Legal encyclopedia. Letter D


Lubovye institution - a class of local self-government, established on the basis of a lip service and in order to guide the county and the implementation within its limits of judicial and police functions.

The name "labial" comes from the "lip" -administrative-territorial formation in the Moscow state in the 16th century.

The development and creation of lab institutions dates back to the 1930s. XVI century. As a result of the reform of local self-government (its inception in 1539).

The reasons that triggered the reform of local self-government:

1) the previously existing system of feeding on the ground hampered the further centralization of the state apparatus;

2) constant urban unrest in the 40's. XVI century;

3) arbitrariness of local authorities;

4) dissatisfaction with the existing management system of the entire population of cities and townships,

Including the local nobility.

The reform of local self-government is connected with the decree of Ivan IV "Tsar's sentence about feeding and about services" (1555-1556). This decree abolished the system of feeding and introduced a new system of local self-government everywhere: labial and zemstvo institutions.

Lubnye institutions were organized on the basis of lab certificates. Lip institutions initially performed mainly judicial functions: they considered the most serious criminal cases withdrawn from the conduct of governors and volostels.

Lip institutions were initially formed in each province from existing local institutions


Even in its heyday, the institutions did not spread throughout the territory of the Moscow State, for example, they were not established in the northern provinces.

With the development of the system of labial institutions, lip districts were formed in each county. The labial departments were run by the labial district.

Lubnye departments were class-based self-government bodies and were called labial huts.

The composition of the labial hut consisted of:

1) the labial elder (he was elected from boyars or boyar children at the general congress of the county);

2) the elders, the Titus, the best people-tselovalniki (they were with the labial elder and exercised their current powers, they were elected by the Sotsky at the congress of the district);

3) deacon (he was with the elders, the tenth and the best people, he was elected by all present at the congress of all classes of the county).

The listed persons were initially elected indefinitely, but from the XVII century. Tselovalniki began to be elected annually at the general congress of the county.

The zemstvo and labial authorities were elected from among the entire rural population, except for servicemen, and then took the oath in the order of local government in Moscow. As a result of the election, an election protocol was drawn up, which was approved in Moscow in the corresponding order.

Competence of labial tubes:

1) criminal police functions: capture of criminals, trial of robbers, murderers, arsonists;

2) control of the labial region;

3) financial and administrative issues of the district;

4) in some cities - command and control of the troops, voivodship (this was done by the foremen).

Sometimes lip questions were decided at congresses of representatives of all classes of the county: princes, boyar children, clerics and peasants. These congresses had the right to decide the issues of the formation (election) of the labial authorities.