Management - Vikhanskiy OS

2. Theoretical view on the nature, essence and development of management

The management of an organization, considered as a real phenomenon, having a certain form and a certain content, can be better and more deeply understood if one knows how it looks in the generalized, theoretical analysis. Naturally, any abstract consideration of phenomena or processes leads away from reality, kills specific characteristics and traits. At the same time, it allows us to better understand their nature and nature, revealing and describing the underlying relationships and common essential features that determine the form and content of the phenomena and processes under consideration, the logic and directions of their development, and their Opportunities and implementation boundaries.

2.1. Management as attitude

In the most general form, management appears as a specific type of interaction that exists between two entities, one of which is in the position of the subject of management in this interaction, and the second in the position of the control object . This interaction is characterized by the following moments [1]:

• The management subject sends to the control object the impulses of impact, which contain, in an explicit or indirect form, information on how the control object should operate in the future (those aspects of the management object's operation that are within the scope of the management influence of the management entity are regulated). These impulses will be called management teams;

• the control object receives management commands and operates in accordance with the content of these teams.

On the management interaction can be said as really existing only if the object of management performs the commands of the subject of management. Accordingly, only then can we say that management is being carried out. In order for this to be done, it is necessary, firstly, that the subject of management has the needs and the ability to manage the management object, developing appropriate management teams for this, and secondly, the availability of the command facility and the ability to execute these commands. These conditions are necessary and sufficient for the subject of management to manage the management object. Often the conditions for the implementation of management are reduced only to the conditions for the implementation of managerial activity by the subject of management. This approach, because instead of the dialectical unity of the subject and the control object, the unilateral influence of the subject of management on the object is considered, leads to incorrect conclusions about the nature and nature of the possibility of exercising control. The substitution of a dialectical relationship between the subject and the object of management by their subordinate location and, as a consequence, only a functional view of management leaves the driving start of management beyond the boundaries of consideration. This beginning is the contradiction between the manager and the managed subjects, which generates, on the one hand, the need for management, and is resolved, on the other hand, in the process of implementing management. Therefore, no matter how much the capabilities and readiness of the management object to execute the management teams are fully taken into account, if they are considered only as a basis for searching for and developing the most effective administrative influences, the assessment of the possibilities for implementing management will be one-sided, and therefore it will be inadequate Real opportunities for management. That is, in other words, to look at management from the perspective of the subject of control, how it affects the control object, is wrong. It is necessary to look from positions of interaction of the subject and object of management.

When managerial interaction is realized, it can be said that there is a management relationship between the two entities, the essence of which is that one of them is interested in a certain type of functioning of the second one and generates management teams that set the desired behavior for this second entity, and the second by virtue of Certain reasons behave accordingly to the management teams of the first.

In order to have a managerial relationship between the two entities and, accordingly, management interaction, it is necessary that there exist management relations between these subjects. The essence of these relations is that they are the basis for the possibility of implementing management, since it is they who set the opportunity to develop management teams and the readiness to execute these commands.

Management relations are not original relationships, but are based on deeper relationships, such as economic or moral-ethical relationships. It is possible to distinguish several different types of management relations, depending on which primary relations are primarily based on them. Naturally, in real practice, management relations are complex in nature, but in relation to certain levels and management objects, certain types of management relations are dominant. There is also a change in the time of the mutual positions of the relations of management of various species.

In the economic system, management relations based on economic relations are the most common. Two types of relations are the most important for management: relations arising during the division and cooperation of labor in the process of joint labor activity of associated owners, and the relation of hiring (compensated relations) arising between owners and users of the means of production.

With the joint work of associated owners, the ability to develop management teams and the willingness to implement them stems from the need of specialized producers to coordinate their actions with a view to achieving the results of this activity most effectively. In this case, management relations are based on the interest of the participants in the production process, who are also owners of the means of production, in obtaining the optimal final result of joint labor activity. From what has been said, it follows that in the conditions of public ownership of the means of production, management should not stimulate the participants in the production process to be interested in high final results, but on the contrary, the interest in the final results is the basis for the possibility of management. And if this is not the case, then the reasons for absence should be sought, first of all, in property relations.

In the case where the relationship of management is based on employment relationships, the possibility of executing management teams and the readiness of their execution consists in alienating the user of the means of production from the means of production. The owner gets the opportunity to command due to the fact that he, opening the producer access to the means of production, acts as the owner and employer of the producer. The manufacturer is ready to execute the commands, as for this performance on terms of hiring he gets a reward. In this case, coordination of joint activities is also carried out to achieve the best result. However, in the final result, only the owner is directly interested, the producer is focused on the final result indirectly, through management teams. In the case under consideration, just as in the previous case, the attitude of management is set by the property relation, therefore, if the management relationship weakens, the reason for this is in most cases the deviations that arise either in the functioning of the mechanism for realizing property relations, or in the property relations themselves.

Earlier it was said that the management is based, on the one hand, on the need and ability of the entity to manage and, on the other hand, the need and ability of the management object to carry out management teams.

The need to manage, reflecting certain internal needs of the subject of management, is in relation to them a means of meeting them. Therefore, his managerial activity acquires a certain direction depending on what motivates the subject of management to management, what goals he pursues. In the case when the management objectives (the desired state of the object or the desired result of its functioning) coincide with the objectives pursued by the management entity, the latter is oriented to the most effective management. For this to exist, two conditions must be met. First, the subject of management should not be able to achieve its goals through management activities, regardless of the achievement of management objectives. Second: the degree to which a management entity achieves its goals through management activities should be directly dependent on the degree to which management objectives are achieved.

Complete binding of the management entity's need to manage to the results of the operation of the management object is observed in the case when the subject of management is the subject of ownership. If the subject of management is not the owner, but the executor called to implement the management function, the need to control the subject of management is objectively not directly related to the desire to obtain the best final result.

Moreover, this need is often associated with the desire of the management entity to satisfy its initial needs, using management, but not focusing on the final results, and in certain cases and to the detriment of the end results. To prevent this situation, the owner must create such a reward system and Stimulating the manager, which, on the one hand, would correspond to his motivational structure and, on the other hand, would depend on the degree of achievement of the management objectives, i. From the results of the operation of the control object.

As already mentioned, management is limited and defined not only by the characteristics and the state of the management entity's need to manage, but also by the availability of the management entity's ability to manage. It is necessary to distinguish between the two sides of this possibility. The first is connected with organizational and technical aspects of management. These include the availability of management system employees, the necessary communication channels and information transfer, accessibility of necessary control techniques, etc. These are all extremely important conditions that determine the ability of the entity to manage. However, each of these conditions more likely determines the level of effectiveness of the implementation of management procedures and the quality of managerial work than the principal possibility or impossibility for the entity to manage.

The second side is the fact that the subject of management has levers of influence on the management object, with the help of which it is possible to encourage him to carry out management teams.

This means that the ability of the subject of management to be rooted in the capabilities and readiness of the management object to carry out management teams. What determines the possibility and need of the control object to obey the management teams? Obviously, there can not be an unambiguous answer to this question, since, depending on the conditions for individual cases, the leading causes corresponding to these cases can be singled out.

If the management object (in our consideration the manufacturer) is not the owner of the means of production, then its willingness and ability to carry out management teams are primarily related to the extent to which its needs will be met as a result of the execution of management teams, as well as the level of skills that it possesses , Its productive capabilities. In this case, the contradiction between the subject and the object of management finds a solution in the development of a motivation mechanism in which the needs of the subject and the management object are reflected and which is a form of implementation and practical realization of the subject's control capabilities. At the same time, for the analysis of the essence of management, it is extremely important that the contradiction between the subject and the management object is resolved with the establishment of a mechanism of motivation (reward) before the process of implementing management teams. Therefore, for the subject of management, it is extremely important to find and apply such a motivation mechanism, which ultimately leads to the attainment of the set goals.

In order to achieve this, the motivation mechanism must meet the following requirements. First, it must be effective throughout the entire operation of the control object and not weaken as the needs of the control object are met. This can be achieved through the integrated use of leverage, periodic alternation of methods of motivating orientation, stimulating impacts on meeting stable long-term needs. Secondly, the incentive mechanism should link the level of incentives with the degree of achievement of ultimate goals.

At present, a fairly large arsenal of incentive funds that meet these requirements has been developed and widely used in world management practice. At the same time, it should be noted that there are no universal means (apparently, they can not be in principle), which can give effective results in all cases of life. Therefore, the formation of the motivation mechanism should be based primarily on a situational basis.

In the case where the management object is the owner, the ability to manage it is set by the mechanism of combining the interests of the management object as an owner and as an executor, in which the interests of the owner dominate the producer's interests.

Several conditions can be singled out, without which it is impossible to achieve the necessary degree of combination of these interests. The first condition is that the performer must be a full-fledged administrator of the products produced. The second condition is that there should be no remuneration for labor in the form of wages, but a division of the final income between all members of the collective should be effected. Third condition: the labor collective must have full rights in the disposal of the property in its use. Without this condition, he will not be able to build his activities in such a way that, by fully mobilizing all available resources at his disposal, he will achieve the most effective achievement of the final results.

The fourth condition is that labor collectives are among themselves in a state of competition, involving victory and defeat.