Слоник ключових термінів з дисципліни «Маркетинг» - Grebnov M.G.

Literature "I"

Goods to goods

- zagalny product description, a company could bogoponuvati on the market.

Brand Identity

- sukumnnost dumok spozhivacha, sho stosuyutsya danoi brand goods.

Імідж goods

- sriyaynyatya neo gipotoza about sriyaynyattya goods purchases.

Імідж goods (obedience) підприємства

- sukumnnist enemy at spizhivacha, "image" to the goods (obedges), firmi, scho vigotovlya chi sold goods (obituaries). Закріплюється trade mark і зміцнює ставище виробника або продаця на ринку. Stevrennia іміджу will require great vitrat on a wide advertising, але здебільшого oportunity to pay back to the sellers of the sale.


- Organizing the ruins of non-bargaining hordes and rulers, wiping out the zahisti and polnishennya will become a middle-class medium.

Індивідуальний marketing

- pristosuvannya commodity assortimentu і marketingovih programs to the needs of the vvddaniya perevagi okremim spizhivacham.


- a group of companies, and propojutom abo grupi kartalіv, yakі znachnoyu mіroju є vzajmozamnimi. Сукупність усіх виробників товару або послуг.


- Lyudina, yaka Persha proponet Buy the singing goods for the sake of the service.

Інноваційний marketing

- the principle of marketing to marketing, zgіdno z yakim kompanіya maє postіyno vnositi realnі polnіshennya v svoї produktsіju і marketing.

Інноваційний потенціал

- the building of the plots of the people's estate of robity, the science of production, and the image of the vineyard of the sacred rink. І. To develop a new vibrobit, a machine and equipment to carry out scientific and technical operations, and to isolate technologic control in a nutshell.

Інноваційний the process

- Processes, rectifications to the alignment, vibrobitztvo, rozvitok and yakisne vnaskonalyuvannya principally new vidіv virobіv, tehnologiy, organizatsіynykh form. Characterized by new forms of integration of science, technology and vibrobitvtva, the fate of various organizations and visions is granted.


- goods abo technology, launched in vibrobitzhno and reprezentovanni on the market, yakі spizhivach sprimaye yak absolutely new yak yak tak, sho moyut vysik unikalnyi vlastovosty. Novі anchostі, іперше realization in the singing productі abo technologії.

Integration management goods

- the concept of post-office firmi, yaka vvazhaє for post-integration of its sistemi postachannya with systems of postavchilіv і spizhivachіv. Meta tsієї conceptіії - досягнення максимаї продуктивності всієї системи розподілу.

Integrating direct marketing

- direct marketing campaigns, in which for the sake of the receipt of goods and services, and for the sake of the receipt of goods, the marketing of the goods and services.