The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM Freedom to transit

Krіm GATT schodo freedom of transit in Suchasnyj mіzhnarodnomu pravі zafіksovanі slit in dekіlkoh mіzhnarodnih documents: Hartії ekonomіchnih rights i obov'yazkіv powers (UN 1974 p.), Konventsії schodo tranzitnoї torgіvlі vnutrіshnokontinentalnih kraїn (1964 p.) Is the Konventsії UNPO morskogo s rights (1982). Statte V of the GATT progoloshuє freedom of transit of the following rite: "guilty іsnuvati freedom of transit through teritorіyu kozhnoї side for the routes naybіlsh zruchnimi for mіzhnarodnogo transit for transit to Ruhu teritorіyu іnshih storіn chi s teritorіy іnshih storіn. Do not blame ROBIT zhodna rіznitsya based on praporі vessels, Georeferencing pohodzhennya, vіdpravlennya, v'їzdu, viїzdu chi priznachennya abo on yakih whether obstavinah scho stosuyutsya vlasnostі for goods, the vessel Chi INSHI transportnі zasobi ". [1. s.443-444] When tsomu pid "transit Rukh" abo "in transit" in termіnah GATT rozumіyut: peremіschennya tovarіv abo through the agriculture zasobіv teritorіyu Kraina, yak Mauger include perevantazhennya, skladuvannya, crushing chi zmіnu Transport i mean "E deprivation Chastain Povny high road , Yaky pochanaetsya і otshuyutsya behind the boundaries of the cordon side, through the teritory to go through the collapse. " [1. P.443]

Rule shodo free transit to be widely practiced in all types of transport, to the transit of rutu litakov. In the spring of the vipadka, the statute of "Freedom to transit" is not guilty of dodging up to the transit rukha litakov, and you are guilty of dodging up the transit goods (including luggage). [1. P.444]

The main principle of the GATT is the stasis of the transit traffic of the transport assets, the goods, the necessity to extend the regime of the nibbling economy to the mechanics of all the zeal, rules, procedures and formalities that are involved in transit. Together s note, whether yak Krajina Member COT Mauger vvoditi pevnі natsіonalnі vimogi that rules stosovno transit Ruhu the agriculture zasobіv that tovarіv through її teritorіyu and the Same "vimagati, ruh dwellers transit through її teritorіyu pochinavsya s vіdpovіdnoї vhіdnoї mitnitsі"; "Zastosovuvati svoї vimogi about direct vіdvantazhennya schodo yakih whether tovarіv for yakih TAKE DIRECT vіdvantazhennya Je obov'yazkovoyu minds otrimannya allowed on imported tovarіv for preferentsіynimi rates mita abo for yakih TAKE DIRECT vіdvantazhennya stosuєtsya vstanovlenogo aspects of the method for otsіnki vartostі tsіley styagnennya mita". [1, p.444]

However, the rules and visages, but zasosovuyut kraїnami vidnosno with transit, do not blame the minds of the minds for "whether there are unseemly zasrimok in russia waggons, or be unconstrained for transit.

The GATT regulations set the rules, how many edges to masturbate with stagnant zboris for transit in transit, which is not stvovovati of unjustified crossovers for the overloading of goods through the territory. So, "the transit rush is guilty of the booze of threats in the meteorological area of ​​the in-transit transit michi chin інших зборів"; Zbori mozhut tjaguivatis tilki for transportuvannya goods, administrativnitni vitrati, bezsosednyo povyazyanny in transit, those інші ambassador, безпосередньо по'язані з транзитом; In the times of stagnation of zborni, stink of povinni vidpovdati vartosty nadaannih ambassador, "buti pomirnimi te vrahovuvati otvov transit", zastosovuvatis nediskriminatsiny principle. [1, p.444]