The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM

3.2.2. The basic principle of trade negotiations

The mechanism of the international trade negotiation process is based on the practice of commercial practice of diplomacy, in the midst of the following types of visibility:




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Repetition (ta non-recurrence).

The principle of interdependence is in that, let's talk, in fact, obmin zobov'azanannami z bagatoo nourish mezh kraineami-members of the COT.

Багатосторонні торги переговори вклюють обмін acts (лібералізацію зобов'язань). In the process of negotiation, participants are required to apply to trade partners (their own company) in the form of proposals (yakі spheri vonyi preli lіberalizuvati himself). Yak at be-yakі rinkovіj situatsії kozhny namagayatsya otrimati yakomogo bіshe, having paid an anchor menshu tsinu. Zavdyaki vzemnim negotiations dogovirni sides namagayutsya dopyagti zbalansovanogo obmina deeds. Znachennya "zbalansovanogo" vidriznyatimsya in the field, in addition, it is the subject of negotiations. Відсутність взаємозамінного засобу обміну вимагає від bargaining for this order of the day, whichever way the bi-information of all participants is concerned, and allowing bi-coloring of the situation in front of the status of quotas.

Thus, the order of the day negotiations is extremely important. Call up to the back of the negotiations to get involved in the intensive preparatory process, in the course of which you can form a modular feed, you can pretend to priorytiti, ranchyutsya pitanie, formulyayutsya pochotkovi positsії, і готується пропозиція з урахуванням змісту order of negotiation. The process of ordering the Uruguysky round of the round , for example, trivav 5 rock. Він почався підготокою до Міністерської конференцииії 1982 року, stretching the anchor US puzzled, or did not finish the battle on the ears of a new round of bagatelong trade negotiations. And by closing the process of the Ministri Conference in 1986 in Punta del Este (Uruguay), de in the penstock, the buglet was extended to the order of the day's negotiations of the Uruguay Round. The failure of the Minist Conference in the City of Illinois is a prelude to a new round of bagatopolis trading negotiations, which in the end was marked by a whisper, in the meaningful bout of out-of-order escorts,
Vzaimnіstі - fundamental principle, a kind of vikoristovuvavsya in the negotiating processes of the GATT. In a sinister plan, vzaimnіst - tse practice zdіysnennya dії for umovi zdіysnennya dії partner. Stattja XXVIII bis GATT (Tariffniye vzglyudov) viznachaє, scho: "talk on the basis of the vazemovigіdnіy basi, crooked on the znizhennya znizhennya zagalnogo rivnya faytyіv ta іnshikh zborіv na імпорт та експорт ... мають велике значення для розширення міжнародної торгівлі" [2, c. 476].

Talking, pobabachenі tієє Statteyu, mozut to be carried out on vіbіrkovііy potovarnіy basіnі by the shawl застосування such bagatіonostіnyh procedures, yakі mozhut бути прийняті negotiating parties. So you can talk to me, but you can not hide it in a hindsight, you can not talk to me on the flowing river, or you can not keep up with me, but you can not clean up the old one in the middle of the day. Zv'yazuvannya proti pidvistchennia nisokikh mitsi chi no-limit regime, in principle, guilty vyznavatisya yak deed, rivnotsinna for its znachennya znizhennju high mos. [20, p.123]

Such a rank, the tariff negotiations within the framework of GATT CHI SOT, three basic rules:

Talk povinni buti on the basis of the vzaimovigіdnі basis;

Acts povinni buti zv'yana;

Acts povinni zastosovuvatys on the basis of the regime naybіlshogo sprijannya.

To finish the trivali hour of the first two rules were worn out by the Lisha rozvineni kraїn. Until recently, the time is right, but it's not vimagalosya nadannya vzemnih act chi zv'yazuvannya tariffs rivniv. Взаємність в контексті ГАТТ була is indicated in terms of the Act of the interdisciplinary trade in 1934, yak perebachala обмін зниження рівня захисту однієї країни в обмін на еквівалентне зниження рівня захисту іншої країни [20, c.122]. Criteria vzaimnostі, a kind of vikoristovuyutsya participants in the negotiations, maybe two of them:

Obmіn acts of the new nature (tariff acts in the exchange of tariffs for goods for goods and goods);

Obmіn acts of the nature of nature (fiznnі deeds in обмін on усунення квот).

Criterion vzaimnostі mozhe stosusvatis pevnogo goods, so zvanі talk "positsiya for positsiyu", chi budi bilsh zagalnim. Butt of the rest є so zvanі zagalnі znizhennya bargaining bar'єrіv for the formula підходом: Х-проценне зниження середніх рівнів tariff chi У-процентне зниження відхилення тарифів.

Zazvichay v Torgovelnіy praktitsi vinikayet problem otsinki ekvіvalentnosti act, scho nadayutsya. Історично договірні parties GATT a number of criterions for ozinki zalansovovanosti obminu tariff actions. Розглядаючи principle взаємності чи balance of propositions, theoretically parties повинні враховувати такі фактори як вплив зниження торгових бар'єрів на майбутні торі streams, рівень зайнятості, ціни, тощо. Ale on practice, yak rule, vikorystvuyatsya bіlsh prostіі method, yakі vrahovuyut otsyagi torіgіvі різних країн, danі pro які є загальнодоступними for країн-членів оргаізації.

Otsnika zalansovosovnosti obminu fizminalnymi deeds with tsiomu zdiyshnyvatsya approach [20, 124]: the reduced tariff, multiply for the import of goods. On the other hand, yakshto oksyag importu product store 10 million dolariv, and mito znizhuyutsya from 55% to 30%, then the auction tradevitim 2,5 million dolariv. Tse method is often vikoristovuvavsya pid hour of the first round of bagatopolochnyh trade negotiations, if the trade mizh dmy kraїnami, yaki were talking, not bula zbalansovana for pivnim goods.

The latter method is the depreciation of the mean values . Yaksho osyagom імпорту комп'ютерів країни А to become 10 million dolarіv та printів - 15 million dolarіv, and through the trade negotiations, stinked to increase the tariff on the country by 4% and 12%, then the average value of the depreciation of the import tariff on the partner for And in the warehouse 8.8%. Protect the criterions not zavzhdi є an adequate indicator of the magnitude of trade and liberalization. Napriklad, yakshto tarifi kraїni є nastilki vysokimi, scho importu simply not існує, then the alternate methods will show the hibnus picture. Via tse v bilchosty vypadkiv efekt znizhennya fiyazіv pidrahovuyutsya (zvazhuyutsya) z vikoristannyam otkaznikiv vnutrishnyogo spizhivannya chi vibrobnitsva cich goods, and takozh svitovogo oksyaguu trade with such goods.

The principle of eagerness in the past, in the course of bagatelong negotiations, is to be folded up in the bagatoo stages: to begin with the edge of the chidder, to sweep the preparatory process, to bring to the order the procedure for the negotiation, to pass on to the negotiation process, for some offensive post-negotiations, Vprovazhenzhenya chi імплементації досягнутих угод.

Period of negotiations , in its own right, subscribe to the following events:

Perіоd дослідження, in the course of a long time, participants will share their preferences with schodo різних feeds, viznachayut mozvolostі formvaniya rіznikh vidіv koalіtsіy, вивчають різні можливі варіанти домопроизвостей, тощо;

Talk, if the participants vimagayut the actions that they follow on the drinking of their participants;

The final stage of the task is to begin unseen before the end of the negotiations. Often at the practical end of the day, the loan is due to the negotiation of the delegation of the United States.

Багатосторонні переговори є the sphere of realizatsii національних інтересів багатох країн-учасниць. Зрозуміло, що вони є більш foldable, nіzh dvuhstontnyi переговори. Можливості odnієї країни відстояти свої інтереси під hour round negotiation дуже обмежені, tom for захисту itsї інтересів країни об'єдитьсяться в коаліції. Прикладом такої коаліції є Кернська група (або група Піраміда), яка об'єднує 18 країн-експортерів сільськогосподарської продукції, що забезпечуть третинну світового експорту даної продукції. Members of the Kernsko Group are Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Fiji, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nova Zeland, Paraguay, Philipini, Pivdenna Africa, Thailand and Uruguay [39].

З часу свого тререння у 1986 році Кернська група упішно захищала Інтереси itsїї memberів під час багатосторонніх торгових погорівв. Znachnoju miroyu zavdyaki zusillam Kernskoi grupi pid Uruguyskogo round of trade negotiations in the beginning of the Boole, the framework for reforming the lіberalіzіcії tradіng sіl'skogoospodarskoju produktsієyu, viznachenі in Ugodі Sot pro sіls'ke gosodarstvo.

Tsja grupa priyamaet active fate і in Doskomu round of development. Пропозиція Кернської групи від 12 вересня 2002 року щодо покращення access to ринку сільськогосподарської продукції містить, zokrema, такі полаганя:

Zniznit zniziti tariffs through zashosuvannya Swiss wording, de Kincevian tariff = (cot * a) / (cotto tariff + a); For rozvinenih kraїn proponuetsya koefіtsіynt a = 25; For kraїn, scho rozviivayutsya - three viznizhenya: pochatkovy tariff from 0 to 50%, koefitsynt a = 50; Початкові тарифи понад 50% і to 250% повинні бути зменшені вдвічі; Parachutes and tariffs are 250% povinni buti zmenenshi up to 125%, which is the maximum tariff for the kraine, sho rozvivayutsya;

Zniziti all tariffs rozvinenih kraїn up to 25% and lower;

Збільшити тарифні квоти розвинених країн (on 20% їх внутрирішнього споживання);

To increase the management of tariff quotas; Viklyuchiti mozhnivist zastosuvannya zahisnogo mekhanizmu for rozvineny kraїn; For kraїn, scho rozvivayutsya, create a new mehanizm, yak bude zastosovavatis in Uzgodzhenii vipadkah.

Oskilki zhodna z krayin, scho priemdnalis ostalnim hour, not otrimala status kraїni, scho rozvivayetsya, and the status of the territory in the economical economy in the hunts of the COT simply does not exist, then for the purpose of arriving at the seizure of the proposals by members of the COT, cym kraynam (and in Maybutnomu і Україні ) Come vikonuvati vimogi, vstanovleni for rozvinenih kraїn.

Zastosovoy chiu formula, not important pіdrahuvati importniy fare, which will be guilty bude vstanoviti Ukraina, for example on zukor. Якщо діюча rate дорівнює 50%, then кінцевий tariff ставитиме 17%. At ts'omu unsuccessfully uyvichi sobі naslіdki such zmіn for syl'skogo gosartarstva Ukraini v tsilomu. Prior to the speech, sliud zauvazhiti, scho yakshcho є kraїni, yakі proponujut soi zmіni, tse znacha, sho vony to such zmіn vzhe ready.

The principle of enlightening the internal priorities of the field is in the process of negotiating the negotiation of the admission of national trade negotiators. Often the participants of bagatopolitan trade negotiations can spend less than an hour negotiating with trading partners, who are involved in the internal processes that are charged with the formulations of specific economic measures and trade policies, and which are affected by the systemic priorities. In the territory often, you will have to rely on the order of the money: the states in which the states, mizh zaznimi galuzami, spizhivachami, vibronikami that the best zatsikavleniyami grupami. ЄС, yak member of the COT, tsevzagalі є union kraїn zі svoyimi national priorities, ale spilnoy trade polity. Since the Uruguay Round, the number of members of the Uruguay Round has fallen by 12 members, who for a few hours have been pratsyuvav over the pre-eminent preferences of the national companies, asso- ciated, united in the preference, 11 partners in the method of marriage of the spin-off positions on bagatopolis trading negotiations. .

The principle of repetition (that is, without interruption) is negotiation in that, in order to negotiate, negotiate trivayut dostatno dovgo, and zustrichі delegііy vidbuvayutsya periodichno. In addition, the secrecy of the rounds of bagatonal negotiations wields the visions of the terminus, often the balance act is committed to the self in a roundabout way.