Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Forms of international and economic integration

Rozglyanemo main forms of the international economic development (Table 21).

Table 21

The main forms of the international economic development *

* Zamalovaniya square is meant, but the initial form of the international economic development of the state is marked by a characteristic sign.

Zona vіnogo torghіvіі - інтеграційне об'єднання powers in the sphere of trade negotiations, in which I am skilful mita, scho regulyulyuyut gospodarly zvyazyki. In the course of the territory, the zones of foreign tourism are blocked by the ministers, they are not crooked, they do not enter until such a zone.

Прилкиди зони вільної торгівлі:

• the zone of the capital city of the USA, Canada and Mexico;

• Європейська асоціація вільної торгівлі (ЄАВТ);

• Latin American асоціація вільної торгівлі (ЛАВТ, інунувала until 1980 р.).

The Mitniy Union is an integration, in which I am skilful Mita Mizh kraїnami-partici pants і I installed Ідині мита schodo tretіh країн (звнішні митні тарифи). The Mitniy Union is broadened to a lesser degree in the name of the territory of the region. Yak і zone вільної торгівлі, митний союз - це це початкова форма міжнародної економічної інтеграції.

Butts of a penny-faced union:

• Central American Spinning Tin (CACR);

• Spivovarstvo i spilniy rinok kraine Karibiskogo basseynu


• Andska Grupa (Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Equador, etc.). Спільний ринок - інтеграційне об'єднання, в якому відбувається

Vіlnyi rukh khalіkіv, іslug, kapіtalu і robochoї sili і здійснюється годарія взаємодія між країнами в сферыі виробництва.

The application of the spinning rink is the European Union (ЄС).

The economical union is an integral part of the capital, in a kind of order, in the capitalized form, capital, goods, services, by the development of the vibro-finance and integration of the state of the political and economic sectors of the region-uchasnits.

The application of the economic union - zdіysnennya in the territories ЄС 1999 р. Єдиної грошової політики і запровадження спільної грошової одиниці - євро. Tse poleshuє vzajmorozraunki і sprijatie poliglennju інтеграційних processov in ЄС interiors.

The economical alliance is preceded by the unification of credit and grotesques, social policies, economics of development, advocacy, and the sharing of supranational bodies, the ranks of which are obovious for a skinny member of an economical union.

The political union is the sovereignty of the powers, the state of affairs, the economy, the integration and the dignity of the ugly people, the political parties, the priests and the vikonanns of the spiny political parties.

The application of a poli- tical alliance -the European Parliament to the parliament, the method of which is much broader than that of Europe (peacefully spivnisnuvannya, gospodarke spivrbitnitstvo).

At svitovomu gospodarstvі integrazіynі ugrupannya formuyutsya for such strains:

• alignment of national authorities, which manage integrative processes;

• The alignment of supranational bodies with the management of integrative processes;

• development of transnational forms of the sovereign residence of transnational corporations.

At the time of the fasts of the rozvitoks of the international economic development of the peasant tendencies:

• dynamism of the processes of the international economic development (integration processes to hunt the benefits of economy in a remote-scale scale);

• Nervousness development and realizing the forms of the international economic development (at a low pace, develop integration in the provincial departments of the state, which is the NTP, which is explained by the competition);

• rozvitok order of integrative disintegration processes;

• transshipment of rozvitok regional economic ekonomichnyh ugrpovan;

• the formulation of real minds for the development of global, social and economic integration.

Otzhe, the process of international economic development, are characterized by their distinctive features and specific forms, such integration processes that can be found in the inter-regional integration arrangements, on all continents. У світі їх налічується понад 20. Загалом міжнародна економічна інтеграція в сучасних умовов search all photos of сусипільного виробництва переложиї більшості країн світу і it is direct бoльшості країн світу і it is direct бoлькостікої виступє one of the basic чинників їх економічного зростання.

The sight of the problems of formulating, structuring, particularities, the basic laws of the development of the holy state, to adhere to those that are vain, one and the same, of the zagal forms of the function of the vzaimopov'yanyh national national serdar complexes. Submitted development of the St.-Petersburg state of affairs in the field of economic development of international economical invoices, pogliblenyam of the international sub-tradition, the emergence of optimal forms of the international economic development. The goal is to create a comprehensive, flexible, vibropical, science-technical, labor financial potential of the people's state of the land.

Controlling food

1. Give viznachennya svitogo gospodarstva.

2. To name the principle of structuring of the holy state.

3. Перелічіть core chinniki rozvitku svitogo gospodarstva.

4. To name the basic laws of the development of the holy state.

5. In chomu Polagaye the essence of the official life of the Lord's wife?

6. To enter the main forms of the interregional administration of the Lord's estate.

7. Open the map of the international economy.

8. To name chinniki rozvitku mіzharchochnoї ekonomichnogo іntegrazії.