Розіщення productive forces and регіоналістика - Стеченко Д.М.

7.2. The essence and principle of the natural resource resource potential

In bagatoh dovіdkovih Vidanov ponyattya "potentsіal" viznachaєtsya yak sukupnіst usіh mozhlivih zasobіv, zapasіv, Jerel scho Yea in nayavnostі th mozhut Buti vikoristanі for dosyagnennya pevnoї methylation. Resource viznachayut takozh yak zapasi, tsinosti, groshivi zapasi, mozlovisti.

Understanding of the " natural resource potential ", unappealing to inform broadly in the science of literature, not unequivocal tlumachenya. Often nearer to nyogo znachennі zastosovuyot termi "natural", "natural-teritorialny", "bioresursny" tochno. However, one should not understand the rizna behind the oath, parameters, and often і zmіistom.

Natural-resource potential - the reality is real, it is characterized by the dynamic nature of natural resources. W one side - ob'єkti, Sealy Nature, Yakima pritamannі pevnі Zakoni funktsіonuvannya rozvitku i and s іnshogo - Elements, scho vіdbivayut ekonomіchnі vіdnosini i vplivayut on rіven produktivnostі suspіlnoї pratsі. Він визначає можзнасті, які можна використовувати тепер і в майбутньому з змію економічного зростання, поліпшення умов житєдіяльності populated area and complex development of the region. However, I do not have the right to lay my hand on the Uzbezhuyutsya abo zbigayutsya z ponatetiam "natural-resource potentsial."

Productivity of natural resources is to be realized in the middle of bargaining chinnikiv, in the middle of which there is a primary role to play in ecology and economics.

Termin "ekologo-ekonomichny potentiіal" is ported from the beginning to the understanding of the nature of the basic processes of the system "nature - the state - the population - the teritory."

Regionalno-tsіlіsniy pіdhіd up to the complex development of the statehood of the kraine can be addressed to the Sama for the needs of the natural resource takologo-ekonomichnogo potentsialyv (Figure 7.1).

Character zavdan regіonalnogo rozvitku productive forces Taqiy, Shcho in skin sub'єkta upravlіnnya formuєtsya its Dumka about gospodarsky complex teritorії schodo resource mozhlivostey that napryamіv їhnoї realіzatsії. Regіonalno-tsіlіsny pіdhіd potrebuє peredusіm system analіzu natural resursіv yak Basics of rozvitku Galuzo promislovostі, virobnichoї іnfrastrukturi, sіlskogospodarskogo virobnitstva, seredovischa zhittєdіyalnostі that rekreatsіynoї dіyalnostі.

Viyavlennya stіykih zv'yazkіv, SSMSC vinikayut mіzh rіznimi lokalіzovanimi teritorії Some of the elements in the i Resource suspіlnogo Gospodarstwa Jerel, daє zmogu viznachiti zasobi planomіrnogo vplivu on prirodnі resources i navkolishnє seredovische, regulyuvati natural gospodarsku zbalansovanіst. Ці tendentії слід аналізувати щдно впливу на розвиток productive forces і and free vrbivnitsu vibrobitvtva on nature.

Dotrimannya principle in the field of natural resources and potentsiala povyazane with wide vprovazhenzhennyam in the practice of managing ekologo-ekonomichnogo pidhodu. Yogo sutnist polagae in the succulent vzaimnomu rozglyadі ekologicheskih eekonomichnyh protsessiv і явищ.

Prior to the basic principles and specific features of the global nature conservation, you can:

The balance of natural resources;

Neobhіdnіst region of vzaemnogo vplyu components in the midst of the mediocrity;

Optimally spnivnodoshennya mіzh іtensivnim taextensivnim vikoristannyam teritorії th natural resources;

Alignment of nature conservancy systems, yakі prokomozhni pіdtrimuvati mіsceviy ekologicheskiy balance.

Natural-resource basis for the development of productive forces

Fig. 7.1. Natural-resource basis for the development of productive forces

The process of formulating the mechanism of management of the natural resources of the vic- tories requires the healing of the specialties of the middle peasantry and the advance of the yogic nature. Pevny hour nakkolishnye mezhzhe zovnishnho not reaguvati on anthropogenous vplyiv. Protecting the piles of zabudnichnyh components mozhliva retsitsya u viglyadі zmіni uchasti nakkolishnogo sredovischa. Bezsedredno zinertsinistyu taka taka lawrninn of nature-gospodarskih systems, yak vzemodіya її pіdsistem for herds. It is cumulatively distributed in the natural environment until self-replicating.

It is possible to formulate the principles for practical purposes of the principle of rationality of the natural resource potential: stadіynostі, terriotіalії diferentsіcіїі, optimіnostі.

The principle of stadeness in the development of natural resources in the field of differentiation in the different areas of the country, the hunting and the adherence to the different stages of the life cycle. Yogo can be zastosuvati with virіshennі nourishment of the hunting of the middle peasants in the zabrudnennya ta otsynyuvanni permissive norms of the plunder of the ecologic rivnovagi. Otsnika trivalostyi mastery of natural resources for the redusions of the galaxies is to be admissible to the camp of the vast natural middle ground.

The principle of territorial differentiation of natural and resource potential of the territory means urahuvannya stepping up the regionalnyh chinnikiv to the development of economy of the region. Filling in with the principle of letting shame:

Viznachiti prіоритетні spheres in the economy of the skin regimen and on the basis of vibuduvati system of nature-conservative approaches;

Korostuvatisya method poryvnyannya with vivchennі analogіchnikh regіonіv;

Zastosovuvati method of cartography and statistics for kilkisnym vimiryugvannya peredvoren nature of the state of the past regimes.

The principle of optimality regulates the distribution of anthropogenic zmіn of the mediocrity. Pid them slіd rozumіti Taqiy obmіn rechovin mіzh virobnitstvom i navkolishnіm natural seredovischem, yaky zdіysnyuєtsya for zadovolennya potreb suspіlstva in the natural resources of the minds mіnіmalnih vitrat suspіlnoї pratsі, ratsіonalnogo rozpodіlu i vikoristannya natural resursіv that zberezhennya zadovіlnogo will navkolishnogo natural seredovischa.

Realizatsiya tsikh prilozhiv mozhliva tilki for umov vrahuvannya usih Functional and structural zv'yazyv natural-resource potentcialu teritorii yak ob'ekta upravlennya.