The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM

4.3. Okhorona navkolishn'go sredovischa і міжнародна торгівля

4.3.1 Promotions of rozvitok, mіzhgrupnna Torgyavlya that problem of the hunt of the mediocrity

Z bugatokh global problems of people who are involved in the processes of economic development, to nigoststrіshih slіd vydnoschat problems of the hunt of the mediocrity , the hanging of natural resources, zabrudnennya dovkillja, zharoni zdorov'ya.

Zabrudnennya navkolishnogo natural seredovischa vzhe sogodnі zavdaє seryoznoї materіalnoї Skoda lyudinі that natsіonalnim Gospodarstwa mayzhe vsіh kraїn svitu i obumovlyuє appeared rіznih kategorіy zagroz, pov'yazanih Zi zmіnami in navkolishnomu seredovischі and the Same: zagrozu ekonomіchnomu rozvitku (defіtsit abo vicherpannya natural resursіv, nestabіlnіst bagatoh trademark Ринків, especially сільськогосподарської продукції, різке коливання світових цін на сировинні товари тощо); Zagrozu systems zhittsezabezpechennya (sylskimu ta ribnom gosdarstvu, resources pitnoy vod, lisam ta іn.); Zarrozu teritorii (spustoshennia, pidvishchennia pivnya okeanu, transkorodonne pereobennennya zabrudnen tochno); Zagrozu існуванню человени (hunger, hvorobi, радіація).

Щорічні економічні збитки від забруднення та деграції nature оцінються на різних країнах в межах 0,4-18% ВНП. Thus, in promyslovozovynyh kraїnah (USA, FRN, Great Britain, Niederlandi, Japan), tsey pokaznik is estimated at 0.4-2.0% of GNP; In the Powers of the USSR (Poland, Ugorschina, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovene), it becomes 3-5%; At the edges of SND, in that number in Ukraine - 10-15%, and at the edges of the "third pillar" - 6-18%. [9. P.3-21]

Zagostrenya ekologicheshnih problems in svitti nabuli global nature. Through the crimson mill of the vast natural environment, the Bagato region svyatu siogodnі majut the international status of zones of ecologic famine. "Rozpovzannya" ochagriv zabrudnen, stihiiene rozshirennya teritorii ekologicheskoi nebezpeki not know the state cordons. Rozvitok promislovosti, transport, budivnitsva, large-scale urbanization to lead up to the sylvania of the Syl'skopolodarskih lands, їh transfer to the areas of care of people's livelihoods, and, as a rule, to arrange zakostryannya ekologicheshnih problems.

Zrostannia chiselnosti populated that nadmirne vikoristan of natural resources to bring to ruinuvannya bugatokh components in the midst of the mediocrity. So, for example, for the remainder of the decade, the number of areas has decreased rapidly: in the UK - by 95%; Італії, Греції, Іспанії, Франції, Белгії і Nедерландах - on 80-92%; Фінляндії і Швеції - by 44-50%. However, when you sip a tree in the US, Zahidnyi Європі та Японії швидко зростає. Річний обсяг затаівлі деревини until 2001, having sunk 5-5.5 billion m3 and approximating the total increase in resources її resources in the area. [5. P.68]

Neratsionalnoe vikoristannaya resursіv naprovuzhuyutsya zabrudnenyam atmosferi, vodu ta primntіv spolukami, yakі majut dovgy period raspada. For the global assessment of the International Center for the Planning (Niederlandi), the anthropotechnological degradation is degraded 15% of the dry land.

Table 1

Оцінка рівня деградації земель по регіонах світу

Whole svіt, регіони

Degradation in% of land area





All of the




















Північна america





Pivdennaya America










Duzhe shvidkiy ta not zavzhdi control vzrobitnitsa vibrobitvtva, wide rozpusyugzhennya avtomobilnogo transport and a number of other reasons negatively vplyvayut on himichnyy warehouse atmosphere gidrosferi. So, vmist Vuglets in the atmosphere for 1900-1970 pp. Зріс by 15%, and the subsoil yoga kіlkostі mozhna ochіkuvati vzhe u 2030 p. Zgіdno with rozraunkami the main part of the wikis of the carbon dioxide gas give the US-25%, the edge ЄC-14%, the edge SND-13%, Japan-4%. [3. P.18-20]

Table 2

"Перша десятка" країн світу за обсягами викидів воглекислого gas in the atmosphere in 90-тиі роки


Oblig wikidiv, (million tons)

In rozraunkku per capita inhabited, (in tons)



















Great Britain












On syogodnya zagalno - viznanim є that fact, scho stretching ostavnih 25-30 rokiv nayvazhvalіshim chinnikom rozvitku svitovoї ekonomiki i mіzhinaricheskih ekonomichnyh vednesin become transnational corporations. Transnationalisation is hunted 70-90% of goods, services, supplies, technology. TNK is not responsible for 44% of the vibrokittyw's balance of textile promyslovosty, odyagu t shkiryanih vyrobiv in Malaysia and 46% - in Thailand; 25% of harsh vacancies, vipusku napiiv tutunutivih virobiv in Malaysia and Thailand, 27% - in Peru, 30% - in the Philippines, 72% - in Thailand and 78% in Mexico; 56% of the electricity supply is in the Pervennyi Koresa, 61% in Peru, 64% in Mexico, 66% in the Philippines, 87% in Hong Kong and Malaysia, 89% in the Republic of Thailand, 90% of the sink market Wheat, kavi, kukurudzi, lisomaterialiv, tutyunu ta hallic ore, 85% of the maize, bauxite, 80% of that tin, 75% of bananas, natural rubber and naphtha-circe. [4. p.24]

Obligious vibrokitvva tax of two hundred nainnyh TNK svitu become 30% of the global net product. Mayuchi, the great dossier, the vibro, the financial, the marketing, the personnel potential, the stench intensively cope with his innovations in the new galusies, and the same as the scientific and technical detachments, which in the edge rahunka is to bring up the medieval fortune to the midst of the savagery. It is natural, ny sama TNK zdіysnjutt velikozhny vplyv na nakkolishne sredovischne, scho to bring to conflikt two important spheres: economy and ecology. Stretching a long time for an hour in gospodarsky diyalostі priorytit nadavyasya odnіy metі: abo ekonomichnomu zrostannu, abo ekologicchnyi bespetsi. At досягненні суб'єктом екологічної діяльності odnієї meteffectiveness відносно іншої може знижуватися, наприклад, внаслідок обмеженостіі resources. Zrostannya sale of products without zastosuvannya resursozberihayuchih technology will require zbіlshennya spozhivannya resursіv і prizvodit up zbіlshennia wikidіv zabrudnegikhchikh rechovin. Vzagalі, dіyalnіst transnatsіonalnih korporatsіy Got podvіyny vpliv on navkolishnє seredovische i yak vіdznachalosya in the Reports of "Komіsії Brundtland," "promislovіst i viroblena her Produkciya vplivaє on natural-resource potentsіal rozvitku tsivіlіzatsії on vsіh stadіyah Promyslova cycle scho vklyuchaє rozvіdku i vidobutok sirovini, її pererobku In the preparation of products, in the field of energy, in the making of the product, and in the production of goods and services. Tse vplyv mozhe bouti positivnim i teim mozhe pidvishchuvatisya yakist zhittya. Alya vіn mozhe bouti і negativnym u result zabrudnennya navkolishnogo mezhdolishcha neikologichnimi vyrrobnichimi processes, kintsevoyu produktsiye, visnazhennyam resursiv. " [7. P.193]

Vlyav dyalnosti TNK na nakkolishne sredovischno extending the old hour of the Mavs negative character, and the cause of the traditional management strategy of the boule, orienned on the successful outcome of economically viable results.

За оцінками експертів міжнародних оргаізацій кількістю екологічних злочинів в світі невпино зростає. Thus, for giving statistics of the FRN, in one's knowledge of the number of people found, in 1973 there were 2371 eco- logical ruffians in the region, in 1974 there were 9805, and in 1997 - 17930. [8. P.229]

In the remainder of the decade, svitov spivovaristvo began to actively engage in vyzhivati ​​come in, rectified to the color of the ecologic camp of the mediocre middle ground, including the control of ecologic aspects of the TNC. Bagato companies began to adhere to the ecology aspects more strictly, rozumyuchi globalnost і nebezpechnіst nalіdkіv tієї problems. In addition, the vikoristana ekologichno pure virbitnitsva pіdrischu rivalospromozhdinost korotcіy for rahunok prichernі іміджу борця for the cleanliness довкілля, підвищення довіри споживачів до продукції тощо.

Yak svyadchat fact, often інвестування у экологиохоронні заходи може дати більший економічний ефект, ніж наступні спроби забігання аваріям, нo витрати на їх ліквідацію, butt mozhe bouti avarіya the pipeline pіd Hanti-Mansіyskom i викид в річку 3 тис. Tons of naphtha, vnasledok chogo lіkvіdatsіynі go in the company of YUKOS in 96 billion rubles, and 36 million rubles in the warehouse of the penal colony of the moscow branch of the economy. [15. P.73]

In addition to the "Brіdіland comdіsії" підкреслюється, що на екологічні проблемми промисловість відгукнулася "розробкою нових технологій і промислових процесів, спрямованих на зниження рівня забрудння та ішихших відів на ввілів на навколишнє середище. In the active galusies promyslovosty, scho, the noble medulla of the mediocrity, the vitrati on zdіysnennya zahodіv for borotby from them became schwidko zrostati. Corporacii pochali storyovati spetsialnі pіdrozdіli і conduct екологічну політику. Buli publikovany recommendations and codes of behavior, stasovno zabezpechennia bezpeki proizvodi і vibropnichoi dіyalnі, trade practices, zastosuvannya tehnologii i mіzhnarogo spirobnotnitsva. The national and international organizations promoted the recommendations and recommendations of the "codex of the conductor". [7. P.194]

Significant progress has been achieved in the area of ​​the Baghama branch of the TNK Codex of the ecology class. For example, the program of the Responsible Care Program is divided with the Canadian Chemical Producers Association, it has attracted a wide popularity and wide distribution of the transnational languages, all over the world, and in other countries, especially in the United States and Zahidnyi Європі.

Naybilsh characteristic points ekologichnyh zobov'azan, scho priymayut on a TNC, є:

Filed on the proper and correct information about the vzpliv diyalnostі transnatsionalnoy firmi na nakkolishn sredovischne;

Прийняття і дотримання всіх екологічних стандарів;

Postійне удосконалення экологиохоронної діяльності;

Zabezpechennya maximum manifestation ініціативи всіма працівниками ТНК щодо удосконалення екологічної діяльності;

Development of partnerships with other companies and large organizations for the protection of ecologic displays;

Пошук можщистей для альянсу з кожним, хто здбити зробити Positive contribution from вирішення екологічних заввня;

Consultancy and spivprotsia with whom you can vlytivy at the right of originating ecologic problems;

Визнання й повага всіх типів екологічних вимог, claim osb і оргаізацій на всіх стадіях бізнесу фірми;

Zahist zdor'ya personnel firmi;

Забезпечення екологічного навчання працівників фірми і там, де необхідно, інформування споживачів її продукції;

Rozvitok ekologicheskogo pіdpriemnitvva, de ekologicheskie faktori mozut bouti virishalnimi priinyatti rіshen pro іnvestuvannya ekologіchno orііntovanyh vidіv dіyalnі;

Здійснення роботи щодо екологізації компанії.

For the remainder of two decades, the time is high and low, and the trade in the middle of the world is becoming more important for the people in the international trade. Zrostayuche usvidomlenya consumer zahistu navkolishnogo sredovischa i izobezpechennya pidtrimki rozvitku accessible resources rescheduling the enforceability of the nature-conservative polity of the territory. So, come in, call to be introduced by the detachments for the addition of regulatory abo economical tools. In active vipadkah vikoristovyvatsya offense of visible tools. The main regulatory regimes, in response to the "commander of control", є, and Same:

The standardization of products, the installation of the characteristics, the one responsible for the product is sold to the singing market;

The deconstruction of the structure of the procedure for the method of the box, vibrobnitsva and the standard interlining;

Fence on імпорт та експорт продукції шкідливої ​​for health;

Omegzhennia on export and import from the method of zhreberzhennia i pidtrimki rozvitku natural resources;

A parcel of vimogi up to pakuvannya that markuvannya, in that number ekologichnogo.

Економічні інструменти вклюють: non-refundable gifts for the health of the product; Payment for the wikidis; that інші грошові заходи; Nature protection subsidies.

Portable with regulators ekonomichnі інструменти забезпечимть, принаймні theoretically, in action суттєві переваги: ​​great in the contribution of contributions коштів, postійні stimo shodo zmenshennia zabrudnnya ta gzherela income of the class. On practical and economic reasons, and for administrative reasons, you can look straight ahead directly from regulation and control, and you can be effective in active situations. Napriklad, regulirnі zahodi mozhut bouti zastosovanі tody, if neobhіdno, shob rozposugzhennya pervnyh toxic zabrudnichih rechovok abo vikoristana nebezpechnikh produktiv chi rechovin buli pobnistju zaboroneni. In the other vipadkah, regulnnі zahody mozhut bouti dopovneni ekonomichnimi tools for pidsilennya vplyu.

Вибір країною інструментів - нормальных чи економічних - to be seated in the power of the poorly weak її polітичних та адміністративних structures і it is guilty vіdbuvatysya on the basis of a concrete approach to the skin vipka. For subbibious vibor povinni brother up to uvazi soi factor yak nature conservation efektivnist zahodiv, ekonomichna efektivnist, zdіysnyuvannost in adminivnym planim, neobhіdnі fіnansovі vitrati, fairness and reception for gromadskosti.

Enter the nature-conservative polity, yaki zastosovuyutsya by the mozhdat mozhut vlivati ​​on Torgovlya kіlkom shlyahami, sred sykid vidiliti three basic.

In a nutshell, the nature-conservative standard can be changed to compete. Vibroks in the lands with bolshkim zhirstkimi nature-and-boron standards to be turbulent about vplyv such standards on the vitrati ta їh zdatnist konkuruvati na svitovikh rints.

In a different way, the vibro-fighters in the territories of the zhinsh suvorimi nature-and-boron standards (in the main area, which is rooted out, that is the edge of the economical economy) can not be stunned, but the products can be pinned down, the boon of the boule is vibroblated on the pits, Do not meet the high standards of schodo zabrudnennya tak wikidіv імпортуючих країн. Bud-yak podibnyh zahid u viglyadі kompensuyuchogo podatku obo vovno zaboroni chi omegzhennya on iMport bude pririvnyuvatysya to unilateral zastosuvannya legislativosti schoda ozdorohohoronnoi polity and priorities of the other regions.

By-trete, zrostaє gromadske zanepokoєnnya to the drive zastrechnya global ekologicheshnih problems (visnazhennya ozonovoy orb, zmina klіmatu tochno). I will look at the trade policy of the policy of the importance of drinking - the chies of guinea pigs of the international nature reserves, the stoosuyut of the global nature conservation services, the mother of the position, and the vimaagae of her own members, in order to be able to cope with the zihusi.

On syogodnyi sistemoy bagatooronichnyh Torgovelnyh UGod SOT reguljuetsya dovolі a wide range of meals for the hunt of the mediocrity. Розглянемо ці питання більш грунтовно.