Міжнародні розрахунки та валюні операції - Savluk M.І.

5.1.6. Accreditation

Sposіb vikonannya accredit , so itself, yak і viznachennya avisuyuchogo i vikonyuichogo bankov, be established in advance to the design of the accreditation and nayavnosty from the bank-emit korrespondentkih rahunkyv for the cordon. Termin of the day of the accreditation is to be, as a rule, a microentrepreneurship of a bank of letters.

For the exporter of that importer, the procedure of the accreditation of the accreditation is a bagatonal process, which is stored in the same way as the transfer of the document. Після того як експортер у строк відправв товар або надав відповідні послуги, він ретельно перевіряє відповідність документаів умоввам акредитива.

The seller, and the pot and bank of the exporter, must obey the letter, all documents in the truth, do not crumble the minds of the accreditation, and do not superpose one to one. The purpose of the loan is to pay the bank, accept the application for receiving the non-accreditation of documents, to adhere to the principles of strict adherence to the documents of the ambassador of the accreditation and the pre-trinitarian terminology of the vikonannya.

The principle of strict adherence to documents is meant, but the bank is forced to revert to the text of the submitting documents in the text of the minds of the accreditation and can not pay the documents for the documents that are posted to the accredited document. Navyat yakshcho the main part of the vikonan's wages is due to the contract, the bank is guilty of arranging to deprive the documents, whichever is absolutely necessary to accredit. Documents, yaki for znovnyshnymi signs to regulate one to one, rozglyadayutsya yak takіi, scho not vidpovidayut for zvnіshnіmi knowledge of the minds of the accreditation. Yakshto will be filed for re-negotiation of documents, they are not included in the accreditation, the stink is not re-negotiated by the bank. The bank of the bankruptcy agency has the right to postpone the transfer to the importer without visas for the correctness of the decorations.

The principle of suvorogo doktrannya terminіvі vimagєє, shоob is indicated in the accreditation date of the term for the filing of documents and the remainder of the goods in the goods has been severely дотримувались. For documents that are written in the form of the term, the bank does not have the right to pay. Yaksho in accreditation is not charged with the remainder of the date of filing the documents, then the registration of the document with the date of the termination of the accreditation. Термін між датами видачі відвантажувальних документацииів та їх подання in the bank is guilty of becoming a maximum of 21 days, yakshcho accreditation is not pogobacheno bіlshy promіzhok hour.

Yakshcho the date of registration of the term of accreditation falls on vihіdnі abo sacred days, then the term of submission of documents is pending before the approaching robotic day. At the same time banks do not accept transport documents, yakih ostavizyatsya bіlsh пізня date їх видачі, ніж date закінчення терміну акредитива. Останньої дати відвантаження, зафіксованої в акредитиві, таке подовження не стосується, і термін 21 день за акредитивом, який не має кінцевої дати відвантаження, не подовжується.

Pіd the hour of the transfer of the documents submitted by the beneficiaries of documents to the vic- nous bank, which can be drawn up with the mandates of the accreditation in any form. Until such differences lie:

  • Incorrectly issued transport documents;
  • Відсутість at the transport documentі вказівок about payment of the freight of the transport transport costs;
  • Wrong sums of money to pay for the credit;
  • Страхування пізніше дати відвантаження товару;
  • The characteristic of a commodity in a rahunka is not an admission of the accreditation;
  • Vaga і tsіna to goods, shоо вказані в документах, не відповідають мотов акредитива;
  • In rahunku vkazany vitrati, not peredachcheni umyvami accreditation;
  • Not submitted by the actual documents of the license of the kolkist їх copies.

A bank that can not be taken can not take the documents to vikonannya. Documents poveratyutsya Beneficiary on doopratsyuvannya for re-registration of the spruce special sheet in yakomu vkazuyutsya vsyavleni rozbizhnosti. Takozh poveratyutsya on doopratsyuvannya beneficiary і document, submitted before the payment of the registration of the term of the day of the credit.

At the same time, in the case of a bankruptcy vipadkiv, an alternative is to be rejected, the secrecy of verifying the document is to be limited to the economic interests of the beneficiaries, so that it is purchased. On the practicality of the three basic principles of the revolution:

  • Bank-correspondent pododomlyaєe bank-emitentu on telex about nevіdpovіdnіst і and ask yogo all the right to settle the payment;
  • The correspondent bank will appeal to the beneficiary to amend the documents in the bank-issuer at the bank. At tsiomu raz kokupets, razprotivshi vartіst to the goods, стає володарем документаів;
  • A correspondent bank can pay for the documents "in a state of mind". Якщо закупець або Банк-емітент not to declare about its readiness to pay for documents, yakі мають недоліки, бенефіціар збовіяязаний rotate the sum of the credit to the bank (including сommercial loans and receipts). Застеження знімається, тобто плаіж вважається закінченим, якщо покупець або bank-emіtіnt приймаєй documents з повійні згодою (не ровить зауважень).

Odnією з ммоливих розбіжностей є перевитрата sumi акредитива. Yakshto accredit to be allowed to pay the goods for 10-vidsotkovym vidhilennyam vіd yogo vartostі, suma perevitrati mozhe bouti plachaća in tsikh rozmіryah z rahunku pokazodavtsya akreditiva automatically, ali tilki todi, yakshcho dokumentov perebuivayut povnіy vidpovіdnostі s umkovami accreditiv. Іnakshe with pre-trimmed all інших minds акредитива працівник виконуючого банку здійснює payment of documents at the boundaries of koshtіv коштів на акредитиві, and one-hundred-rub remuneration is charged with the penalty of accreditation. Ostannyy u tsіy situatsії mozhe dates zgodu for payment of re-zy svoogo rahunku in bank-emitiy, z yakogo buv accredits akreditiv, chi zbilshiti sumu akreditiva on payment of re-invitations, abo dates of the construction of the bank-issuer, the bank, the bank, the document, yaki pokrivayut sumu perevitrat, For payment on the basis of a bank account, apply for payment of a re-invoice, and for an additional bank-issuer and bank, turn the beneficiary without paying the documents, but curry the sum of the re-invoice.

At vipadka, if the document is being reissued from the reasons for the previous reasons, you are not able to settle on the side of the beneficiary, the rest is able to decorate the decree, and you can hide the document in documents.

  • Beneficiary zayozoyatsya z pozavodavtsem akreditiva і ask yogo osnovnovazhiti bank-emitent to deposit in the letter of accreditation te chi іnshі zmіni, іo dіsto zmіgu to bring the documents in accordance with the amendments with the mandates of the accreditation (podovzhiti termіn dії акредитива, подовжити термін відвантаження товар, змінити інші умови) ; Mozhlove takozh prohannya about the acceptance of documents with differences.
  • Beneficiary requesting a vikonoychy bank autonomously and for a rake of a beneficiary by telex through SWIFT channels zvernutsya to the bank-issuer with prokhanjam to make necessary changes in the letter of accreditation to the date of the award of the accreditation for the payment of such documents, not zvazhayuchi on the margin.
  • The Beneficiary pіd its guaranty to request a bank for the liquidation of the wives of the payment, for the sake of the vikonoychy bank, the bank-issuer із zobov'yatnyamam on Pershu vimogu z boku nakozodavtsya akreditiva zadovolniti for rakhunok beneficiary vsya pretzії, shо виникають.
  • The Beneficiary may provide documentation for the bank to the bank to the address of the bank without payment - to the bank, the bank-issuer when such documents are provided to the taxpayer, after the self-financing of the yoga self-sacrifice, the pittance of the urchin pay.

Zauvazhimo, sho bank-emit mie right vistaviti claim vikonyuchomu bank shodo rozbizhnost u documents and vimagati ponenennya razlucheno Beneficiary Sumi. The hysterical bank of zobovyazhanyh tri-maty documentation і nadavati їх rozporyadzhennya bank-emitenta up to the date of payment filing documents abo before znattya zasterezhen shodo vyplati. Bank-emitter vtrachaye right vistavati be-yakі pretziії z boku podazozdavtsya accreditation, yakі vinikayut through rozbizhnostі in documents.

So rank, zovnіshnotorgovelnі banks - Participants zovnіshnoekonomіchnoї dіyalnostі bear Povny vіdpovіdalnіst for svoєchasnu payment filed benefіtsіarom dokumentіv, Yakscho tsі document and povnіstyu vіdpovіdayut minds letter of credit and takozh for svoєchasne vregulyuvannya th usunennya viyavlenih in documents rozbіzhnostey Shlyakhov Venue of neobhіdnoї robots Zi svoїmi klієntami - benefіtsіarom for avіzuyuchogo bank І a subcontractor for the bank-issuer.

Akreditivna form rozraunkіv at zdіysnennі mіzhnarodnyh operatsіy є naiskladnіshuyu i doroyu. For the operation of the skin for an accreditation, and for banks for borrowing credit risks, banks take a com- pany of visas, not under any forms of retail. Banks vikoristovuyut spetsialno vstanovlenni farelli rates komіsіnikh zbornі ta poshtovo-telegraphic vitrat, and takozh vitrate for korostuvannya system SWIFT.

Українські та російські banks використовуть такі види комісійних, як:

  • Alternate accreditation;
  • Documentary accreditation;
  • Відкриття і підтвердження акредитива;
  • Transfer of a transferable credit;
  • Payment, negotiation, transfer, receipt and forwarding of documents;
  • The mind of the mind of the accredit;
  • Acceptance of drafts;
  • Postshtovo-telegraphic vitrati;
  • Витрати за відправлення повідомлень on the SWIFT system.

Клієнтам банків nehhііdno znati, but if the accredit is not vikoristovuyutsya, abo vikoristovuyutsya pokalkovo, then otrimana bank komіsіya not poverataetsya. The bank account is divided quarterly, and it means: as soon as the credit is withdrawn from 10 serfs, the bank account for the loan is to be paid in two quarters, while in the other quarter the credit is extended to the first day, Тобто 90 днів, закінчується 10 серпня). Комісійні повинні стягуватися за весь період дії акредитива.

Kozhne zlіlshennya sumy akreditiva rozglyadayatsya for rozraunku komіsії yak samostіyne vidkrtya accredit; Комісія стягугується в еквіваленті іноземної Currency.


Operations with documentary accredit


JSPPB "Aval"



Forward Avisuvannya



N / A *


Avisuvannya accreditation


0,1% min - 40, max - 500

0,15% min - 50

0,1% min-50

Pidstverdzhennya accreditation without criticism

0,2% min-50

Behind the housekeeping

N / A

0,2% min - 50 per quarter

Acknowledgment of the accreditation in the Critical

N / A

Behind the housekeeping

0,15% min - 50

N / A

Перевірка документів і зарахування покриття бенефіціару

0,1% min-30

0.3% min - 50 max - 1000

0,2% min-50

0,2% min-50

Zmina in the minds of the accreditation





Отримання документів, які відізняються від умов акредотива

N / A



50 per package

Anuluvannya accreditation

0,1% min-30




Perevirka dokumentov na vidpovidnist umovam accredit i vidpravlenya vikonoichy bank

0,1% min-30

0,1% min - 40 max - 250

0,2% min-50

0,2% min-50

Комісійні for a credit for a payment in a sash

N / A

0,1% max - 50

N / A

0,15% min - 50

The transfer of a transferable credit to the corridor of the other beneficiary

N / A

0.25% min-50 max-1000

N / A

0,2% min-50

Negotiation of an asset

0,1% min-30

Behind the housekeeping

N / A

0,15% min - 50

* N / a - no data.

Продовження таблиці

(For import operations)

Operations with documentary accredit


JSPPB "Aval"



Forward Avisuvannya

N / A


N / A


Vydkrtya and obesgovovannya accreditation

0,1% min-30

0.3% min-100

0.3% min-50

0,2% min - 50 per quarter

Confirmation of an accreditation (in that number by the bank) to credit card accounts

N / A

Behind the housekeeping

0,15% min - 50

N / A

Prolongation of the accredited

0,1% min-30

0,15% min - 50 max - 500

0,15% min - 50

N / A

Sum of Sumi accreditation

0,1% min-30

0,15% min - 50 max - 500

0,15% min - 50

0,2% min-50

Zmina in the minds of the accreditation





Інші зміни

N / A




Перевірка отриманих документів

N / A

0.3% min - 50 max - 1000

0,2% min-50

N / A

Platyzh on the corridor of Beneficiary

N / A

0.2% min - 20 max - 500

0,5% of the sum of the credit

0,2% min-50

Acceptance of drafts

N / A

0,1% max - 50 max - 500

N / A

0,15% min - 50

Consultations for banks

N / A

N / A

N / A

N / A

At nahrauvannі komісійних for здійснення тих чиінших операцій співробітник відділу імпортних активтивів cоrstієєєєя відповідною with the rate, yaka is charged in збірнику комісійних тарифів. So zbirniki nasilasayutsya at the address of all inozemnyh banks, yakі є correspondents of domestic bankov, shchob pravtsivniki inozemnyh bankov could overrule the correctness of the accrued companies. Іноземні banks-korrespondenti nasilayut to the address of domestic banks zbіrniki fіlіkіvі kісійних зборів, які вони застосовуть у себе.

Narkhovoyuchi komіsіynі for the operation, specialty bankov in guilty zivertati osoblivu uvagu, for chi rakhunok vytratuyutsya vitrati - for rakhunok beneficiary chi for rahunok podazodavtsya accredit. At vipadka, if it is necessary to pay for all contracts for the raunch of the accreditation, vithrati of bank accounts (bank-issuer and bank-remittance), vidnosyat on razhunok podaskozavtsya accredit.

Yakshto pay all the vitrats for the accreditation before the rakhunok of the beneficiary, the stink of being paid by the beneficiary. With the help of the credit, the accreditation of the accredit, the debit of the bank-issuer is debited by the raunch of the accreditation of the accreditation and the credit of the correspondent rahunks, and with the added costs for the rakhunok beneficiary the amount of payment for the payment and payment for the income stream of the bank-issuer.