Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

Theme 5. Forms of organisation of a susceptible vibrobitvita

5.1. Naturally, the virbitnut and the yogi in the historical development of the Suspisia

Sutnist and Risi natural wealth. Home promyslovist. Історичні межі натуральної форма оргаізації виробництва.

5.1.1. Sutnist and Risi natural wealth.

The natural type of vibro - nism is a type of statehood, in a kind of vibro, it is straightforwardly aimed at the satisfaction of the needs of the needs of the vibrobnitz. For natural gosodarstv characteristic є ekonomichna zamknutist. Tse means, so tsoi gosartarstva povnistyu abo mayzhe pohnistyu izoljuvav themselves vid suspilnogo podilu pratsi. Naturally, the mercy of the merchandise is more flexible than the commodity, the yak vibrolya products for sale.

In the capacities of the natural state, there are also economy measures :

1) Gospodarska Odinitsa do not take part in the Suspilny Podolі praci, hocha ostanne mozhe mati pervnyi stestin rozvitku i vikoristvuyutsya bіlshuyu chіmenshoy kіlkіsty іnshih gospodarskikh oditnits. Prior to the distribution of the first-communal fret and the first-largest of the great subspecies of the sushilnaya prac in natural state, the boule is absolutely a form of yogo organisation in the community;

2) kozhne naturnoe gosdarstvo namagaetsya virobljati neobhіdnі zhittievi zasobi, tobto fund zhit'eviхh blessings for the virgin and members yogo sіm'ї. Tse fund vystupaye zazobom people before zhittya, vidtvorennya їх;

3) vyrobi vibrobyatvva vibrolyayutsya bezsedredno in gospodarskij odimnitsy zim, shob vibrobitnitsva buv zabezpecheny not tilki zemneynymi resursy, and i zakobami vibrobitntsva, stvoreni in danyom gosdarstvі.

The economical basis of a natural state is і сільське годарство і домашня промисловість.

Domashnaya promyslovіst is a virobnitsvo in sylskom gospodarstvi prefabricated products for special and vibrobnychogo spozhivannya. Vogotovlyayutsya stony iz sirovini, yaka dobuvaetsya chi vibrolyaetsya in tsyomu gordarnsti. Home promysli є neobhidnoyu warehousing natural state. Varto mother on uvazi, scho homemade promiklovіst vinikla in the epoch of the first communal harmony, in the bolshosty narodiv na stadії neolіtu, if the galleys of the earthquake і тваринництва were formed. Domashnaya Promishlivost hunted so viribnitsva, yak kovals'ke, pottery, weaving, carpentry. The great value was filled with a refill in the boundaries of the state of the product of the earthquake and the tvarinnitsva, vizgotovlennya vzuttya, odyagu, obektiv hutnogo vzhtiku. Naybіlsh early and universal kinds of domestic promyslovosty Buli: woodwork, shkir, felt, wicker baskets, virvok, vygotovlennya zabobov ribolovstva, promissivnyh sіlskogospodarskih znaryad.

Domashnya promislovіst bula storkovoi ekonomiki dokapitalovistchnyh ekonomichnyh formatsіy, especially feudal. Suspisstvo, in which I saw the natural way of government, was stored in the mas of roses and roses, to finish the odnoridnyh gosdarskih oditnits, the skin of which was itself vidotobleniy, zakkneny svit: patriarchalne gosdarstvo, primitive sylska community, feudal matyok.

The historical meaning of the natural state of the land is in that:

1) vno є istorichno the first type gospodarskoj діяльності people;

2) the first priorities of statehood were revealed: earthquake and creature;

3) on the basis of home-made promyslovosty, there were understood the names for the handicrafts of handicrafts and handicrafts, and for the new great subdivision of the sushilnik princess;

4) ludina vpern ovolodіla vibroknitsva vobrobnitva vobrobnitva for graveyard, tvarinnitsva і domno proizmoslovosti;

5) rozshirene zastosuvannya priimotnikh zasobliv pratsi і postulok igoskonalennya pіdnosili productiv pravtsi v sistemі natural gosdarstv.

5.1.2. Історичні межі натуральної форма оргаізації виробництва.

Історично кінцевою межею натурального виробництва як єдиної і абсолютної форма є перший суспільний поділ праці. The stepping out of the natural boundary of the natural form of the vibrobitvita is the postponement of the craft in the home industry. Кнцевоею історичною межею натуральної форма господарювання є feodalnyy sposіб виробництва . And vzagali, elemeni natural vibrobitvta zavzhdi zberigayutsya there, de є selyanske gosodarstvo. Same in the villages of serfs, zberіgaєtsya і domany promyslovist.