Strahuvannya - Osadets SS

20.2. Insurance

Held insurance will require a contribution of insurance premiums, and potim, through a busy hour, - nadannya insurance service in viglyadi vyplaty insurance syumi і insurance vіdshoduvannya. Moments of insurance of insurance premiums and payment of insurance insurance, as a rule, not zbigayutsya, i tse dye zmogu insurers and Akumulyuvati znachny koshi v viglyadі zavisvikh zapasiv. Розмір цих запасів на бы-який момент має бути postійно afford for виконання insurer minds contract insurance.

Міжнародний досвід розрахунку розміру страхових резервів показує, що вони формаються за рахунок інізацій премій з урахуванням наявності у страховом портфелі страховика visіv insurance policy та терміну дії договору страхування. Technique rozraunku insured reserves viznachaetsya zalizhno vіd mind that line dії contract insurance.

Through unequal rozpodil riziku ta riznu structure of the tariff rate yak dzherela formovannya insurance reserves of fears and reserves in the risikovyh types of insurance and life insurance in the warehouse in the warehouse methods of viznachennya. With the insurance of life, it is zigidno with the specialties of yogo being held to form a reservation zi insurances zhittya. Behind types of insurance, visnimni vid zhashuuvannya zhittya, formutyut tehnichny reserve.

Formulation of the reserve of insurance of life is done in the territory of the insurance part of the country, the yak is peddled for the protection of insurance payments ( net-premiè ), that part of the investment income of the insured person.

The technical reserve is a demonstrator , a bit like a grocery of insulting the insured for insurance crawling, and one-hour - suma koshtiv, scho - guaranteeing vikonannya zobov'azan before insuremen. I will look at the insured's insurance briefcase.

Tehnichnyy reserve give zmugu insurer bachiti zagalny otsyag vidpіdalnostі for diyuchimi contracts їх страхування. The osnag of technical reserves is used to cover all zbitcies for dyuchimi insurance contracts, navyat in vipadkah pripinennya podohodzhennya premyі agreements.

I will look at the tse under the insurance policy of the insurer, the yoga tax, the statutory fund and the reserves, the old ones, the correctly rozrakhovanoi tariff rate of the balanced insurance portfolio, the most important thing is to ensure the availability of insurance reserves. Ostanne zumovlyuetsya warehouse of such reserves, and zastosuvannyam chih інших метів їх обчисня.

Reservation зі страхування життя мають у своєму складі reservation довгострокових зобов'язань (математичні резерн); A reserve of deadweight payments of insured sums. The amount of reserves in the dovgostrokovyh zobov'azan will be assessed actuarially, behind the leather contract for the method of formulating the reserves and insuring the life. (Reporting on the viznachennya and the method of retailing the reserves of insurances of livelihoods of divorced p. 18.2.)

The legislation of Ukraine is as follows: reserve unblocked premiys, shchovklyuchya part of the sum of insurance payments, yakі vidpovidayut insured rizikam, scho not passed on the date; Reserve zbitkiv - zarezvovanі nesplachenі sumi insurance vіdshduvannya for відомими вимогами страхувальників. The technical reserve is to be molded behind the leather kind of insurance. Згідно із The Law of Ukraine "About Insurance" Ukrainian insurers використовуть one of the requests the method of rozraunku reserve nezaroblenykh premii - the method of "floating quarters" (div.pіdrozd., 19.3), засосовуваний також при визначенні прибутку страховика.

Appreciated the cutaneous appearance of technical reserves in the area. Spilnim є te, scho with the extension of the piano hour in the first day of the contract, insurance of stench is the insignia of insurance rather than insurances, and is recognized for insurance contracts for insurance contracts, but not on the date of the date.

Insurers kraine ЄС, які здійснють ризикові вид страхування, формають reservation премій that reserve збитків. In the course of 2/3, the pivotal priority of the reserve falls on the reserve of zbits and 1/3 on the reserve of premiès. The system of technical reserves is in Fig. 20.2.

System of technical reserves

Fig. 20.2. The system of technical reserves, with the directives ЄС

Reserve premiys is a reserve of unspoiled premiès; Додатковий reserve ризиків, що not past.

Reserve nezaroblenyh premii stock in the part of insurance premiies, which have been insured for insurance contracts, have been leased for a long period of time, have been insured by a treaty of insurance, and have fallen on the approach of a zvіtny periyod.

The subsection of the insurance premiè on the crater is that nezarablenu is reportedly discordant in pidrozd. 19.3. Otzhe, the reserve of unsealed premiys for its own zmistom is not a reserve, but the statue of the territory of the Republic of Belarus otrimanyh insurance of premiès mіzh sumizhnimi zvіtnimi perіodami. The Tse is conditioned by the time, the fear of premiès, as a rule, to rally in advance - in advance for the entire term of the contract, insurance, which is not intended to be caused by a zionist periode. The reserve of unblocked première - the reserve of insurance, the evidence for the payment of insurance vishodshduvannya in Maybutnomu. Otzhe, vin is itself vitrati maybutnih period.

For viznachennya spravozhnogo rozmіru reserve nezabroelenie premії існують різні методи. At viborі tієї chi іnshої techniques, rozraunku reserve nezaroblenoї premiiіi neobhіdno vrahovuvaty takі chinniki: a kind of insurance, termіyn dії contract of insurance, рівень збалансованості of insurance portfolio, рівномірність розподілу ризику. To be taken to respect takozh periodiznost priemi premiys for the implementation of insurance contracts.

In practice, the insurance company zakubizhny kompanії vikoristovych kіlka metodіv viznachennya rozmіru part of the insurance premії, yak not є заробленою, - the reservoir of unblocked premies:

Method 1/365 - "pro rata temporis";

Method 1/4; 1/8; 1/12; 1/24 - "luncheon" methods;

Method 40%; 36%.

With the "pro rata temporis" method, the rosaryunok of the unblocked premièque is vikonuetsya for a durable agreement insurance of okremo. Uninsured insurance premiums for the ith contract insured viznachaetsya yak dobutok insurance premії ta parts vіd dіlennya string dії contract insurance, yak shche not zakinchchisya (in days) to vsogo string dії contract insurance (in days) for such a formula:

Uninsured insurance premiums ,

De P і - insurance premium for the ith insurance contract;

Mi - lines of the first and second insurance contracts;

Ni is the number of days, but has passed since the moment, if the ith dogovirn has been typed in order of accuracy until the date.

On підставі визначеноїї magnitude of the unblocked premiе for the leasing agreement insurance is to be calculated as the total value of the reserve. Perevaga chtsogo method in that, sho vin dye zmogu insaviku na be-yaku date viznachati rozmіr reserve nezaroblenih premii.

Method 1/365 є naybіlsh accurate, proto vin ardu work. Yogo vikoristania will require the work of the insurer. Necessarily, the following is the image: the insurer of insurance premiums under the skin contract insurance; The date of the insurance contract; Dates, if the insurance is collected; The date of yoga zakinchennia; A string of contracts for insurance. In insurances, it is great to settle contracts, opratsyuvannya danyh without vichoristana of the daily technical maintenance will be required for the hour and the dentist. For shvidkogo obliku ta opratsyuvannya giving neobhidno zastosovuvati sistemi software zabezpechennya.

The principle of the method 1/24 of the pole axis is in the case: for all contracts, insurance, sho ukladayutsya extension of the month term by one ric, pripuskuyutsya, scho insurance premiie over the middle of the month. Otzhe, on кінець місяця заробленою insurance premiєєu вважається half of insurance premії пвного місяця або 1/24, and розмір the reserve becomes відповідно 23/24 страхової премії. Naprikіntsі the following mіsyatsya dії contract strahuvannya, ukladenogo in poperednomu mіsyatsі, vvazhaєtsya scho dogovіr dіє half poperednogo mіsyatsya i Povny mіsyats, naprikіntsі yakogo zdіysnyuєtsya rozrahunok reserve nezaroblenih premіy. Tomu insurance premi a є zaroblenuyu і dorіvnyuє half a rozmіr nalezhno izberovoї premiiі of the first month and the insurable insurance premi мy mіsyatsya, naprikyntsi yakogo zdіysnyuyutsy rorakhunok reserve. Separate, the insurance premium is crumbled to become 3/24 (1/24 + 2/24), and the reserve of unsealed premiys is 21/24 (24/24 - 3/24) insurance premiums.

With vikoristannymi method 1/8 g look at the organisation of the robot insurer pripuskayut, scho the insurance contract, the lines of the dyk yakih rik, laid out in the course of one quarter, and dial the chinnosti in the middle quarter.

Insurers zastosovut іноді простіші, але не такі точні методи розрахунку незаробленої премії - 40% method; 36%. Tsei's method is to work on the fact that the date of the contract is not insured for a specific value, but for all, the insurance contract is settled in the middle of the rock, then 1 lip-stone. Otzhe, reserve nezarobleny premii on kynets rok maє vidpіdati half of net-premii. The water hour for proizozhennya rozraunok vikonuetsya on the basis of not net, but gross-premii. Prote to take up respect, but on vitrati on the basis of education, it becomes 20%; 28%. Звідси half of gross-rate дорівнює 40%; 36%. Method 40%; 36% of the additions to the list, if the insured person is insured against insurance on the basis of unifinished contracts, then if it is agreed to insure the insurance for one line, the insurance premiums should be overrun, and the company must have an insurance portfolio.

Reserve rizikіv , yakіshe did not pass , form yak dodatok to the reserve nezableniye premiiy, shcheob kompensuvati mozhilіst underestimation of the tariff.

Provision for disaster formuєtsya s metoyu zabezpechennya INSURANCE viplat in razі nastannya natural disasters abo digit Promyslova avarіy have rezultatі yakih bude zavdano zbitkіv number of insurance ob'єktam if i postaє require zdіysnyuvati viplati vіdshkoduvannya insurance in sums, scho uniquely perevischuyut serednі rozmіri zbitkіv, taken to SSMSC Respect at rozraunku insured tariffs. The reserve of catastrophes can be formed from the hurricanes of large-scale avarios, such as one-time sufferings of baggage insurance claims, and marriage of insured reserves, and formations on the Rivne region of the Vipadkiv. The reserve of catastrophes is especially necessary for insurance of risks, but for those with a form of insurance portfolio on the basis of a posted account. Vidrahuvannya to the reservoir of catastrophes to wade out over the length of the trivial period and to form by insurers in different times, as in other contracts, insurance is impounded in the course of an emergency when such a kind of pod is introduced.

Reserve Oscillations zbitkovostі dozvolyaє insurers kompensuvati perevischennya svoїh vitrat scho pov'yazanі s vіdshkoduvannyam zbitkіv have vipadkah, if factual zbitkovіst strahovoї sumi for views on strahuvannya zvіtny perіod perevischuє ochіkuvany rіven zbitkovostі, yaky uzyato basis for rozrahunku tarifnoї rate for CIM strahuvannya views. In the case of the fate of the despotism, the reserve is prone to rape on the offspring of the result of the insurance disbursement of the insurrection, in the case of zlotkovi znogo viluchayutsya kosti for pokrtya zbitkiv, scho pozhyazany zі zdiysnennyaam insurrectionary operations.

Що ж to reserve zbitkіv, then fіksyuyutsy sumi witches, yakі perebachayutsya for insurance vipadkami, scho come to zakinchennya fіnansovogo fate.

Pіdstavoyu forformavannya reserve zbitkіv є zabezpechennya mozhnostyі vіdshkaduvati izbitki v majbutnomu periodi za vypadvimi vipadkami. In practice, insurance coverage of insurance for insured rizikami rally insurance policy is not vidrazu, and after a busy hour. So, viznachenny reserve zhitku mozhna podiliti on kilka etapiv. The first stage is the insurance policy of the insurance: the insurer does not take back the information about the yogi nastannya і rozmіr zbitku not vyznacheniy. On the other stage - the insurer on the posting of the insurer about the vipadok, a kind instructor, in the journalist's office, zbitkiv fіksue insurance sumu for giving contracts insurance. The offensive of the stage is the actual occupation of the cattle. І rest of the stage - rozraunok zі inshkalnikom for zbitkami, scho claimed. Otzhe, reserve zbitkіv поділяється на резер збитків, що began, алеще не відомі (IBNR); Reserve zbetkіv, sho claimed, ale shche not penetrated

Reserve zbitkiv, sho claimed, ale is not insulted , formuyutsya for zabezpechennya zobov'azan, yakі povz'yany zereklyuvannam zbitkiv for insurance vipadkami, about nastannya yakih in obromovlennuyu order boulo declared insurers. With this reserve, you can use these elements:

  • Nesnachnachikh zbitkiv, yakі rorakhovuyutsya in rozmіirі 5% vіd sum of insurance premiums;
  • Applications, as well as not affecting the zbits, tombo zbitkiv, for some of the folds of the rosaryunok insurance vidshduvannya;
  • In order to protect the zbits, tombs, zakbis, yakis claimed by the insurer and security in the registrar's registrar insured for the sake of some folds of the insurance scheme, the insurance policy is not a sham, but it's not done right now.

The value of the reservoir of zbits, which is claimed, is not inspected, is to be assigned to the skin unattended claim of the insurer. Yaksho zbitok statements, a rozmіr zbitku not vestanovleniy, for rozraunku take as much as possible zhlitka value, yak does not translate insurance Sumi.

Reserve zbitkiv, scho became, alesche not vedomi (IBNR), Formuyutsya zv'yazku z vypadkami, yaki were, ala about the fact nastannya of some insurances, not a bulletin was posted on the date of the zobov'yannya for some vikonani in the approaching vertex.

Zauvazhimo, scho dostatnogo rozmіru reserve zbitkіv (on vіdmіnu vіd reserve premiіy), na praktichi prigogtisya ne modo. Vazhko otsiniti maybutny zbitki naveit for zbikami, scho claimed, and Tim more for zbikami, yaki were, alesh not vidomi. Prothe є vis insure, for some you can accurately estimate the size of zbits. Napriklad, insurance lane, auto-hull. Alya існують і такі види страхування, як страхування цивільної відповідальності, відповідальності роботодавця, що їх зарубіжні insurers call "insurance with a dovish tail". Such a name is to be explained in the text, but the viciousness of the saboteurs can trivati ​​dovgo pislya zakinchenna contract insurance. Naslidok neschasnogo vipadku neo zahchyovorvanya can vyayvitysya through the hour. Sudovy rozglyad mozhe rotyaghtisya on kіlka місяців. Neridko buivayut obnasteni, if the insurers raspachuyut zbotki tenirіchnoї old. Naybіlsh vіdomy butt - zbitki, yakih conceited britanskі that insurers have іnshih kraїn zv'yazku s zahvoryuvannyami, scho boule viklikanі vikoristannyam in budіvelnіy spravі shkіdlivogo asbestos, IBAs have svіy hour vvazhavsya materіalom, scho not vplivaє on the Helsinki Human Health Protection. Zauvazhimo, scho actual rozmіr reserve zbitku reach in practice. For rozraunku rozmіru reserve zbitkіv, scho steel, aleshche not vedomі, існують різноманітні методи. Behind the steps of the warehouse, the stink of variuyutsya vіd velmi folding to nayprostіshih. The skin method is to lie down in a kind of fear, to show signs and to show signs of the giving.

Otzhe, the order viznachennya rozmіru tehnichnyh reserves, a kind of zastosovuyut Ukrainsky insurers, lack of attention to the obligation of insurance for dyachi at the time of the agreement agreements insurance. You can summon up to the risk of insecurity of insurance operations, platospromozhnosti insurvika.