour of the spinal processes of creation novoї slov'yansko-fіnskoї powers on pіvnіchnomu skhodі. Halytska-Volins'ka knyazіvstvo vіdkrilo a Way zahіdnoevropeyskim cultural vplivam on up Ukraine, zberіgayuchi lіpshі kulturnі traditsії ukraїnskoї culture. Zmagayuchis іz zagarbnikami scho nasіdali s usіh bokіv (Tatari, Lithuania, flattered Ugorschina) Halytska-Volins'ka knyazіvstvo gіdno reprezentuvalo his zahіdnoevropeyskomu svіtі, yak spadkoєmtsya Kiїvskoї powers th prodovzhilo traditsії її hundred rokіv.

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