The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM

2.3.2. The GATS structure

Uspіh trading negotiations on goods within the GATT became obvious on the ears of the 80th rock in front of the Uruguay Round of bagatopolis trading negotiations. Frozen in the international trading system of high-speed rates of tariffs for promises stimulated the dinamisation of the trade trade in that region of the subordinated income to the income, and the expansion of the international trade law in the GATT, by zabibiv perebachuvaniem mode svitovoї commodity trade. On the background of the trade, the trades did not come with respect. You can explain the reasons for the reasons. First of all, in all the different stages of the development of the international trade services, they looked at the yak dopovnennya to trade with goods that vibrobitvva. In a different way, the scope of the spheres was servilely regulated on domestic markets in protected areas, and the activities of these regions were overshadowed by monopolies. On-tretє, talk shchodo vnutrishnogo regulyuvannya spheri by the method of the lemming of the cross for the purpose of being sprinkled in the border of the state to the sovereign sovereignty.

Aly in the middle of the 1980s, rock'n bil'shist uryadiv kraїn, especially inindustrino rozvinenih zitklylisya z problemnoj zagalnoosvitnogo ekonomichnogo slump, zrostayuchoi іnflyatsієyu and zagrozlivimi rivnya bezrobottya. The need for the development of international trade has become a topical problem. Uryadi rozrachovuvali, scho z lіkvіdatsіyyu pereshkod for mіzhnarodnoї torghivlі і zabezpechennyam eksporterіv has served as a front-line legislative base in the field of trade and investment, active export to the automated stimulation of the rolls of the sphere. And in its own way, in the same way, in the same way, it was able to solve the problems of the world without danger, being plagued by problems that were caused by structural vandalism, which at that time were necessary for the transition to resource-saving scientific and technological technologies.

By the middle of the 1980s, rockies in the structures of the GDP of the Russian Federation have been roughened out of the world, so the sphere has been deployed in the sphere of the boule house. So, in the OECD in the structure of GDP, the servings became in the middle of 72%, and in the regions they are rooted out - 58% (Table 39). In naimensh rozvineny kraїnah on the services pripadaet close tretini GDP.

Table 39

Galuzev structure of GDP rozvineny kraine і kraїn scho rozvivayutsya v seredinі 1980 rr. (% Of GDP) []



Країни що розвиваються

The Industry Promise



Vidobuvna promyslovist



Сільське господарство






Оптова і роздрібна торгівля



Transport і комунікації



Фінанси і страхування



Energy, water, gas service



Communal services



Урядові послуги






In this way, the scale of the sector served to improve the pace of the international trade in them, and ensured the implementation of the bolshostyi kraine in the secluded Bagan sys- tems of the regulation of the sink market.

I will look at the subconsciousness of the chinnikivs on the pillar of the Uruguisky Round in 1986 the Russians were self-sufficient to include in the negotiation process trades.

Stvorennya ugodi shodo lіberalіzatsії torghіvі by the services of the boulevard to be supplied with a folding process, the main thing is that such a form does not need to be replaced by a cordon with a phisical commodity, and bar'eri at the bidding of ies to bring riznomannіtimi that to lie in the great localities of local regulatory proposals, the norms, For dermal skin. Napriklad, ulyandovi normative actives, are crammed to the zahist with the help of a fault, the standard is set for professionary kvalifikatsiya, and so on, so as to allow professionals to adhere to the rules of the foreign documents, and to solve the problems of marketing consulting services. Vzhe znachalos, scho torghivlya posts small tentsitsyu buti pidporyadkovuyu bіlshomu reguljatelnomu control, nizh sales of phizic goods. This rank, lіberalіzatsіya could not get through to the negotiation for the negotiation of the shodo zmenshennya tariffs and those kolicksnyh obmezhen, but the boule is typical for GATT. In addition, trade with the ambassadors pidpalala pіd dіy reguljativnyh norms yak on the national, and і на наднаціональному рівнях, and then, the parties were led to talk, obvinnyi buli vrahovuvati і ze.

Укладання у угоди щодо послуг було таккож укложенно тим, що в світовії practice існують різні методи наданя міжнародних послуг. In the active galuzah for the company, you may need to submit a regioonal representation for the assignment of the singers (banks, advertising agencies, restaurants, etc.). Tom on access to the market in such vipadkah vplyvayut obmezhennia schodo direct nizemnyh innovations. In інших випадках, спеціалізовані послуги, такі як розваги, mууть бути надані лише artists abo music, yakim for your petrovsko zdіsniti korotkostrokovu podorozh up to іnshoї kraїni schoob date concert. In tsi mogu vipadku імміграційні law absoezhenna on permissions on pratsevshashtuvannya mozut bouti bar'erami for eksportu such services.

However, one can not be surprised at one of the most difficult tendencies of Uruguay Round of Baghtano-sided trade negotiations, the boulevard priinyattya Generalny progov about tradesvlyu by the service (GATS), yak became one of the main components of the trade system in the order of the general business from the tariffs and trade in 1994. That is about the trade aspect of the rights of intellectual property.

The GATS was formulated as a doc to complete the complexities: the rules of the head, all hundred of the visions, the service, the decree of the dodecks, and the special services of the sectors, and the schemes of special craws for the dermal term. It is important to signify that the GATS is a framework, the Tobto Vona is so zealous to start the rules and rules, that in the future I will clarify, I will vospokonalyvatisya and koreguvatisya parties. Навіть за умов збереження значних обмежень в торгівлі послуги, які відображені в збов'язаннях країн, GATS підвищує прозорість національних modeів у сферыі послуг є bar'єром, schо забігає подальшим обмеженням на національних країн-членів regimes. Очікується, що подальші переговори матимуть результат більш значну лібералізацію торгівлі as servants of the tailless.

Methodologically, the GATS can be sub-divided into three headings :

Загальні положення, які містять концепції, principle that rules yakі zastosovuyutsya until all zahodiv, scho vplyavayut to trade trades;

Dodatki, sho stosuyutsya regulyuvannya specifichnyh spheres has served that specialty ob'ektiv;

Specific zobov'yazannya skinny z memberіv (mistyatsya at rozkladah) schodo access to the national and national regime.

Із чотирьох загальних зобов'язань у торговельній угоді - the regime of naybіlshogo sprijannya, national regimen, прозорість that access to the rink - yakі viznachenі at GATS, tilki prozorіst ta RNS є zobov'yazannymi, scho zastosovuyatsya to all spheres has served in Ugodi; Інші ж two - національний a mode that access to ринку є зобов'язаннями що узгоджуються.

З legal point of view zagalna system GATS warehouses in 6 parts:

Part 1. Mistit one statu, yaka viznachaє torghivlyu messengers with characteristics of the 4 rіznih sostavіv zdіysnennya torghіvіі іtgami mіzh kraїnami. In this way, call the name chotirma "in ways postachannya has served."

Part 2. The head part of the goal. The land, the ya mist zagalny obovyazyki і rules. In part of the principle, there are rules to be followed, including a pendant for a witch.

Part 3. Viznacha by a special order of specialty zobov'yanya maiyut bouti structured (for trioma strains: access to the rhinoceros, national regimens, doodotki zobov).

Part 4. Predbacha conducted on a progressive basis in the method of expanding trade with services, promoting the economic growth of all trade partners, and such development of the territory, and development.

Part 5 ta 6. Oohpljuyut protsedtnіta інституціональні питання schodo reguljuvannya torgіvі slegami, zokrema strenenna For the sake of trade.

Ugoda takozh moe Dodatki, chotiri z yakih stosuyutsya okremih sectorav spherical ambassador. [Supplement 1]

In addition, the skin of the kraina-member of the specialty of the strands in the sphere of service, yak-іt is an inseparable part of the GATS.