Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

American Institute of the 20th-20th centuries of XX century.

1. Istorichnyi izovi vikinennennya sotsіalno-інституціонального direct economical thoughts.

2. American institutionalism on the cobble of the twentieth century. I yogo riznovidi.

On the cobble of the twentieth century. Bahatma vchistimi-ekonomistami US buly prezaponovany concept social control of the economy, but zapocatkuvali socially-inostitsionnyy direct ekonomichnoi dumki. Інституціоналізм (від лат. - настанова) z'yavisya in the urge of the transition to capitalism in the monopolistic stage of the yak of the peculiarities of the interdependence of social and economic factors in the development of the hourly capitalism. Інститут розглядається як первинний елемент рушійної сили суспільства в економіці. Prior to the employment of najrіznomannіitіshі categories (power, homeland, monopolies, profspilki, private vlasnist, religіya), scho viznachayut zvichki, zvichi, pravosі rіshennya tochno. On the cob of the 20-th rock, three basic principles of the American institutionalism were folded: socially-psychologically on the part of T. Veblen; Socially-legal, encompassing J. Commons; State-statistical, liderom yakogo buv U. Mitchell.

T. Veblen (1857-1929) is an American economist, social scientist, having completed the Icelandic University, a lecturer at the Chikaz'koy and Stanford University, the author of a well-known book of the economy, psychology and psychology - Theory of the Dossier Class (1899), "The Instinct (1914), "Science in the Years of Civilization" (1919), "Engineering and System of the Year" (1921), "Vlasnist Vyssutnyogo" (1923 p.).

The main part of daily routine capitalism, for T. Veblen, і протиріччя між індустрією і бізнесом. The industry is to represent ін-дустріали, to which to lie інженери і робітники. Їх метю є підвищення ефективності виробництва і збільшення багатства суспільства. Prior to biznesmenіv nalezhat fіnansisti, rant'є, meta yakikh - won the maximum allowance, scho to reserve "prestige spozhivannya." Ponyattya prestigious spizhivannya, scho scored the name "efektu Veblen", it is characteristic for rant'e-volodav special (absenteist) form of private ownership means, scho sopriaymayutsya them yak zasib demonstratsії svoogo majnovogo stanovischa. Kritikoyuchi parasiticheskii sposib zhittya zamozhnih klassіv, vvazh vvazhal, scho majbutnє for suspilstvo, zvіlnenim vіd vladi biznesu і functііnoyuchim in the interests of the us socium. For tsyogo neobhіdіno reformovati sspіlstvo, the essence of the reform of the field in the accelerated scientific and technological processes and science and technology. The results of the reforms, the duma of T. Veblen, are guilty of the new order, for which we will communicate the social and economic benefits of the vibro-business, and the social economy will be called parasitism and mar- notratism.

The main representative of the socially-legal press is J. Commons (1862-1945) - Director of the American Bureau of Contemporary Decisions, President of the American Economic Foundation, Professor of several US universities. Yogo pravіnі pracіі - "Правові підстави капіталізму" (1924 р.), "Інституціональна економіка. Її місце в політичній економії" (1934 р.). Як і більшість інституціоналістів, він вван system to the business of the non-effective, oskilki kapitalizm vіnnogo rivalryії of the contracts of financial stability, yaka characterize the stronger "social conflicts" through monopollistically "uncomfortable" with the competition підприємців. Usunennya sotsіalnih protyrіch u sspіlstvі zamezmenuє perehіd to stadії admіnіistristrativnogo kapitalizmu. In the case of the transition, the role is guilty of admission, the duma of the scholar, the order, the so-called mother of the government, and the demonopolisation of the economy. Правові рішення, прийняті such a detachment, fostered b realizatsii іnteresіv kolektivnih інститутів (corporate, політичних партій и т. Ін.). Z cich positcij J. Commons vyznachiv vartitst goods produktsii yak result juridicheskogo pleasing kolektivnikh institutiv. The role of the state under the rule of the Poles is not less in arbitrazhi, but in the case of the legal mecha- nism, the lawfulness of vikonuvati is adopted by the treaty of zobov.

U. Mitchell (1874-1948) - a representative of the statistical and statistical department of the United States of America, a professor of political economy of Kaliningrad and Colombian universities, head of the National Bureau of Economic Affairs. Yogo osnovny pratsi - "Dilovy kikli" (1913 р.), "Lektsії pro tipi ekonomichnoї teorії" (1935 р.). U.Mitchell vyaviv vplyiv neykonomichnih factorov (psychology, povedinki) on ekonomichnі (credit, finance, tsіni) for допомогою вивчення цифрових показників і встановлення закоірностей у коливанней (кон'юнктурі) цих показників, тобто наявність ділових cyclesів в економічному розвитку суспільства. Dilov cyclical - repetition pidnesennya i sdadi, scho - the result of the day bugatokh chinnikiv (investment, zaoschadzhen, penny obgu). Єdinim mehanіzmom podolannya protirіch scho vinikayut in rіznih phases dіlovih tsiklіv, Je Reigning regulyuvannya sferі in credit and stock rinkіv trumpery i have poєdnannі s virіshennyam sotsіalno-cultural problems.

Інституціоналізм як самостійний напрям економічної думки vvіbrav at itself osnovnyі teoretiko-metodologicheskij dosyagnnnia nachampered matematicheskiy aparat marginalnistko ekonomichnoy teorії i metologicheskii інструментарій історичноїїї school. With the power of the economy, the order of the material factors revealed moral, ethical and legal elements of historical development. Інституціоналісти signified the need for a detailed description of the kilkasnogo analizu ekonomichnih nevische. The theorists of scientific and technical development were robbed to try to obround the concept of a non-creeping (unconflictly) unauthorized development of monopolistic capitalism behind the addiction of the rarities in powers in the economy.

Controlling food

1. To enter the historic and economic development of the American institutional development in the twenties of the 20th century.

2. Analyze the theory of the T. Veblen dosage class, which is the basis of socially-psychologic tension and institutionalization.

3. Socially-legal institutionalism of J. Commons about the basic stages of "evolutionary capitalism".

4. Roskrite sutnist methodological socially-psychologic strains of American institutionalism, interrogated by U. Mitchell.