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Polіtichna ekonomіya - Krivenko KT

3.4.2. Tsivіlіzatsіyny pіdhіd to klasifіkatsії ekonomіchnih systems.

The prophets have ostannі vіtchiznyanіy ekonomіchnіy nautsі dedalі vazhlivіshe Location posіdaє tsivіlіzatsіyny pіdhіd, yaky in іnshomu viznachaє zakonomіrnі stupenі rozvitku ekonomіchnoї system.

Vіdmіnna rice lyudskoї tsivіlіzatsії - її gumanіstichna spryamovanіst. Zadovolennya potreb Helsinki Human Je kіntsevoyu metoyu virobnitstva. Zadovolennya require of their Cherga narodzhuє novі require for zadovolennya yakih potrіben away rozvitok virobnitstva. Otzhe, superechnіst mіzh require that іnteresami Helsinki Human, s one side, i rіvnem rozvitku virobnitstva - s another VZAYEMODIYA mіzh them Yea, yak zaznachalosya in temі 2 rushіynoyu power ekonomіchnogo Progreso, tobto rozvitku suspіlnogo virobnitstva i Helsinki Human. Person of - not deprivation cephalic productive force virobnitstva, ale i yogo bezposerednya meta.

Sistematizuyuchim Elements tsivіlіzatsіynogo method Je rozvitok productive forces i takoї їh skladovoї, yak tehnologіchny sposіb virobnitstva. Vіn yavlyaє him znaryaddya pratsі in poєdnannі s materіalami, tehnologіyami, energієyu, іnformatikoyu that organіzatsієyu virobnitstva.

In doіndustrіalnu Epoch panuvalo natural sіlskogospodarske virobnitstvo that Domashnya promislovіst. For tsogo perіodu characteristic CCB nerozrivny phone reception Helsinki Human s natural minds.

In protsesі promislovoї revolyutsії Bulo zdіysneno tehnіchny coup yaky polyagav in virobnitstvі machines for Relief machines that in the great machine organіzatsії virobnitstva. Z'yavilisya factories, plants, mines, zalіznitsі, avtomobіlі, elektrichna energіya, hіmіchna Produkciya. By Tim Bulo target tehnologіchny sposіb virobnitstva, yaky viznachav nastannya i rozvitok іndustrіalnoї Epoch, іndustrіalnogo suspіlnogo virobnitstva.

Glibokі zmіni into productive forces zooms іstotnі zmіni in ekonomіchnih vіdnosinah. Slavery System i krіposnitstva zamіnyuєtsya NKVD Yurydychna Helsinki Human liberty.

In drugіy polovinі twentieth century. rozgornulasya NAUKOVO-tehnіchna revolyutsіya, yak zooms glibokі yakіsnі zrushennya in zasobah virobnitstva. Vaughn viznachila perehіd productive forces to a new process for tehnologіchnogo virobnitstva, if knowledge, science, іnformatsіya stayut mainly Jerel ekonomіchnogo pіdnesennya i vіdkrivayut novі mozhlivostі zrostannya efektivnostі Economy. Ekonomіka vstupaє in postіndustrіalnu Epoch.

So rite for tsivіlіzatsіynim pіdhodom E can vidіliti three tipi ekonomіchnih systems:

Agriculture, abo traditsіynu;



In traditsіynіy ekonomіtsі panіvnim Bulo sіlske Gospodarstwa is the natural character virobnitstva. For іndustrіalnoї Economy panіvnoyu Je promislovіst and zagalnoyu Form organіzatsії virobnitstva Je trademark virobnitstvo. For postіndustrіalnoї ekonomіchnoї system is based Je nematerіalne virobnitstvo, іnformatsіya i knowledge. Obviously, for tsogo type Economy pochinaєtsya postupove vіdmirannya inventory penny i rinkovih vіdnosin.

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