Legal encyclopedia. Letter B


- the process of turning a person into a victim of a crime.

It is considered in an individual (V. separate subject of a particular crime) and group (multiple, summary expression of acts B.) aspects.

The structure of V. at the individual level includes: the subject of individual V. is always an individual, an immediate victim of a crime. The subject of mass V. is the totality of the victims. The object is social relations protected by criminal legislation, which have undergone socially undesirable changes, causally related to the commission of the crime. The objective side is: place, time, way of causing harm, behavior of the victim in the form of provocation, assistance, counteraction to V., consequences. B. Subjective side: motives, goals, intent or negligence of the victim, perception, awareness and attitude to results.

B. includes four levels:

1) direct victims, i.e. Individuals;

2) families;

3) collectives and organizations;

4) population of regions and regions. The virological situation is a collection

Circumstances considered as a process, including the formation of a subject with increased victim ability, precriminal situation, crime and circumstances that have developed after


Depending on the behavior of the victim, they are divided into:

1) situations objectively provoking a criminal to commit a crime. The victim's conduct consists of assault, insult, offense, humiliation, provocation, incitement, request or threat;

2) situations in which the behavior of the victim is positive, but related to the turn of the violent actions of the offender;

3) situations in which the behavior of the victim creates an objective possibility

The commission of a crime;

4) situations in which the victim's actions are aimed at causing harm to himself without the direct intervention of another person;

5) situations in which the behavior of the victim is completely neutral in terms of influencing the behavior of the offender and causing harm.

Criminological situation -

Circumstances, including the formation of the identity of the perpetrator, the precriminal situation, the crime itself and the postcriminal situation.

By the nature of the interaction of the victim and the perpetrator, the situation may be:

1) consistent;

2) inconsistent;

3) the situation of cooperation.

According to the degree and nature of understanding of the victim's prospects for the development of the situation:

1) closed situations in which the victim absolutely does not represent, what harm to him can be caused;

2) relatively closed situations in which the victim admits the possibility of causing harm to him, but is mistaken

Concerning his character;

3) open situations in which the victim foresees the possibility of causing harm to him and understands what the harm is;

4) open situations of arrogance, in which the victim understands what harm he is in danger, but unreasonably expects to prevent it.

From the attitude of the victim to the consequences of his actions and the actions of the offender:

1) negative, when the victim does not want the occurrence of the harm that ultimately takes place;

2) positive when the victim desires an objectively harmful result for him.

From the attitude of the victim to the initial circumstances of the situation, its string:

1) selected. A victim by his conduct creates the possibility of self-harm;

2) unselected. Situations in which the victim, having no choice, falls outside his will and is forced to accept the entire amount of circumstances that constitute an environment that shows his personal qualities in a certain behavior.