Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент у глоному суспільстві - Bebik V.M.


Economical postulates of part-time movers are programmable on the basis of basic principles: the type of economy, the form of land tenure, stewed up to the tiny investments, the payment of reforms, and so on.

Analis of the documents of the document, that the PSPU and KPU uniquely vystupayut for sotsіalistichnu state-corporate economy. Close to them і tandem SPU-SelPU, a kind of vystupaet for ekonomichnu system, scho ґruntuєtsya on "trudovіy, kolektivnіy t іnshih forms of power". Ale pozayak gave in the program SPU-SelPU about "the least" a lot of riddles, you can strujjuvati about the identity їх pozitcії programmnam to the CPUs and PSPU.

Vodnochas perevazhna bilshist tsentriststkih and the right of the parties to hang on the corridor of the economy of economy. In addition, both the blocs, the yak "Trudova Ukraina", XPS, ROM, PP-LPU, to swarm the eagerness on the rosette of the small one, the middle of the biznesu.

Hіba shоo ліниві not to say at its programs about neobhіdnіst znizhennya podatkіv ta nalіvіlіst pіdtrіmki natsіonalnogo drugovyrobnik.

Pershu's problem was dealt with in its own programs, Lisha KhDPU, the Part of spiritual, economical and social progress (PEDESP) and VPT, the friend of the problem is the PZU, which is the "European Vibrior of Ukraine" (the bloc of the Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Selyansk Democratic Party), and Takozh vzhe zgaduvana pEDESP.

During the privatization of the privatized lane, the LIVI partners (PSPU, CPU, SPU-SelPU) were hanged, and takoz lіvotsentristska "Trudova Ukraina" (in private - quietly obektiv, how many of them lie natsionalna bezpeka kraїni).

Vodnochas ta "Trudova Ukraina" at once with centrists SDPU (o), PDP, Gromadoyu, right-centrist NRU, the right RHP was hanged for the need to conduct "prozoroy privatization", and Socially-liberal obedinenya (SLON) - for privatization of the penny.

Певним водорозділом між лівими та "іншим світом" - the problem of unincorporated investments in the economy of Ukraine. Yaksho lіvі їh unequivocally vidkidayut, centristski SDPU (o), NDP, APU (Agrarian Party of Ukraine), ROM, the right center of the NRU, "the European vibrior of Ukraine", and takozh RHP have been hunted for the need for such investments for the national economy. In the course of this, the Social Democrats hated the eccentricity in the innova- tionary incarnations, the rectification of the new technologies and the vibro- nits.

For the introduced fіksovanih tsіn on ерергоносії and the companions of the first part of the economy were attracted by the PSPU and the KPU.

Reshta polichnichnyh partij vystupa for vikoristannya not directive, and ekonomichnyh metodіv gospodarjuvannya.

The problems of corporatization of the authorities have been reflected in the programs in the NDP, PZU, NRU and RHP, and the need for legalization of the monetary capitals - in the programs of the Gromadi, the NDP, the PP-LPU, the NRU and the PIU of the SPU (the remainder of which is to provide funds for the economy).

Питання роботи of agrarian sector української економіки тією чи іншою мірою розглядаються в програмах більшості партій. Zdebilshogo ydetsya about neobhodnist pіlgovogo lentuvannya ta еквівалентності цін на промислову та сільськогосподарську продукцію.

Ліві - ПСПУ, КПУ, СПУ-СелПУ to speak it is paramount about підтримку колективних сільськогосподарських підприємств.

APU - perekonuє in neobhіdnosti introduced єdinogo podatku on the ground, "Trudova Ukraina" - vislovlyuyutsya for payuvannya zemelі t pidtrimku cooperativ. APU, SDPU (o) and NDP - vvazhayut for neobhіdne vstanovititi tsіnovy balance mіzh mіstom i selom, ХНС - on the first plan to put farming, and UNA - "захист села від" реформаторів ".

NRU, "Європейський вибір України" і НДЕСП також мають у своиїх програмах розділи, в яких підтримується agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine.

Ale is the key to the food for the village, insanely, the problem of land ownership.

In order to protect the land, the lands of the PSPU, KPU, SPU-SelPU and Trudova Ukraina were located. За - NDP, "Європейський вибір України", НРУ, РХП, УНА, СЛОн.

Reshta polichnichnyh partners pinched the food from their program documents.

At the end of the varto zaktsentuvati on the proposals of the Sloan, ROM і "Європейського вибору" виклчити to the budget дотації збитковим державним підприємствам, and відтак - і змінити їх the form of power.

Efektivne vikoristana transport potentzialu Ukrainy (transitnyi perevezennya tochno) pidnimayut at its own transfer programs SPU, "Gromada", PDP, ROM. Остання з цих партій randomly наголошує на необхідності розвитку туристичного бізнесу, для чого потрівно розвивати телекомунікації, системи зв'язку, готельне господарство та ін.