Cracking is the art of exploring assembler code in order to find a vulnerable point, with its subsequent analysis and breaking

Introduction to Cracking


Cracking is the art of exploring assembler code in order to find a vulnerable place, with its subsequent analysis and breaking.
I will grieve those who think that you can do cracking just without certain knowledge, skills, perseverance. It will not work just to download the software you need to crack and crack the program. Do not think that the program breaks down in 5 minutes (although if there is already experience, and protection of the program by 1 then this is possible even in a shorter period of time).
So, if you are interested in learning cracking, ready to read a lot of documents, spend a lot of time then this article is for you.
First you need to learn the basics of assembler , you do not even have to learn how to write programs on it. You just need to know the meaning of functions and commands, you need to be able to read the code. Do you think you can read a book in Spanish without knowing it? I recommend you read the material on asm: Kalashnikov's (, "IBM PC assembler" Yurova, from the articles "Assembler for Cracker" S "from Dr.Golova and" Cracking for the Cowboys "from Crack.
Having mastered the material, you should know the purpose of the functions, understand the assembler code of the program a little. Understand that any program written in any programming language is transferred for processing to the processor in the form of machine code, for further processing and execution of the functions inherent in it. The machine code for it to be readable is converted into assembler. We can review it, change it with the help of special programs. But the changes are not possible if the program is packed. Packaging of the program is done in order to reduce its size and protect it from burglary (for example, UPX, Aspack and many others).

Varieties and purposes of programs

Progress is no longer possible without special software , we need:
  • Debugger / debugger - serves for debugging program code, tracing, setting breakpoints, etc.
  • Disassembler - a program that derives the source code from assembler code in assembly language
  • Analyzer - analyzes the program file and reports how it is packed (if it is packed :) Br> (PEiD)
  • Anpacker - unpacks the packed file.
  • A patcher is a program with the help of which you can replace the assembler code of the file with the subsequent saving of the changes.
  • Patchmaker - you need those who do not have the opportunity to write a crack / patch yourself. The principle of the program is simple, after we have already patched the program with (hiew) and not patched, the patch maker calculates changes to the program, then creates an exe patch file.
    All this software can be downloaded separately, but there is a combined version, called CrackersKit (version at the time of writing the article: 1.1, weight: 7 MB). You can download it from Almost all of the above programs are there (or their analogs). After we have the initial knowledge in this area, and we have the software we need to study, we'll figure it out in Software Types:
    Shareware - shareware
    Freeware - freeware
    Adware - advertising paid programs
    Commercialware - Pay!
    Donation ware - fee if desired
    The goal is programs like shareware, ad ware and commercial ware.

    Toolbar in Olly and DASM

    Running Olly
    I think you already have at least some experience with the ollie (if you can not read the article Olly Debugger from A to Z
    I will remind you the functions of the debugger, with which we will work:

  • M - Memory map
  • C - CPU main window ollie
  • / - Patches patches, i.e. patched places of the program
  • B - Breakpoints breakpoints
  • R - referenced text string reference text string
    Always in mind, there must be a CPU (main window is an ally), Breakpoints and Patches.
    CPU Window:

    Run the kWdsm
    We will understand the purpose of the most basic functions of the dasma.
  • Open file to disassambler - open file in disassembler
  • Project Files and Comments - save the listing in an ASCII file
  • Find Text - text search
  • Goto Code Start - move to the beginning of the code
  • Goto Program Entry Point
  • Goto Page - go to the page
  • Execute JMP - perform the transition
  • Return From Last Jmp - return from the last junction
  • Execute Call - make a call
  • Return From Call - returns from the last call
    In order to analyze the security code to begin it needs to be found.

    Ways to find the verification code (with OllyDGB and kWdsm)

    The purpose of the search is to search for and arbitrarily modify the code, or to find the serial number. The search for the verification code is mandatory for hacking the program.
    The main purpose of this code is:
    1 check the validity of the serial number (entered data in the form of input CH)
    2 go to the address if it is correct / incorrect
    3 report non-correct registration

    The main ways to find the verification code are:
    1 breakpoint (Intermodular call)
    2 Referenced
    3 search by window (dump) memory
    4 Search the stack
    5 search with kWdsm
    | 1 |
    Breakpoint is the breakpoint of a function.
    You can set breakpoints either through
    Command line, for example:
    Bpx MessageBoxA
    Bpx - breakpoint command
    MessageBoxA is the function on which the breakpoint is set
    About the functions of the functions can be learned from the WinAPI DIRECTORY (
    _Intermodular calls for example:
    Find the MessageBoxA function, right-click and select Set breakpoint on every call MessageBoxA
    | 2 |
    Search by referenced text string.
    With this type of search, a phrase is used which is displayed for example when entering an incorrect serial number. Run the program, enter the CH, the program swears that the CH is not correct (for example: Wrong SN! Trying again) => to search and this phrase will be used, then go to All referenced text string (which is in the Search for tab) and search for this phrase .
    | 3 |
    Run the program, fill in the registration windows, click on the letter M (Memory Window) In the DUMP window, right-click, and enter the information we entered in the password field. After the program has found a piece of memory where the data entered by us were saved, we put the breakpoint on the line with the password (right click on the breakpoint -> Memori Access) again trying to register the program. We enter the data and it stops on the piece of code in which the password we entered was found. Remove the breakpoint from memory and continue the study.
    | 4 | |
    Search in the stack is done in the following way, click in the stack window with the right mouse button Search For -> Binary Sting and search for the phrase that is displayed when the SN is incorrectly entered. Next finding this phrase, look to the left in the Dissambly field, see the command there, copy it to the main window (CPU) right click Serach for -> Command
    | 5 |
    Search using kWdsm.Search with kWdsm is very simple, in order to find the verification code you either need to enter the phrase that is displayed when the registration is incorrect, or search the line for Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj -> "

    An example of hacking programs with different types of protection

    In order to learn cracking, you need to explore as many programs as possible, with varying degrees of complexity protection, so let's get down to business. In this article I will consider only 2 types of protection (since they are the most common):
    1 form of CH administration
    2 an inscription in the program (for example, Unregistered)
    Programs for research we take either from the journal discs (PL, hacker, gambling), or from sites such as, and others (looking for there sharny software (ie kind of shareware) and explore).
    Theoretical plan of hacking:
  • Search verification code
  • Code function analysis
  • Finding the CH or editing the output of functions
  • Patching of the program, or the introduction of the found CH
    Let's start the process of finding the code itself and hacking it, I'll show you these operations using the example of EscapeClosePro
    All the actions listed below I recommend to perform together with me, as this is hard to perceive only by reading the material. If you do not yet understand how it worked out for me, practice on kryakmis is possible from phantom and crafting (;

    Protection method: CH, inscription Unregistered in the program window
    Packer / Protector: absent (and we learned it thanks to PEiD, and if the program was packed, then it would just be necessary to find under it anpacker)
    Cost: 100 rubles :)
    Hacking by searching for SN:
    This method of hacking is characterized by the fact that the task is to find the verification code, this can be by installing the breakpoint on the desired command, either by viewing the reference text string, or by simply viewing the disassembled code of the program and searching for a valid serial number.
    We set the breakpoint bpx MessageBoxA (the method for finding the verification code number 1). Start the registration window, enter the data:
    Name vizor
    CH vizor
    The program stopped at the address 0040262E at this address is the command call with this command is output (in our case) the text: Wrong code !. Pay attention to the memory dump window (in the main CPU window), try to find interesting things by simply viewing the code, scrolim Up and see at the address 0012F3D0 some figures more than 10 digits at a glance: 56C520AE713B563D5119 there is a suspicion of HF, testing and bummer.
    Nobody forbade the use of several (at least all) ways of searching immediately
    Now we set the breakpoint not on the message itself, but on the command to extract the phrase (Wrong code!) Ie on the push. Again, fill in the input forms, ok, the program stopped at 00402620 (where PUSH 0). Again, turn your attention to the memory dump And see there:
     0012F438 004088E8 ASCII "9B2BC2C55272E0C32B44" << Suspicion of SN 0012F43C 0012F518 << here is our crack 0012F440 00402200 EscapeCl.00402200 
    Test another 1 found by us SN for validity. (Name vizor sn 9B2BC2C55272E0C32B44) and Thanks for registering!
    We'll try again, but in a slightly different way, again we return to the address 00402620 (who forgot this push) and start looking for something interesting in the main window .. scroll above .. and stumble at the address 00402598 in which we see in the open the familiar SN ) 9B2BC2C55272E0C32B44. (You can check its validity once again :)
    Go to Search For -> All referenced text string and see just terrible things :) Valid CH in an open form, strides once 10 in the reference text string.
    Change function output:
    Change the output of the function in turn is characterized by the search for a verification code, an arbitrary change to a cyclic one, such that for any data entered it will consider itself registered.
    Again, we set the breakpoint on MessageBoxA as before, enter the same data in the field name, CH, we stop there. Only now we move higher in the search for the transition (jump, jump). On the way up we analyze all the transitions. And upward promotion is done because, for example, if the message output function is roughly speaking at address 5, then its testing occurs above this address, since testing always occurs above the result (the concept of the stack).
    Scrolling above we see:
     004025CD> 85C0 TEST EAX, EAX
     004025CF.  A3 58AF4000 MOV DWORD PTR DS: [40AF58], EAX
     004025D4 74 4A JNE SHORT EscapeCl.00402620 
    Analyzing JNE 00402620 transition, we pay attention first of all to the jump address ie 00402620. We look at this address, we see that the output of the message that the program is unregistered. Now if we change the transition JNE (jump if not equal ie jump If not equal) to JE (jump if equal ie jump if equal). Double clicking the left mouse button, click on:
     004025D4 74 4A JNE SHORT EscapeCl.00402620 
    And change JNE to JE. Now any introduced SN program counts for the correct (of course, apart from the present SN :) , But this is due to the fact that its output is changed so that the program always returns a positive result for any data entered.
    But this is not all, do not rush and run the patch 1 output of this program. Recall, what other method of protection does the program use? True, simple at first glance, the inscription Unregistered in the program window. Simply after restarting the program, it looks whether this inscription was changed to something else and if it is so then she considers herself to be registered, but we have such nebylo therefore not everything is done we move on.
    We set the breakpoint on the already pretty annoying MessageBoxA.
    We start to argue if the program is unregistered, then it shows the inscription Unregistered, hence somewhere in the code of the program it should be. We begin the search, but before that just read the code and see it .. scroll down and see:
      0040265F.  85C0 TEST EAX, EAX << comparison of data in registers
     00402661 74 23 JE SHORT EscapeCl.00402686 << jump
     00402663.  8B5424 70 MOV EDX, DWORD PTR SS: [ESP + 70]
     00402667.  68 64724000 PUSH EscapeCl.00407264;  / Text = "Unregistered version!"
     00402686> 8B7424 70 MOV ESI, DWORD PTR SS: [ESP + 70]
     0040268A.  8B3D 70714000 MOV EDI, DWORD PTR DS: [<& USER32.SetDlgIte>;  USER32.SetDlgItemTextA
     00402690.  68,547,400 PUSH EscapeCl.00407254;  / Text = "Registered to:"
    "SetDlgItemTextA - header or text function in the"
    And here is this message. We begin the analysis of the code. We see the standard construction of checking the contents of registers and the function of the jump. JE 00402686 - JE - go further by code. Look what to be at 00402686 and there is a message stating that RegiRegistered to: => if you change JE to JNZ, the program assumes itself to be registered in any scenario and writes about it in its main window.
    Thus, by changing these 2 functions, the program will always be registered and all of this is due to all 2 bytes changed in the code.
    Patching the program is performed immediately after the hacking program.
    In order to patch our experimental program you need to change:
     Address function and change
      Function address
     004025D4 JNE 00402620 JE
     00402661 JE 00402686 JNE
    For patching we will use hiew, we can learn more about hiew commands from my article (
    Before we produce the program patching, we need to create a folder (where it's more convenient, you can at the root of the disk) and copy the exe file EscapeClosePro there, in case we did something wrong. After we copied it, we run hiew and find our file (EscapeClosePro.exe). In this place I would like to tell you a little about the main options of hiew'a.In this menu, choose Decode.
    Code selection selection menu

    The main hiew panel:

  • Help - HELP function (F1)
  • Edit - Edit (F3)
  • Mode - text view mode (F4)
  • Goto - search by address (F5)
  • Search - text search (F7)
  • Files - saving changes (F9)
    Download our file, EscapeClosePro.exe in hiew, search for either the phrase (F7) or the address (F5). I would advise you to search for the phrase, so click F7 and type Registered to :, after finding this phrase, You need to patch:
     004025D4 JNE 00402620 JE
     00402661 JE 00402686 JNE
    Patches. After patching, (remember, I told you we need to copy the program file and patch it) duck after we patched it for example in p.exe and copy the UNEXIGNED program file, ie now we have 2 files in the folder, 1 patch, and another deflovy programmny.Eto we need in order to make a patch with a patchmaker tpe:

    In order to create a patch in this window in the Original file form (original, ie unmodified / unpatched), you need to select the unpatched file, and in the Patched File window, respectively, the patched file. After in the main window of tpe, fill in the forms, who created the patch, And his site. And in the File tab, choose to create a patch. After you save under the desired name and the patch is ready!
    I hope this article helped you in mastering the basics of cracker art, answered some of your questions. Then everything will be much more interesting, practice more, read and you will succeed.
    Ps to this article there is an application in the form of video clips of hacking the program EscapeClosePro in various ways.
    Ps thank you so much Armiоlu For what nudged me is not the right way, Helped in the development of incomprehensible things for me)
    By Rel4nium (