Legal Encyclopedia. Letter T

official secret

- Information protected by the state in its military, foreign policy, economic,

intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-investigative activity,

the distribution of which is likely to prejudice the security of the Russian Federation.

The details referred to the GT include:

1) The information in the military field:

a) on the content of the strategic and operational planning, command and control of documents on preparation and conduct of operations, strategic, operational and mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, their combat and mobilization readiness of the creation and use of mobilization resources ;

b) the plans of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation, on the directions of development of armaments and military equipment, on the content and results of the implementation of targeted programs,

research and

development work on the creation and modernization of armament and military equipment;

c) the development, technology, production, on production, on the storage of waste nuclear weapons, their parts, fissile materials used in nuclear munitions, the technical means and (or) how to protect nuclear weapons from unauthorized use, and also of nuclear power and special physical units defense value;

d) the performance characteristics and capabilities of combat use of weapons and military equipment of the properties, formulas or technologies of new types of propellants or explosives for military use;

d) on the deployment, assignment, degree of preparedness, protection regime and especially important objects, their design, construction and operation, as well as the disqualification of land, mineral resources and waters for these objects;

e) of the dislocation, the real names, organizational structure, the armament, the number of troops and the status of their

combat support, as well as the military-political and (or) operational environment;

2) information in the field of economy, science and technology:

a) on the content of the RF training plans and its individual regions for possible military action, on the mobilization capacity of industry for the manufacture and repair of weapons and military equipment, on production, shipments, inventory of strategic types of raw materials, as well as the location, actual size and the use of state material reserves;

b) the use of the RF infrastructure in order to ensure the defense capability and security of the state;

c) about the forces and means of civil defense of the dislocation, purpose and extent of security administration objects on the degree of security of the population, on the operation of transport and communications in the Russian Federation in order to ensure the security of the state;

g) of the amount of the plan (task) of the state defense order, the release and delivery (in cash or in kind

terms) of weapons, military equipment and other defense products, availability and capacity expansion for their release, the links companies cooperation of developers and manufacturers of these weapons, military equipment and other defense products;

d) the achievements of science and technology, on research, on research and development of design work and technology, with important defense or economic importance affecting the security of the state;

e) the stocks of platinum, platinum group metals, natural al Mazov in the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as on the amount of reserves in the depths, extraction, production and consumption of strategic types of mineral resources of the Russian Federation;

3) information in the field of foreign policy and the economy:

a) foreign policy, foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation, premature disclosure may harm the security of the state;

b) the financial policy in relation to foreign countries (except

generalized indicators for external debt), as well as financial or monetary activity,

premature disclosure may harm the security of the state;

4) information in the field of intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-investigative activity:

a) power tools, sources, methods, plans and results of intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-investigative activity, as well as data on the financing of these activities, if these data disclose information listed;

b) the persons who cooperate or cooperated on a confidential basis with bodies carrying out intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-search activities;

c) the organization of forces, means and methods to ensure the safety of objects of state protection, as well as on the financing of the activity data, if these data disclose information listed;

d) the system of presidential, governmental, encrypted, including coded and secure communication, oh, oh ciphers

development, manufacture of ciphers and provide them, on the methods and means of the analysis of cryptographic means and means special protection of information-analytical systems for special purposes;

d) the methods and means of protection of classified information;

e) about the organization and about the actual protection status G. T .;

g) on ​​the Protection of the State Border of the Russian Federation, the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Russian Federation;

h) of the federal budget the costs associated with providing the defense, state security and law enforcement in the Russian Federation;

and) on training, revealing the activities carried out in order to ensure the security of the state.

The information related to the GT, the degree of secrecy is divided into:

1) information of special importance, which should be classified information in the field of defense, foreign policy, economic,

scientific, technical, intelligence,

counterintelligence and operational-investigative activity, the distribution of which may

harm the interests of the Russian Federation in one or more of the following areas;

2) top secret information to which information should be included in the military,

counterintelligence and operational-investigative activity, the distribution of which may harm the interests of the ministry (department) or the sector of the Russian economy in one or more of the following areas;

3) classified information, to which should be classified as all other information of the number of data constituting GT detriment of Russia's Security in this case is considered to be damage caused to the interests of the enterprise, institution or organization in the military, foreign policy, economic, scientific, technical,

intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-investigative activity of the area.

Do not reclassified GT and classifying information:

1) of emergencies and catastrophes that threaten the safety and health of citizens, and their consequences, as well as natural disasters, their official forecasts and consequences;

foreign policy, science and technology,

economic, intelligence,

2) on the state of the environment, public health, sanitation, demography, education, culture, agriculture, as well as on the state of crime;

3) on the privileges, compensation and benefits provided by the state to citizens, officials, enterprises, institutions and organizations;

4) the facts of violation of rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

5) about the size of gold reserves and foreign exchange reserves of the Russian Federation government;

6) on the health status of senior officials of the Russian Federation;

7) on the facts of violations of the law by public authorities and their officials.

Admission of officials and citizens to GT includes:

1) the assumption of obligations to the state for nonproliferation entrusted to them information constituting G. T .;

2) consent to partial, temporary restriction of their rights;

3) written consent to the holding in respect of their authorities verification activities;

4) determining the species, size and order of granting of privileges;

5) familiarize with the rules of the Russian legislation on the GT, providing for responsibility for the violation;

6) the decision by the head of the government, enterprises, institutions or organizations for admission is made out of a person to information constituting GT

Persons with dual citizenship, stateless persons and persons of foreign nationality, emigrants and re-emigrants are allowed to information constituting GT, only after checking measures authorities

Federal Security Service.

The grounds for refusal of an official or a citizen of admission to the GT can be:

1) a court declaring him incapable, partially capable or recidivist, finding him under investigation or on trial for the state and other serious crimes, the presence of his unwithdrawn convictions for these crimes;

2) the presence of his medical contraindications for using

information constituting G. T .;

3) The permanent residence of himself and (or) his relatives abroad, and (or) registration of the said persons travel documents for permanent residence in other states;

4) identification of activities as a result of verification activities is issued the person can endanger the safety of the Russian Federation;

5) avoidance of its verification activities and (or) telling them false personal data.

For officials and citizens admitted to GT on a permanent basis, the following benefits shall be established:

1) Interest salary increments, depending on the degree of secrecy of the information to which they have access;

2) pre-emptive right, ceteris paribus on leaving at work during the public authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations organizational and (or) staff actions.

Admission of official or citizen to the GT may be terminated by a decision of the head of state authority, enterprise, institution or organization


1) termination of an employment agreement (contract) in connection with the organization and (or) staff actions;

2) a single violation of the commitments provided for the employment agreement (contract) obligations related to the protection of the G. T .;

3) the occurrence of circumstances which are the basis for denying an official or a citizen to admit to GT

For violation of the GT is a criminal offense.

The grounds for the declassification of information are:

1) to take the Russian Federation's international obligations for an open exchange of information constituting in Russia G. T .;

2) a change in objective circumstances, as a result of which the further protection of information constituting GT is inappropriate.