Фінанси (теоретичні bases) - Грідчіна М.В.

The list of recommendations is recommended

1. The Constitution of Ukraine. - K .: Press of Ukraine, 1997.

2. Law of Ukraine "About the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine" // VVR of Ukraine. - 1993.-? 50.

3. The Law of Ukraine "On Auditorship of the Day" dated 22.04.93 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1993.-? 23.

4. The Law of Ukraine "About Banks and Banking Diyalnist" dated 21.12.2000 // Order. Courier .- 2001.-? 8.

5. The Law of Ukraine "About the Beneficiary of the Beneficial Organiza- tion" dated 16.09.97 // The Order. Courier. - 1997. - No. 163.

6. The Law of Ukraine "About the Authority" dated 07.02.91 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1991. - № 20.

7. The Law of Ukraine "On the Entry of Zmitsin to the Law of Ukraine" About the State Service in Ukraine "" dated 05.02.98 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1998. - No. 29.

8. The Law of Ukraine "On the Entry of Zmitsin to the Law of Ukraine" On the Encouragement of Pribudku pіdpriimstv "" dated 22.05.97 // Уряд. Courier. - 1997. - No. 105-106.

9. The Law of Ukraine "About Gentlemen's Partnerships" dated 19.09.91 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1991. - № 49.

10. The Law of Ukraine "About the state of the regulation of the market of Ukrainian paperns in Ukraine" dated 30.10.96 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1996. - № 51.

11. The Law of Ukraine "About the State Budget of Ukraine for 2003 rіk" dated 26.12.02 // Уряд. Courier. - 2003. - № 4.

12. The Law of Ukraine "About the Inland Borg" // Voice of Ukraine. - 1992.- Zhovt. - P. 3.

13. The Law of Ukraine "About the State Control and Revival Service in Ukraine" dated 26.01.93 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1993. - № 13.

14. The Law of Ukraine "About the fogginess of the world, the state of social security in the midst of the unhappy vipadka on the vibrodits and the professorial zahchyovannya, yaki sprichinili vtratu pratsezdatnost" from 21.09.99 / / Order. Courier. - 1999. - No. 215.

15. The Law of Ukraine "About zagalnooboj'yukove the state social insurance on vipadok bezrobitsa" dated 23.03.2000 // The order. Courier. - 2000. - No. 72.

16. The Law of Ukraine "About the genuinely obedient state of social security in the name of the time-consuming pratasdatnosty by vitrates, zubovleniyami narodzhennyam i khovavannya" dated 18.01.01 // Order. Courier. - 2001. - No. 38.

17. The Law of Ukraine "About zbir on obovjjjukove stvevne pensiyne otrahuvannya" dated 03.12.97 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1998. - № 11-12.

18. The Law of Ukraine "On the National Depository System for the Specialization of the Electronic Circular Book" dated 10.12.97 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1998. - No. 15.

19. The Law of Ukraine "About pidpriemnitsvitvo" dated 07.02.91 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1991.-? 14.

20. The Law of Ukraine "About Penetration in Ukraine" dated 27.03.91 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1991.-? 24.

21. The Law of Ukraine "About Rahunkovu Chamber" // Voice of Ukraine. - 1998. - № 13.

22. The Law of Ukraine "About insurance" dated 07.03.96 // VVR of Ukraine. - 1996. - № 18.

23. The Law of Ukraine "About tsenni paperi i stocknovu birzhu" dated 18.06.91 // VVR

Ukraine. - 1991. - № 38.

24. Decree of the President of Ukraine "About the Government of the Treasury of Ukraine" dated 26.04.95 No. 335/95 // Діло. - 1995. - No. 43.

25. Decree of the President of Ukraine "About the deed of entering deregulyuvannya pіdpriєmnіkіkі діяльності" dated 23.07.98 № 817/98 // Уряд. Courier. - 1998. - № 143.

26. Budget Code of Ukraine // Order. Courier. - 2001. - No. 131.

27. Poslozhenia about vidomechy control of the system of ministries, the central authorities of the Vikonavochya vladi: Zatv. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 10.07.98 No. 1053.

28. Laying (standard) of the accounting area 2 "Balance": Затв. The order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on 31.03.99 № 87 // All about the buh. Region. - 2000. - No. 11.

29. Laying (standard) of the accounting region 3 "Звіти про фінансові результати": Затв. The order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on 31.03.99 № 87 // All about the buh. Region. - 2000. - № 11.

30. Інструкція "About the order of carrying out revisions and translations": Затв. The order of the Head of the KR Ukraine on 03.10.97 No. 121. - K., 1997.

31. Alexandrova MM Strahuvannya. - К .: ЦУЛ, 2002. - 208 with.

32. Beskid, JM Theoretical Pidvalini of the Day of the State Budget of Ukraine // Finance of Ukraine. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 11-16.

33. Bilukha MT Theory of the Financial and Government Control and Audit: Під-руч. - К .: Vlad and Vlad, 1996.

34. Blagodatin AA Financial Dictionary. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 1999.

35. Blankart Sh. Derzhavnі fіnansi v umovakh demokrіії: Вступ до фінансової науки: Пер. З нім. - To: Libyod, 2000.

36. Bondaruk TG Zovnіshnіy state power bureau of the Ukraine та механізм його обслуговування // Фінанси України. - 1999. - No. 5. - P. 95-102.

37. Borinets S. Ya. The development of the souvenir penny-currency vedosin (national and international aspects). - K .: Pedagogic, 1997.

38. Brovkova EG, Prodius IP Financial and credit system of the state. - To: Sirin, 1997.

39. Bukovinsky, SA Shlyakhi rozvitku budetrannoї sistemy Ukraini // Fіnansi Ukrainy. - 1998. - No. 9. - P. 4-9.

40. Burda M., Виплош Ч. Macroeconomy. European context. - К .: Основи, 1998.

41. Vasilik O.D. Derzhavnі fіnansi Ukraіny: Navch. Посіб. - К .: Вища шк., 1997.

42. Vasilik O. D. Theory of finances: Підруч. - K .: View of the NIOS, 2000.

43. Vakhnenko, T. Fіnansova stіykіst power // Економіст. - 1999. - № 7. - P. 22-28.

44. Galchinsky, AS Theory of Few: Посіб. - К .: Основи, 1996.

45. Gikish. В. Finances: Studies. Allowance. - К .: МАУП, 2000.

46. ​​Dorosh N. І. Державний фінансовий контроль: зарубіжний досвід і шахи вскосконалення / / Finance Ukraine. - 1998. - № 1. - С. 47.

47. Drobozina LA General theory of finance. - Moscow: UNITY, 1995.

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49. Dyakonova I. І. Budget deficit is the method of yogo optimization / / Finance Ukraine. - 1998. - No. 10. - P. 5-8.

50. Єpіfanov AO, Salo І. V., D'yakonova I. І. The budget and the financial policy of Ukraine: Посіб. - K.: Science. Dumka, 1997.

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53. Zavgorodny VP Accounting, control and audit in the enterprise management system. - K., 1997.

54. Legal Theory of Power and Law / Ed. V. V. Kopeychikova. - К .: Юрінком, 1997.

55. Zaidel, X., Temmen R. Fundamentals of the theory of economics: Trans. With him. - M .: The Case of LTD., 1994.

56. Zidenberg A., Hoffman L. Україна на роздоріжжі. Lessons from the international dossier of economic reforms. - K .: Fenix, 1998.

57. Kozyuk VV The problem of the state borough in the transitional economy of Ukraine // Finance of Ukraine. - 1999. - № 5. - P. 8-9.

58. Kornyev V. V. Problems and perspectives in the development of finance in Ukraine in the economy of the economy: Mater. Conf. 17-18 herbs of 1999 p. - Chernivtsi, 1999. - Ch. 2: The role of state finances in the development of the economy of Ukraine. - P. 45-48.

59. Kravchenko V. Місцеві фінанси України. - К .: Znannya, 1999.

60. Krinitsa SO. Zmitsnennya fіnansovoy basi mіscevogo ta регіонального самоврядування / / The finance of Ukraine. - 1998. - № 2. - P. 11-13.

61. Kuznetsova NS, Nazarchuk I. R. Rinok tsіnnih papperіv in Україні: правові base the forma ta functііonuvannya. - К .: Юрінком Інтер, 1998.

62. Kuzmenko N.A. Удосконалення міжбюджетних відносин / / The finance of Ukraine. - 1998. - No. 1.- P. 6-10.

63. Course of economic theory: Proc. Allowance / Scientific. Ed. A.V. Sidorovich. - Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1997.

64. Kucher GV. Derzhavnyi borg: istoriya i siogodennya / / The finance of Ukraine. - 1999.-? 2. - P. 16-22.

65. Lvovchkin S. Causes of the budget deficit in Ukraine // Економіст. - 1999. - No. 11. - P. 19-23.

66. Lyuti I. O. Derzhavnyi borg i efektivnist vikoristanna svernogo kreditu // Fіnansi Ukrainy. - 1999. - No. 9. - P. 21-26.

67. McConnell K., Bru C. Economics: principles, problems and politics: Trans. With the English. - K .: Hagar-Demos, 1993.

68. Makhanets L. L. Zovnіshnіy borg і polіtichny rizik // Fіnansi Ukrainy. - 2000. - № 2. - P. 64-67.

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