Marketing - Primak TO


8.1. Organizing marketing on the property

Organizing marketing - this is the structure of the management of marketing functions, the installation of the order and the compliance with the implementation of the delivery of goods and services.

Organizing marketing is:

• motivate that in-depth structure of marketing management;

• доір фахівців з marketingнгу належної кваліфікації;

• rozpodil zavdan, pravda i vіdpіdalnostі sredd pratsіvnikіv marketingovih services;

• a network of clever minds for effective marketing of marketing personnel;

• protection of effective marketing services by the local financial services.

Functional marketing vikonuє service marketing, yak for organizatsionnoyu structure of the functional, regionalnoy, commodity, segment, zbutovoyu, commodity-zink.

Organizational structure of the service of marketing functional functionalities (Scheme 8.1). Застосовується переважно тоді, кол асортимент товарів, які продає фірма, обмежений, а ринків небогато. At the time of the day, the marketing director (the vice-president of marketing) is hired to be privatized. Якщо розмістити ці sit for the scheme boasting rіshennya (zberannya іnformatsії, statement of values, planning tactics, opera

Organizational structure of the marketing service of functional ordinance

Scheme 8.1. Organizational structure of the marketing service of functional ordinance

Ітивна діяльність), functіії працівників розподіляються for such strains: дослідження ринку; Planning marketing for skin care products; Advertising and stimulating zbutu; Ru і sales of goods; Сервісне забезпечення. Streams vihіdnosti ta upravіnskoї інформації чітко визначені, взаємовідносини зрозумілі, and then nemє pіdstat rivalіії mіzh managers.

Проте в разі розширення номенклатури товарів і ускладнення геограії ринків importantly viznachiti, який з маркетингових підрозділів maximally відповідальний за успішну діяльність і недоліки в комерційній роботі. Vazhko otsiniti takozh efektivnist advertising zakodiv shchodo dairy product; Poshayut problems with priinyattyam rishennya shchodo vyhodu on the market with new products. If the product of commodities and riches is supernumerary (ponad dev'yat on one pračívník), it is real nebezpeka, but we will add goods and rinks will not be available. That functional structure is perevoduyut on the market.

Organizational structure of the marketing service of commodity oriectatsii. Poleagye in that for the dairy product abo groups of similar goods are recognized as a special marketing manager, to whom the manager is responsible for advertising and stimulating zbutu, for goods and sale, and for servicing them. In addition, the manager of advertising and promotion of the zbutu pidporyadkovuyutsya (at the intervals of the fringe policy of the head) to the head manager in advertising and stimulation of the zbutu. Відповідно for the dermal goods (groups of goods) is acknowledged the manager of the dossier area, which gives the information to the head manager from the dossier. To the marketing manager. Through the head manager, the marketing team should enter the marketing profile before marketing with the products (group of products).

In order to do this, the organizers of specializing in marketing are able to coordinate their work on the realities of zagalnye tsіlei and vikonannya zavdan frirmi. Tovarny oriєntatsіy dotsіlno zastosovuvaty todi, if vimogi up to advertisements, organizatsii zbutu i obsluhovuvannya, pakuvannya ta іn. For the cutaneous goods різні. Певним недоліком цієї орієнтації є існування підрозділів, що дублюють one one. Prote is obvious, but the transfer is more, there are no debts. Velikі transnacionalniy korporatsii, so yak "Dupont" abo "General Electric", organizovanі sama for this principle.

Organizational structure of marketing service of regional ordination. Analogous product, proto as a basis to take rozpodil not for goods, but for the markets (Scheme 8.2). Organizovuvati marketing for tsim principle of sponukyet great kilkіst rinkiv, yakі viyshla firma, and takozh is exchanged for the nomenclature of goods.

Organizational structure of the marketing service of the regional ordination

Diagram 8.2. Organizational structure of the marketing service of the regional ordination

Regionalnaya oriєntatsіya dye zmogu glibshe vivchiti consumer purchases, speficiyny for the skin reguion through national, polichnichny, ekonomichnyi іnshі vіdmіnostі, adequately form the advertisement and stimulate the zbut, ураховувати регіональні особвостіі in the process of breaking up the contact with the product of goods, їх packing тощо. Недоліки цієї оргаізації marketing zagalom takіy itself, yak і for goods oriєntatsії.

Organizational structure of the marketing service of segmented (rectified for purchase) oriectatsii. Poleagai in that, the skin marketing manager is serviced by the first segment of potential purchases, irrespective of the geographic segment of the market. In order to differentiate the robot pidrozdіlіv і services firmi. Prote eskranennya spetsializatsii spivroobitnikov for okremimi goods will need to be done in the field of excellence.

Поділ ринків на сегменти дає змогу quote уіпповідність місткість ринку (тоніше - місткість сегментів усіх ринків) and виробничі потужності підприємств. Достовірнішим стає прогноззування (наприклад, якщо the product of the insurances on the students of the vivifying naval mortgages, the mobility of such a segment can be accurately delineated accurately, and such an assessment of the yo perspective on the statistics of the numbers in the sphere of exploration).

Zbutov organizatsii service marketing. By the pigtails of new rods, the head designer, the pirate vintners, the head engineer, the economical problems of the head economist, and the purchases from the purchases are the competence of the vine for zbutu. Zbutova oriєntatsіya, scho formoetsya for pevnogo perevischennya popita overpropositie, і monolopolizatsiya rinku przvodjat before, sho kerivniki pіdpriemstv rozv'yazuyut vyrobnitsva problems, not zvazhayuchi to spizhivacha: all one vin to buy the goods.

The marketing service of enterprises needs to be visually visible to the organizers, or for marketing purposes, the marketing director should be broadened to all kinds of robots: prequel to the products of new goods, bring the goods to the purchase, and buy them with the method of adhering to the goods.

Commodity-marketing organization of marketing. Really important in matrix form. On підприємстві є the manager z okremih goods rіnkіv.

Managers from the goods to plan the oaths sale that pributki, viznachayut method prosuvannya goods on the market. With the use of stink contacting managers from the markets for voznachennya mozhlivih obyagіv sale and vrahuvannya specifiky specific rinkiv.

Managers take into account the development of pributkovyh rinkyv for goods and poten- tial goods. Such a structure organіzatsіyna marketing zastosovuєtsya on pіdpriєmstvah scho vipuskayut rіznomanіtnu produktsіyu that realіzuyut її on bagatoh Rink, SSMSC suttєvo rіznyatsya. Perevagoi takoi organizatsii є mozhnlivost pridliiti respect to the skin product that skin rink. Проте існують і недоліки:

• Significant managerial vitrati;

• attendance of the sufficient organi zationary gnuchkost;

• Conflict of resources to the staff of marketing services. Choosing an organizational structure for marketing, dotsilno pretrimuvatis basic principles:

• nayavnist chitko osnovolovanyh tsіlei і zavdan pіdpriєmstva;

• procurement of operational information on marketing information;

• the visibility of the subordinate pidporyadkuvannya;

• interchange of personnel;

• interlining of the lacquers of management;

• the date of the coordination and coordination of the literal cur- rivision and the functional services;

• zagalna koordatsiia dіy vishchogo kerivnitsvva. Dotrimannya tsikh pri-principle to give zmogu vibrii nayprinyatn-

Shu organizatsynu structure of marketing management і забезпечити ефективність її подальшої роботи.

On bіlshostі of companies perebudova organіzatsіynoї structuring upravlіnnya pochinaєtsya s posilennya rolі vіddіlu zbutu i nadannya Yomou wide povnovazhen and the Same: krіm zbutovoї dіyalnostі vіn guilty zaymatisya Sponsored dіyalnіstyu, nadavati pevnі Hotel, zdіysnyuvati marketingovі doslіdzhennya.

Pідприємства України мають невеликий практичний досвід стренрення маркетингових підрозділів. At promislovy pidpriemstvah, de vzhe reorganized iosnychі vіddіli і sformovano marketingovyi structuriy, postayut pevnі problemy. On deyakih pіdpriєmstvah, nezvazhayuchi on netrivale after hour funktsіonuvannya marketing services, vinikayut konflіktnі situatsії mіzh pratsіvnikami marketing services that іnshih funktsіonalnih pіdrozdіlіv. Щоб посилити вплив керівника маркетингових службы на діяльність підприємства, необхідно підвищити його статус до рівня віце-президент компании компанії. Oskilki funktsії marketingu znachno shirshi y hoplylyuyut funktsii zbutu, posada vitsue-president zi zbutu often liikviduyutsya. At the time of the meeting, the president-president of marketing vidchuvaet opir z boku інших віце-президентів компанії. So, the vice-president of the vibrobitniva can not wait for proposals, but it is negative for the vibrotic process. Schub uniknuti konfliktnih situatsі on pіdpriemstvі, it is recommended to pidvishchit status of the Vic-president from marketing to the river of the first president-president.

In okremih fіrmah marketingovі pіdrozdіli peretvorilis on torgovelnі structure at pіdpriєmstvah for Relief yakih otrimuyut "dodatkovі" pributki for vischoї upravlіnnya Lanka. Bagato new-growth marketing services pritsyuyut imperfectly efektivno, vikonuyut not marketingovyh functii, and dublyuyut dіyalnіst інших відділів.

Yak sidіchit досвід вітчизняних підприємств, the process of formulating marketing structures is not meant, however, економічний стан фірми швидко поліпшиться. That the overzealous organisational structures are managing the subconjugation of the marketing strategies of marketing and management in managed pidpriemstvo.

In the formulations of the rink medium in Ukraine, the factor is imbued with the effectiveness of the implementation of irectional organizational structures. Ninі tse topical for new applications and unrestrained form of authority; For the reform (of the share capital, vykuplenih, privatizovonah that іn.) Kolyshnіh sverhvnih pіdpriєmstv; For pidpriemstv (ob'ednan), scho perebuvyvat at sovervnіy vlasnostі. Orієntatsіya on rinok spozhivannya, appeared elementіv konkurentsії, іntegratsіya in svіtovy ekonomіchny Prostir potrebuyut od natsіonalnogo pіdpriєmnitstva yaknayshvidshogo Ruhu to market analysis, and tse digit mіroyu deposits od organіzatsіynoї structuring upravlіnnya pіdpriєmstvom. W metoyu adaptatsії organіzatsіynih structures upravlіnnya to rinkovogo seredovischa potrіbno rozrobiti vіdpovіdnu Applied teorіyu optimіzatsії organіzatsіynih upravlіnnya structures.