International Management - Rodchenko VV

1.3. Causes and features of a new type of enterprise

Due to changes in the socio-economic environment radically changed the role and image of the enterprise customer: faceless "mass consumer" is replaced by an individual customer. This reorientation stimulate innovation both in products and services, as well as in the production or maintenance processes. The requirements for the quality of products is constantly growing, their life cycle is getting shorter, the nomenclature - wider volume of the individual items of nomenclature - less.

Reported general trends can be seen in particular from the analysis of the current computer market. So, leading manufacturers of personal computers and workstations (eg, "the IBM" and "Sun Microsystems") every six months, "throw" to the market new models of computers, product life cycles have shrunk. At the same time there is a significant expansion of the range of the software, which is expressed, for example, the appearance of special means of business support, including the automation of business processes, network technologies and optimization of the group of partners. The developers of these software systems are generally newly created relatively small and flexible company, able to quickly grasp the "wind of change", and quickly grab the available niches in the market.

The introduction of information and communication technologies, like the mutations in nature, violate institutional stability of enterprises and directs them to the search, or the formation of organizational structures to restructure their operations. Moreover, nowadays in terms of market segmentation and domination of the interests of consumers, involving instability in demand and more attention to the marketing of products, abrupt changes in enterprise technologies are already commonplace.

Many enterprises in order to survive are forced to rebuild the structure and organization of work, alter the strategy and tactics of behavior in the business world. The need to recognize innovations that affect the overall organizational structure of the enterprise and its divisions, and most difficult, affecting the psychology and behavior of employees.

Of particular important is the development of basic principles and models of the new theory of organization and management of enterprises postteylorovskoy period, defining the face information (post-industrial) society of the near future. The essence of the place in the organizational and management structures of the changes can be expressed in the slogan "from the classic mechanism - intellectual organization", ie, seen as a shift from traditional, centralized management model for networked, distributed [7.. 20].

What are the basic principles or attributes that characterize the organizational structure of a new type of enterprise as a complex dynamic system? In our opinion, the most revealing are the characteristics of openness and distributed structure, flexibility and autonomy, the priority of horizontal relations, resource and learning strategies. Combinations of these characteristics and the corresponding extreme principles (such as the maximum autonomy, the minimum possible number of hierarchy levels, minimum reserves) define subclasses of a new type of enterprise.

Under the conditions difficult to predict market conditions born generation of businesses that are not trying to be monolithic, they have an open, distributed and variable network structure. Its central site (within the parent company) are concentrated the most important strategic resources and accumulated knowledge. Less important processes and components are ejected and trusted suppliers, contractors and other external partners. This company, with its core of the system can be identified with the "brain", which receives signals from the external "effectors" - the world's best network providers.

This strategy allows you to compile and use of limited resources, applying them to achieve decisive advantages more effectively in the competition. Thus, it is possible to allocate more funds for the development, training and retraining of personnel, the purchase of advanced equipment, the recruitment of highly qualified engineers and managers. Often thus accelerating product launch into production.

The concept of extended enterprise goes beyond the simple transfer of routine and minor works to the parent company to the other, often geographically distant. It's about creating agile enterprise with a variable, adjustable on the environment structure that consists of a stand-alone models. Recently built up, depending on the scope of functions and tasks. It is assumed that they are not preset and are capable of self-dynamic. These systems combine the best features of hierarchical organizations.

Advantages of the extended enterprise, compared with the classical organization is easily explained by considering two fundamentally different growth strategies. First, predatory strategy, subordinate to the principle of rigid competitive rationality involves the interpretation of interaction between enterprises on the "black and white" scale of domination - subordination. This means that the situation of interaction is considered as an absolute rivalry, t. E. Search and achieving advantages over competitors with their subsequent elimination (absorption). This strategy is not optimal because of the expertise and resources of the company absorbed all is lost, and the whole is in some ways less components.

Other, more flexible strategy is to appeal to the "gray" scales "competition-cooperation", "subordinatsiya- coordination" et al., When it is assumed mutual adaptation competitors, ie. E. Their coexistence and the search for compromise. There may be a relatively smooth transition from competition to various forms of co-operation or association. Thus, the presence of competitors in the overall goals and experience each other's needs creates a situation of cooperation, which is in mutual commitments and shared resources become coordinated.

Even with different purposes, but the lack of individual experience and other resources are often formed short and long term coalition for the sake of survival and competitiveness. In such situations, the unions education coalitions or associations means the appearance of the organizational structure of a higher order - the extended enterprise, or megapredpriyatiya.

Due to the nonlinear effects of quality new and advanced features are formed in a business combination. This strategy has the effect, as a result of which the whole is greater than the component parts, and, therefore, the company received a large profit.

For the conservation of the enterprise is characterized by optimal management of different (time, material, human) resources, integration of total quality management and the development of minimalist strategies combined "just in time".

Total Quality Management is aimed at long-term results due to better meet customer needs. Be sure to involve all members of the organization (or, at least, the majority of workers at all levels of the organizational hierarchy) in the improvement of products, processes, services and general culture of the enterprise, which is seen as a community of like-minded people working together to achieve common goals. total quality management ideology is complemented by strategies of reengineering if quality management initiative involves "bottom-up" and focused on incremental improvements of existing processes, reengineering replaces the existing processes to achieve new sharp spasmodic improvements and is always initiated from the top.

The strategy of "just in time" production is aimed at the organization with minimal inventory, with virtually no storage of the final and intermediate products, and reduction of unnecessary costs of materials and time.

The combined development - a variant of a systematic approach to the creation of products with the simultaneous design of the product and its manufacturing processes and maintenance. Combination design - a design for manufacturing and operational constraints. It is important to consider the impact of all aspects of production on the initial project life cycle. In a broader sense, it is a system design and product lifecycle management - from the formation of the need for a certain product and prepare terms of reference before the end of its use and disposal.

On the horizontal plant horizontal management between departments (coordination of their activities) and external horizontal links are more important parameters of efficiency than the subordination relation, typical for the traditional vertical management. The main feature of the horizontal enterprise is to gradually reduce the number of problems caused by internal factors, and the quest for the fullest satisfaction of the customer's interests. Such an enterprise is formed around processes rather than around tasks, and has a bit of a hierarchy of levels. Its main units - the autonomous and self-managed multidisciplinary working groups, which are able to cover the whole spectrum of customer requirements and to independently solve the basic problems of relations with them (which is not always feasible in the ordinary uniform division of the company).

The concept of horizontal enterprise most affected by the activities of middle managers, usually coordinating the work of service. With the reduction in middle management level managers need to do more work with less.

This idea related to the implementation of at least two conditions. Firstly, you need special software that allows you to automate many of the traditional problems of coordination and giving managers the opportunity to focus on core tasks. Second, the need to reduce the number of components and a variety of links between them. Therefore, it is required to reconstruct the psychology of the rank and file managers, and change the criteria for evaluating their performance. We must not just give them greater authority to make operational decisions, providing them with the appropriate tools, but also to instill in them a sense of responsibility, strongly encouraging the initiative, the generation of new ideas, the desire for self-analysis and develop solutions. Within the framework of the horizontal enterprise change management and professional quality. They are increasingly required initiative than of duty, as well as the commitment and conviction that they are working for the client, and not the chief, and of whom depend directly on the results of the enterprise.

Movable or flexible, the company is a fully integrated organization in which information flows permeate all services and departments. Its architecture is defined by the principles of the most complete adaptation to environmental changes, the most rapid response to them, and maximum flexibility of the organizational structure.