Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент у глоному суспільстві - Bebik V.M.

Organizational forms of management of advertising activity

The structure of management of advertising political activity includes from two to four divisions (functional departments). At the initial, preparatory mode of functioning, the optimal variant of such a structure is three departments. In this case, the first department (the conventional name - " intelligence and counterintelligence department ") delivers the necessary information, carrying out specialized monitoring. The second department is an analytical and initiating body (the conventional name is the department for analysis and statement of tasks). The third department is the executive body, which goes directly to the media (the conventional name is the "department for creating and realizing the image").

The main tasks of the functional departments of the structure

The task of the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Department includes: collection of external current information, its primary processing, classification and creation of information bases in specified directions. It ensures the implementation of the first and partly the fourth stage of the functioning of the entire structure.

The tasks of the department for analysis and statement of tasks include: daily, weekly and monthly analysis, preparation of forecasts and development of recommendations, preparation of questions for the adoption of political decisions by the leadership of the Association. At the initial stage - the joint development with the third department of the development of the concept, program and complex of active measures. Further on, on the basis of weekly and monthly reports, and from the moment of the beginning of the official campaign and daily summaries - regular corrections to the course of the campaign. This department provides the implementation of the second and partly fourth stages, as well as (at the task setting level) of the first and third stages. Ultimately, this department occupies a key place in the structure.

The task of the implementation department includes: establishing the necessary links with the media; At the preliminary stage - advance conclusion of contracts, purchase of paper, order of original mock-ups of printing products, etc .; In the future, in the "hot" mode - work based on the program and plan; The implementation of a set of specific events, including press conferences, the publication of articles, the organization of television and radio programs, and so on; Constant maintenance of communications, further development and improvement of the system and communication channels for the implementation of promising tasks. This department ensures the implementation of the third stage of the functioning of the entire structure.

Basic work plan for the headquarters

Since the appointment of the election date, the action plan is clear: the first stage of the campaign begins, the purpose of which is to collect signatures necessary for registration of the Association in the Central Election Commission. For this, the all-Russian congress of the pre-election Union must be held. The congress must formally approve the pre-prepared election list of the Association. At the end of the congress, delegates from the regions should receive a sufficient number of forms to collect signatures in support of the Association with the names of the first three of the electoral list already listed.

From this moment, the "first wave" of the election campaign itself begins. However, at this stage, propaganda work is still in the identification key: the story of the Union and the call of citizens to support it with their signatures.

After checking the collected signatures, the Central Election Commission (3-5 days) announces the launch of a "second wave" of the election campaign - that is, the "hot regime" of the work.

Based on the limited conditions of the election campaign, the first basic plan of the preparatory measures should be built for the period until the announcement of the election date - conditionally from mid-June to mid-August.

After that, the second plan - mobilization measures - comes into effect. From the announcement of the election date to the completion of collection of signatures (tentatively from the third week of August to the third week of October).

Finally, only after this, the third plan, the "hot stage" of the election campaign, comes into effect.

It is of fundamental importance that each subsequent plan can be finalized only 5-7 days before the completion of the previous one. Otherwise, it will be cut off from the real conditions and reduced to utopian wishes. Ultimately, before the congress is held and the first "three" of the electoral list is approved, it is impossible to accurately build a work to promote this "troika"; Until clarity is obtained regarding the number of signatures collected, the "hot phase" plan can not be adjusted.

Main organizational tasks

1. Create a campaign headquarters of the Association.

2. Prepare for the All-Russia Congress of the Association.

3. To create a management structure for the advertising policy of the Association, to select personnel, to establish the work of departments and their interaction.

4. Promptly order a series of analytical (political, sociological and political-psychological) studies and on their basis

A) build a model of the Unification electorate;

B) build models of the Unification image:

• for a campaign to collect signatures;

• for the "hot stage" of the campaign;

C) develop the image of candidates for the first "three", conduct a stage of training with them (including video training).

5. Develop the political, social and economic programs of the Unification ("full", "medium" and "short" versions, each of which is differentiated according to the main strata and the target groups of the electorate).

6. Develop a substantive concept and a technological scheme of advertising political work for the stage of collection of signatures.

Main advertising and political events

The main task: a "supportive" advertising campaign that tells the population about the Union, its goals and tasks, past and current successes, future plans, the leaders of the Union.

The main goal: to achieve the population's memorization of the name of the Association and identify the name with the names of its leaders.

A typical weekly model includes three main channels of influence on the electorate (press, radio, television); Focuses on the conditional division of the electorate into "one's own" (target group) and "broad." There is also a conditional division of tasks into a "minimum task" and a "task-maximum". It is clear that the real "maximum" - that is, the "ceiling" of advertising efforts - is difficult to establish, but one should keep in mind both the real possibilities (limited resources) and the possible psychological effect of the "oskomins" that an audience might have in Response to the "supermaximum" effort. Thus, the "task-maximum", coupled with "additional efforts" means the desired "ceiling", above which one can not climb. The "minimum objective" means the lower level, below which it is extremely undesirable to drop. The implementation of weekly stocks requires a weekly creation of at least two serious "information reasons."

Weekly Media Model

1. Press - at least five publications:

A) the minimum task: in the "profile" edition (coverage of the "own" electorate);

B) the maximum task: in the "broad" edition (coverage of a broader electorate).

2. Radio - at least five radio airwaves:

A) minimum task: short, best informational plots (radio "Mayak");

B) maximum task: detailed long-term plots ("Radio Rossii", more detailed programs, best in the morning).

3. Television - at least five TV broadcasts:

A) minimum task: short stories in news programs ("Time", "News", "News");

B) the maximum task: extended long-term plots in regular popular thematic programs (ORT, RTR, NTV, TVC).

4. Additional tasks (for individual plans):

A) preparation and placement in the press, on radio and television of materials that for technical reasons (long publication cycle) can appear only at the second (signature collection) or even the third ("hot regime") stage of the election campaign;

B) creating your own newspaper with a weekly exit schedule;

C) creation of its own regular radio program with a 2-3-day output per week (ideally - daily output);

D) the creation of its own regular TV program with a weekly broadcast on the ORT or RTR channels.