Міжнародні розрахунки та валюні операції - Savluk M.І.

9.2. Currency deposit of deposit

Z'yasovoychi pittannya about the deposit, slіd rorіznyati takі iznattya:

The date of the date of settlement is the date, if the banks are at home about the depository operations.

The date of the currency date (value date) is the date the sum was deposited into the correspondent rakhunok to the bank. For on-line operations, the date of the foreign exchange is to be paid for the date of resting the land for two days. (Sochi umovi u svitovy maiyut maiyut name "spot" (spot) .In the plunders of the spot, the banks of the day are deposited in the operation of trivalual bilsh one day, the current conversion of the transaction, the payment of the loan, the loan of the 5th fierce bank. In the bank B terminom for one month on the spot, then the date of the currency exchange will be 7th fierce, togo the extension of two robots dniv Bank A moe perekazati koshti rahunoku at the bank B. Alie depositnie operatsії mozhut zdіysnyuvatisya takozh iz datoyu kurotuvannya ranishe spot. Ignore the standard vikvi vikonannya ugod, but include the standard dates of the foreign currency order and the wives are induced in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1



Standard is not cognitive

Date of storage

Currency date


Date of completion

Overnight (нічний)

O / n



1 day


Tom / next (tomorrow / off)

T / n



2 days


Tom / week

T / w



1 lost

Tomorrow + 7 dniv


2-nd robot day

Spot / next (spot / offensive)

S / n


2-rd day

1 day

3 rd day

Spot / 1 week (spot / 1 week)

S / w


2-rd day

1 lost

Spot + 1 tijen

Spot / month (spot / month)

1 m


2-rd day

1 month

Spot + 1 month

Spot / 3 month (spot / 3 months)

3 m


2-rd day

3 months

Spot + 3 місяці

Spot / 6 month (spot / 6 місяців)

6 m


2-rd day

6 місяців

Spot + 6 місяців

Spot / 1 year (spot / 1 рік)

12 m


2-rd day

1 рік

Spot + 1 ric

Date of deposit (maturity) is the date of the turn of the koshtis. In the case of a deposit on a term, which is a multiple line, the date the deposit is deposited on that very day of the day, the date is the currency. Napriklad, yakshcho datoyu currency of a tizhnevogo deposit - the middle of the 7th fierce, then the date of the deposit (toto datoyu pokonennya koshtiv) bude mid-14th fierce. For terminov, scho kratnі місяцю, date закінchenня припадатиме на те ж саме number, шо й date currency. Napriklad, with a rozmіschennі місячного a deposit, the date of a currency exchange, I am a 7th fierce, the date of the turnout is the 7th birch. Yakshto date zakinchennya pripadaet vihіdniy abo svyatkovy day, then von be transferred to the oncoming day. So, napriklad, yakshcho the date of the deposited deposit falls on a suburb of a week, then the costumes will turn into ponadilok. Yaksho z the date of the currency's currency falls on the rest of the month, then the date of the deposit falls on the rest of the day. Місяця незважаючи на кількість днів у місяці. Napriklad, a deposit term for one month from the date of the 31st birch currency transaction of the 30th quarter).

At svyotovy praktitsi takozh vikoristovuyut standardnyi poznachennya string of deposit transactions (div.table table 9.1). On the other hand, the monthly deposit in US dollars is $ 1m.

За термінами дії розрізняють депозити трьох видів:

  • Deposit before the nourishment - the koshti rozmytsytsya on the non-signatures of the termin, ala pokonennya mozhlive in any hour for the minds of a different povidomlennya;
  • Short stitches and one-year deposits. Prior to them deposit deposit type "overnight", "tom-nekst", "spot-nekst";
  • Deposit on the taxes term. Deposits are to be placed on the terms of the term, as a rule, on standard lines (one loan, one, three, six months and 12 months).