Фінансова статистика - Shustikov A.A.

4.2. Statistica vivchennya otnagu, the warehouse and the dynamics of credit contributions, and credit resources

Loan receivables will be for the minds and loans of credit resources and credit deposits. The credit resources are stored in the kostyv bankov, timchasovo vіlnyh groshovih koshtіv buduyu, pіdpriemstv ta organizatsіy і populjannya. Кошти банків складаються зі статуі, reserve and special fund; Кошти підприємств та оргаізацій - із розшків коштів на розрахункових рахунках підприємств, on рахунках по капітальних вкладднях, з коштів замовників для розрахунків виконання будівельних, науково-дослідних і проектно-дослідних робіт, and також коштів у розрахунках. The Koshti population is characterized by shading of koshtiv on rahunks in the territory of the commercial and banking establishments. Кошти банків, тимчасово вільні грошові кошти бюджетних оргаізацій, народного господарства, поселення, страхових оргаізацій і Resource від зовнішньоекономічної діяльності в сукупності складають позичковий фонд держави .

The credit resources of receivables are the sukupnist of credit koshtivs, the illusions for the financial security of the yoga function. Залучення крединих ресурсів для поповнення обігових коштів збільшує сукупний дохід за рахунок віддачі залучіх коштів, підвищення ефективності власних обігових коштів, що дооляляє підприємству ефективніше здійснювати гярдарсько-фінансову діяльність. The credit resources of receipts can be formed on the basis of the consumer in them for the formation of obovgovi koshtiv (vibropicheskih stocks, stock of finished products for those commodity stocks, for financing of their own virgin needs), and for satisfying the investment needs.

The main tasks of the statutory security of form are those of the credit resources of the organizations,

  • Дослідженні крединих ресурсів як елемента фінансових ресурсів підприємств;
  • Analizi vlivu mehanizmu zaluchchennia credit resources on efektivnist functitsionuvannya pіdpriєmstva;
  • Analizi vpilu factor in the call of the mediocrity and internal parameters on the peninsula schodo zaluchchennia poschkovyh koshtiv;
  • Обґрунтуванні управлінських рішень щодо залучення крединих ресурсів.

Loan deposits are the positives, which are imposed on the bank's regulations on property, organi- zations and population for vibro-social and social development. In order to characterize the credit statistics, the credit statistics are viscous for the displays of rozmir, the warehouse, the dynamics of the credit resources and the credit contributions, the loan contributions are drawn up in the form of a vibrobitvtva oath, the capital contribution, the price of commodity-material values.

To characterize the oath of loan contributions, the day of the visa is shown in the zabolkiv zaborgovnosty rozmіr vidnih і redemption posychok. Залишки заборгованості у звітності показують за станом на визначену дата. For vstanovlenya srednednіh zalishkіv credit zastosovuyutsya serednya chronologichna

Залишки заборгованості ,

De Middle litter - the middle lining of the loan; Yn - the lining of the loan at the time of n ; N - number of minutes.

4.3. Показники обіговості кредиту і методих їх аналізу

Statistics вивчає ефективність використання позичок, що харакється їх обіговістю. Рівень обіговості кредиту вимірюється:

1) trivalistyu vikoristan short-line loan;

2) kількістю обороів, які здійснює credit for the active period.

Trivalval korostuvannya short-term loan (t) viznachaetsya for the formula

Trivalley korostuvannya short-term loan ,

De Middle litter - the middle lining of the loan; О n - the turnover of the loan from repayment; D - the number of calendar days at the end.

Tsei otpryaznik characterized the average number of days in which the loan is paid. Він є by the size of an obozgovostі pozhichki: chim menshe trivalіst korostuvannya credit, tim menshe pozhich znadochitsya bank for lending to one th th the same vіrobnitsvva.

The number of revolutions in a loan ( n ) is calculated by pressing the turnover of the pose for repayment on the middle deck:

Loan repayment .

The economical sense of the display of the field is in that, vio vin characterize the number of turnovers, zdiscounting short-term credit for the visions period.

Rіvenь обіговоговоі pozchok mozhna обчисти також за даними про їх тичу. Вивчення швидкості обіговості за сукупністю господарських oditsyk здійснюється shlash zastosuvannya індексного методу: індексів середніх величин і агрегатних.

For the characterization of the Middle Triviality, the short-stemmed loan is to be stuck with a loan: the index of the warehouse, the index of the warehouse warehouse, and the structural zrushen.

The index of a large warehouse in the middle of a trivalous corridor is short-stemmed with a loan to be calculated for a formula

The index of the warehouse of the middle trivalous korostuvannya short-term loan ,

De m - one-time turnover in repayment of a loan, that is, yak One-time turnover in repayment of credit ; Then trivalval korostuvannya short-term loan, you can viznachiti for the formula


Thus, K = tm , and Short-stemmed loan .

On the value of the index to the warehouse, there are two factors that can be built into the warehouse: zmіna trivalosty korostuvannya short-necked loan, with a loan of odnicki sukistnosti, and takozh pitoma vaga one-double turnover in repayment of okremiks odinnits sukostnosti in zagalniy yogo magnitudes for all the purchases.

The index of a fictitious warehouse is to be developed for a formula

The index of a fictitious warehouse is to be constructed .

The index of structural zeros can be understood as the formula

The index of structural zrushen .

Absolute pririst middle trivalosty korostuvannya credit:

A) for rajunok індивідуальних meaning trivaloval credit:

Absolute pririst serednyogo trivalov

B) for the rakhunok structural zrusen in one-step rotation from the discharge:

Rajunok structural zrushen .

Foreclosure absolute pririst middle trivalosty korostuvannya credit can be marked with a hat vidnimannya z cziersnik znamennika індексу змінного a warehouse, tobto

Index of mean values .

It is guided by a stock in the middle of the indices of the middle values.

Table 4.1



The average lumps of credit, million UAH.

Repayment of loans, million UAH.

Basic ric

Звітний рік

Basic ric

Звітний рік
















Rozrauєmo pokazaniki trivalostі korostuvannya short-tiered credit that one-turn turnover from the repayment of the kozhnі galuzі promislovostі (induced in Table 4.2).

Table 4.2.



Odnodobovy turnover from repayment, billion UAH.

Trivalov korostuvannya credit, dniv


Звітний рік Звітний рік

Basic ric Азисний рік

Звітний рік Trivalval cinnamon


150/360 = 0.417









In the case of two galleys





The index of middle trivalous corridivities with a loan to a warehouse:

Індекс середньої тривалостіі

Absolute pririst middle trivalosty korostuvannya short-term loan:

Absolute pririst serednyogo trivalov

Tobto Serednaya trivalval korostuvannya short-row loan in two galleys promislovosti in zvіtnomu periodov porіvnyano z basisnym zmenshilas 1,7%. It is possible to get a visa, but the efficiency of a loan with a loan has failed.

The index of the average triviality of the korostuvannya with the credit of a fictitious warehouse:

The index of middle trivalous corridivaniyas by a credit to a warehouse warehouse

Absolute pririst mid-trivalovі korostuvannya credit for rahunok zmіni trivalovali in okremih galuzah:

Absolute pririst middle trivalosty korostuvannya credit

Tobto serednya trivalval korostuvannya short-line loan on two galleys promislovosti in the first week of the week, baseline was reduced by 0.07% for rakhunok zmіni trivalosty korostuvannya short-line loan on okremi galuzah promyslovosty.

The index of structural zrushen:

The index of structural zrushen

Absolute pririst mid-triviality korostuvannya credit inherits structural stalks in a one-day turn of a repayment to become:

Absolute pririst middle trivalosty korostuvannya credit

In this way, the trivality of the korostuvannya was short-rowed by a short-term loan in two guluzes. The number of promissory notes in the prior period was depreciated by 1.8% for a raunch of structural zrushen, the slab of a one-stage turn was slashed, the yarn was small in the basic period of a short-term loan.

The turnover of the loan from the repayment of damages for the number of revolutions and the average payment to the loan: Chim, the capital, the position after the number of revolutions, the time for the least of the rational minds, the greater the turnover of turnover from repayment. On the side of the side, if the zarastatum is in the middle of the embankment, the positon, then zbilshuvatimsya turn of the loan to pay off. Call of the cich at the show is possible to evolve such rivnyannam:

At statics Loan turnover ;

At a dynamic Loan turnover from repayment ; Loan turnover from repayment .

Statistical analiziz peredachaє zagalnu otsіnku efektivnostі credit, and takozh kіlkіsne vimirjuvannya magnitudes vplyiv okremih factoriv on rіchny vіvod (prіrist) produkії abo pributku. Yakschoo cognize the rosemary of a given loan to a person K , a rnichniy vypusk (pririst) produktsii (pributku) - litiroju Q , then rіvenь efektivnostі ( E ) can be represented by such a rank:

Statistical analisis

The release (pririst) of products (pributku) mozhe bouti otrimaniy u vozrasti rozvitie efektivnostі creditu yoga rozmiru.

Growth of credit efficiency ; Growth of credit efficiency .