Розіщення productive forces and регіоналістика - Стеченко Д.М.

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1. The subject, ob'ekt ta zavdanya nauki pro rozmyschennya productive forces. Meta navchalnogo to the course "Розіщення productive forces that регіоналістика", yogo structure.

2. The main problems і zavdannya rozmіschennya ta регіонального розвитку productive forces of Ukraine.

3. The basic law of the world of productive forces.

4. Principles rozmischennya productive forces, ikh practicality znachennya.

5. Chinniki rozmischennya productive forces, їхній вплив on територіальну оргаізацію виробництва.

6. Characteristics of the classical methods in analisys of the efektivnosti rozmizchennya vibrobnitsva.

7. The system of the day-to-day methods for the implementation of the territorial government of the vibrobit.

8. Characteristics of demographic changes of the country and the region, the development of productive forces.

9. Кількісні та якісні otkazniki economically active population.

10. There is a demographic situation in Ukraine.

11. Natural-resource potential, yogo vplyv on rozmіschennya і and rozvitok vibrobitvtva.

12. Оцінка запасів мінеральних ресурсів Україні.

13. The system of showing the minds of the population and the population of the population of Ukraine, and the need for regulation.

14. Specialization of development and social infrastructure.

15. The main principle of nature-root.

16. Shlyahi virishennya global ta regionalnyh ekologicheshnih problems.

17. Typical of the International Tierative Report of the Characteristic Risi of Economical Integration.

18. Types of economical alliances.

19. Meta quarry and classification of special (vylnih) ekonomichnyh zones.

20. The order of the law and the functioning of the sprinklers.

21. Ponyattya takstmki structurization of economics.

22. Signs that the warehouse mizhgaluzevikh complex.

23. Specificity of the territorial authority of the vibrobitvita.

24. Warehouse of the palyno-energeticheskogo complex of Ukraine and rozmyschennya yogo galuzey.

25. Оцінка стану і perspectives виробництва та споживання електроенергії in Україні.

26. Місце і role of the metalurgical complex in economics. Structure of the complex.

27. Characteristics of the silovyny bases of choronnaya and Kolorovo metallurgy.

28. Territorial organization of the metallurgy of Ukraine.

29. Structure of the machine-building complex of Ukraine.

30. Special attention is paid to the development of machinery.

31. Оцінка природных ресурсів лісохімії.

32. Problems and prospects for the development of the lisokhimii.

33. Structure of a complex complex, technical and economical specification of yogo galusies.

34. Rozshirennya sirovinnoї basis promislovostі budivelnih materіalіv for rahunok vikoristan vernennoi sirovini i vidhodiv.

35. The structure of the transport system in flames has inflated the blinds onto the rosettes.

36. Otsinka sistemi transportno-ekonomichnykh zv'yaziv.

37. The structure of the AIC. Розвиток економічних зв'язків між галузями АПК.

38. Characteristics of the basic forms of agroindustrial organization.

39. Problems of formulating the eco-economical complex.

40. Managing the functions of the eco-economic complex.

41. Problems development of the recreational and tourist complex of Ukraine.