Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент у глоному суспільстві - Bebik V.M.


1. DALY BUDE ...

The book was closed, I'm sorry. Dushevna vіdliga Visvichuє distance.

Життя - динамічне І змінює стиль, І книга - не вічна, Scho is written in "calm".

Натоість прощатись I'm not going to be with you, Mershіy - спілкуватись, Новітнії люди!

And if you sumo, Pishit і menti, Bo books to come Tomorrow is not one ...


Vipi kavi for my health. At the cafe, de musik sound. The book was written by the blood, It means that I will live a life! ..

The list of recommendations is recommended

1. Azroyants E. Globalization: a catastrophe or a path to development. - M., 2002.

2. Ackoff R., Emery F. About purposeful systems. - M., 1974.

3. Analitics, expertise, forecasting. - K., 2003.

4. Antipov K. V., Bazhenov Yu.K. Publik rileyshnz. - M, 2002.

5. Бебик В. Політологія для політика і громадянина. 5. Бебек В. - K., 2004.

6. Bokarev T. Encyclopedia of online advertising. - M., 2000.

7. Bondar Y. Freedom of speech: українська мірка. - K., 2004.

8. Borishpolets K. P. New dimensions of the North-South // Modern international relations / Ed. A.V. Torkunov. - M., 2000.

9. Budzan B. Management in Ukraine: time and perspectives. - K., 2001.

10. Vanshtein G. Internet as a factor of social transformations // MEEMO. - 2002. - No. 7.

11. Van Dijk TA Language. Cognition. Communication. - 1989.

12. Vankovska B. Globalizatsiya kriz makedonsku prism // Politichna dumka. - 2000. - № 3.

13. Vasilenko IA Political Globalistics. - M., 2003.

14. Weber, AB Neoliberal Globalization and Its Opponents // POLITICS. - 2002. - № 2.

15. Wiener N. Cybernetics and Society. - L., 1958.

16. Gadzhiev KS Introduction to geopolitics. - M., 2000.

17. Hitler A My struggle. - BM, 1996.

18. Goyan O. Ya. The basis for radio and television journalism and radio management. - K., 2004.

19. Gulish A. Myth as a social problem // Ancient culture and modern science. - M., 1985.

20. Darwin C. Degeneration of mental unrest. - St. Petersburg., 1896.

21. Dikon B., Hale M., Stabs P. Global Social Policy. Міжнародні органзації й майбутнє соціного добробтуту. - K., 1999.

22. D'Ink V. Management of ZMK. Ingress. - K., 2004.

23. Encyclopedia of Postmodernism / For ed. Charles E. Vinkivta and Viktor E. Taylor. - K., 2003.

24. European standards in the freedom of speech. - K., 2002.

25. Zernetska O. V. Global rozvitok systems masovoї komunikatії і міжнародні відносини. - K., 1999.

26. Zverintsev AB Communication Management. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

27. Kolomієt V. Міжнародні інформаційні системи. - K., 2001.

28. Kondoree Zh. A. A sketch of the historical picture of the progress of the human mind // Philosophy of history: Anthology. - M., 1994.

29. Kochetov E. Globalistics as a geo-economics, as a reality, as a universe. - M., 2001.

30. Lall J. Mas-mediya, komunikatsiya, culture: the global pіdhіd. - K., 2002.

31. Lebedeva, MM World Politics. - M., 2003.

32. Levi-Stroe K. Structural anthropology. - M., 1985.

33. Leontiev A. A. Activity. Consciousness. The person. - M., 1974.

34. Leontiev AA Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1974.

35. Lotman, Yu. M. Culture as a collective intellect and problems of artificial intelligence. - M., 1997.

36. Makarenko Є. A. Європейська інформаційна політика. - K., 2000.

37. Makeimenko SD Genetic psychology. - M .; K., 2000.

38. Malinoveki B. Magic, science and religion. - M., 1998.

39. Olshansky DV Political RI - St. Petersburg, 2003.

40. Noel-Neumann. Public opinion. Opening a spiral of silence. - M., 1996.

41. Pakhomov U. Ukraine and Russia on the hills of globalization. Економічний аспект // Політична думка. / Economical aspect. - 1998. - № 2.

42. Pakhomov Yu. N., Krimsky S. B., Pavlenko Yu. V. Ways and Crossroads of Modern Civilization. - K., 1998.

43. Petrov I. Globalization as a phenomenon of the postmodern era // International Affairs. - 2003. - No. 9-10.

44. Politics-psychological dictionary. - M., 2002.

45. Political science: Dictionary-reference / MAVasilik, MSVershinin and others - M., 2000.

46. ​​Політологічний the encyclopaedic dictionary. - K., 1997.

47. Pocheptsov, G. G. Elements of the theory of communications. - Exactly, 1999.

48. Pocheptsov G. G. Public Relations for Professionals. - K., 2001.

49. Pugachev VP, Solovyov AI Introduction to Political Science. - M., 1996.

50. Rogers K. About group psychotherapy. - M., 1993.

51. The role of ZMІ in the contiguous European integration. - Європейська комісія, 2001.

52. Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. - M., 1993.

53. Sagan K. Dragons of Eden. Reasoning about the evolution of the human brain. - M., 1986.

54. Semkiv V., Ivanov D. "No" kazhe "Tak" // Ukraine is young. - 2004. - No. 189.

55. Sokolov, AV The General Theory of Social Communication. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

56. Sorokin P. The system of sociology. - T. 1. Part 1. - Pg, 1920.

57. Smorgunov, L.V., Political Management in a Globalizing World, Prospects of a Man in a Globalizing World, Ed. V.V. Partzvania. - St. Petersburg., 2003.

58. A Handbook on Political Counseling / Ed. David D. Perlmater. - M., 2002.

59. Tillich P. History and the Kingdom of God // Philosophy of History: Anthology. - M., 1994.

60. Timofeev T. Wikliky ХХІ століття - debates about the alternative // ​​Політична думка. - 1999. - № 4.

61. Udovik SL Globalization: semiotic approaches. - M., 2002.

62. Ursul. Information. Methodological aspects. - M., 1971.

63. Utkin AI Globalization: the process of comprehension. - M., 2001.

64. Freud 3., Bullitt W. Thomas Woodrow Wilson. - M., 1992.

65. Freud 3. Beyond the principle of pleasure. - M., 1992.

66. Harshe R. Globalization and the process of changing borders in international relations // East-West. Regional

Subsystems and regional problems of international relations. - M., 2002.

67. Horney K. Neurotic personality of our time. Introspection. - M., 1993.

68. Tsisak V. Transformation of the press in Ukraine and Poland in the context of suslinnye zmіn (1989-1999). - K., 2000.

69. Schiller G. Manipulators by Consciousness. - M., 1980.

70. Eco U. The missing structure. Introduction to Semiology. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

71. Jung K. G. Psychology of the unconscious. - M., 1994.

72. Jung K. G. Archetype and the symbol. - M., 1991.

73. Jung K. G. The structure of the psyche and the process of individualization. - M., 1996.

74. Jacobson P. Linguistics and poetics // Structuralism: "for" and "against". - M., 1975.

75. Ake C. Kangerous Liaisons: The Interface of Globalization and Kemocracy, Kemocracy's Victory and Crises: Nobel Symposium No. 93 / Ed. By Axel Hadenius. - Cambridge, 1997.

76. Anderson WT Evolutkm Is not What It Used To Be. - NY, 1996.

77. Berelson BR, Lazarsfeld P. F, Mc Phee WM Voting. A Study of opinion Formation in a President Campaign. - Chicago, 1954.

78. Berneys EL The Later Years. Public Relations Insight 19581986. - Rhinebeck, 1986.

79. Bignel J. Media Semiotics. An introduction. - Manchester etc., 1997.

80. Blau PM Exchange and Power in Social Life. - NY, 1964.

81. Brewster Smith. A Map for Analysis of Personality and

Politics. J. Soc. Is. - 1968 - vol. 24, No. 3.

82. Brown JAC Techniques of persuasion. From propaganda to brainwashing. Harmondsworth, 1971.

83. Carey J. Communication of Culture: Essays on Media and Society. - Boston, 1980.

84. Declaration of Paris: The Challenges of Globalization. XXI Congress of the Socialists International. - 1999.

85. Deutch KW The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control. - NY, 1963.

86. Donaj L Media w systemie politycznym Federacji Rosyjskiej. - Poznan, 2001.

87. Eco U. A Theory of Semiotics. - Bloomington etc., 1976.

88. Edelstein A. Total Propaganda. From Mass Culture to Popular Culture. - Mahway - London, 1997.

89. Ellmore RT Mass Media Dictionary. - Lincolnwood, 1992.

90. Ellul J. Propagandes. - Paris, 1962.

91. Fiske I., Hartley J. Reading television. - L., 1978.

92. Fortune. - 2000. - 06. - 12.

93. Hird C. Media: Murdoch // Index of Cencorship. - 1994. - № 45.

94. http://www.pressclub.host.ru/PR_lib/PRInternet.shtml

95. Jowett G. S, K'Konnell V. Propaganda and persuasion. - Newbury Park, 1992.

96. Kennedy P. The Next American Century // World Policy Journal. - 1999. - Spring.

97. King A. S, Schneider B. The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Globe of Rome. - NY, 1991.

98. McLuhan H. M. The Gutenberg Galaxy. - Toronto, 1962.

99. Mc Luhan HM Understanding Media. - NY, 1964.

100. Mc Luhan M. Understanding Media. The Extention Men. London, 1969.

101. Mc Quail K. Media Performance: Mass Communication and the Public Interest. - London, 1986.

102. Modelski G, Tompson W. The Long and Short of Global Politics in the Twenty-first Century: An Evolutionary Appoach // International Studies Review. - 1999. - Summer. - No. 1.

103.Mowlana H. Global Communication in Transition. The End of Diversity? - Thousand Kaks, London, New Keihi, 1996.

104. Nye JS The Paradox of American Power. - oxford, 2002.

105. Khmae K. The Bordless World: Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy. - Fontana, 1990.

106.Powel J. The President and the Press. - Washington DC, 1981.

107. Ritzer G. The McKonaldization of Society - Thousand oaks. - CA, 1993.

108. Robertson R. Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture - London, 1992.

109. Rogers EM A History of Communication Study. - New York etc., 1997.

110.Rogers EM A History of Communication Theory. An Introduction to Planned Communication. - London etc., 1992.

111. Rothkopf D. In Prise of Cultural Imperialism? // Foreign Policy, 1997. - No. 107. - Summer.

112. Schiller HI Not yet the Post-imperialist Era // Critical Studies in Mass Communication. - No. 8.

113. Schiller H. Inequality. - NY, 1996.

114. Schram M. The Great American Video Game: Presidential Politics in the Television Age. - NY, 1994.

115. Schwab S. Television in the Nineties. Revolution or Confusion? // Vital Speeches of the Kay. - Vol. LXI. - No. 1. - Kctober 15, 1994.

116. Schwartzenberg RJ Sociology Politique. - Paris, 1988.

117. Spear JC Presidents and the Press: The Nixon Legacy. - Cambridge, 1984.

118. Taylor PM Munitions of the Mind. A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Kay. - Manchester, 1995.

119. The World in Your Pocket. A Survey of Telecommunications // The Economist - 1999. - October 9.

120. Three Press Secretaries on the Presidency and the Press. - Lanham, 1983.

121. Wiener, N. Cybernetics and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. - Cambridge MA, 1961.

122. Wiener N. The Human Use of Human Being: Cybernetics and Society. - NY, 1967.

123. Windahl S., Signitzer B. Using Communication Theory. An Introduction to Planned Communication. - London etc., 1992.

124. Williamson J. Decoding Advertisements. Ideology and Meaning in Advertising. London, 1978.

125. World Economic outlook. - 1997. - May.

126. World Communication Report. - UNESCk, Paris, 1989.