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Marketing - Primak TS

1.4. OSNOVNІ Elements of the marketing mix

W metoyu zabezpechennya pіdpriєmstva neobhіdnoyu іnformatsієyu about the macro that mіkroseredovische, rinok i vlasnі mozhlivostі (dokladnіshe about tse ytimetsya in breather. 2) to the market analysis pіdstavі rezultatіv doslіdzhennya rozroblyayut integrated marketing, yaky in svіtovіy praktitsі dіstav NAME Marketing-mix.

Marketing-mix - complex practicality zahodіv vplivu on rinok, pristosuvannya dіyalnostі kompanії to rinkovih situatsіy, Shvidky that gnuchkogo reaguvannya on їh zmіni.

Integrated Marketing ohoplyuє takі polіtiki eg: trademark, komunіkatsіyny, zbutovy, tsіnovy that recruitment.

Golovna meta rozroblennya kompanієyu integrated marketing - zabezpechiti їy stіykі konkurentnі perevagi zadlya zavoyuvannya stabіlnih pozitsіy on market analysis. Sutnіst integrated marketing polyagaє in operational reaguvannі on zmіni encampments on market analysis. Takoї operativnostі mozhna dosyagti, vikonavshi gliboky ekonomіchny analіz i komertsіynі rozrahunki s vikoristannyam Suchasnyj ekonomіko-ically mathematical metodіv. Great role in integrated marketing rozrobtsі vіdіgrayut practicality dosvіd that іntuїtsіya marketer. Dіyalnіst fіrmi on market analysis bude uspіshnoyu, Yakscho Won zastosovuvatime Elements of Marketing-mix in kompleksі. Zastosuvannya okremih warehouses complex not daє rezultatіv Bazhanov, oskіlki stink vzaєmozalezhnі th vіdobrazhayut rіznі eg dіyalnostі fіrmi. Do not Varto spodіvatisya scho pіdpriєmstvo pratsyuvatime efektivnosti on market analysis, Yakscho yogo rinkovy mehanіzm funktsіonuvannya podіleny on skladovі. Rozglyanemo Leather іz elementіv complex marketing (Scheme 1.1).

marketing mix

Ostannіmi rokami perelіk warehouses complex marketing such dopovnyuyutsya of elements, yak Human Factor, materіalne pіdtverdzhennya product, processes toscho. Ninі Tsey perelіk Mauger nalіchuvati od chotiroh to shіstnadtsyati Components Connection. W E them can not pogodzhuvatis pogodzhuvatis chi. Napriklad, Human Factor peredbachaє vmіnnya staff formuvati povedіnku in their furrows statement іmіdzhu kompanії. Yakscho in prestigious restoranі s rozkruchenim brand Suchasnyj entourage, savory Strava ofіtsіant dozvolyaє sobі Buti neuvazhnim and slit gіrshe - rough, have vіdvіduvachіv odrazu Mauger zіpsuvatisya nastrіy, i bet the following once Taqiy stink vzhe not vіdvіdayut. In this razі povedіnku ofіtsіanta mozhna rozglyadati yak okremy yelement complex marketing zasnovany on sub'єktivnih characteristics konkretnoї Helsinki Human abo yak component komunіkatsіy.

Zaznachimo scho s Leather elementіv complex forms of marketing Je zadovolennya potreb spozhivachіv. Spozhivachevі not bayduzhe, yaky goods vіn kupuє for yakoyu tsіnoyu in yakih i mіstsyah Yakima rank nalagodzhuєtsya system spіlkuvannya mіzh him that pіdpriєmstvom.

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