Management - Vikhansky OS

2.3. The content and logic control development

Organization Management Development is part of the progressive movement of society. Therefore, regardless of the role played by management at some point or another, or in different socio-economic conditions of its transformation is always defined by the general direction of development of the society. Management Development - Management is not a one-time conversion to achieve the "best" (and then eternal) state control and ongoing process in time.

Naturally, because this provision does not mean that management development is constantly and continuously. Management development is leaps and bounds. Therefore, although the management of the development and is objectively conditioned process, it is carried out mainly by conscious and deliberate transformation of organization management system.

It should be distinguished from the management of the development of its improvement. Management Development - is unfolding in time the process of transition from one state to another, which is characterized by a qualitative change management as a whole, or by bringing in quality control of new elements, properties or characteristics that affect the functioning of the building and determine the start of the control.

Improvement of management - it is an improvement on the specific criteria of management system performance. Therefore, if the development is characterized by a comparison of its cash management with the previous state, then to improve the management of the state is characterized by a comparison with the best control system for certain criteria. Development of management and improvement - a diverse phenomenon, the deeper fundamental and defining respectively among which is the development of management.

Many of the changes in the control system occur as a result of improving or rationalizing. However, not every improvement of the management and certainly not any rationalization of management can be seen as events that lead to the development of management.

To understand the essence of the mechanism and the control logic of the development of a thorough study and accounting in practice deserves historicism management of the development process, the study and consideration of the motion control in its specific historical manifestations.

Historicism management development is manifested primarily in the following points.

Firstly, the state of development management is highly dependent on the level of development of productive forces. Examples of this are changing at the transition to the control plant, the introduction line production, etc.

Three types of control stands, depending on the level of development of the means of production: the traditional management; management of industrial stage; management of post-industrial stage.

The peculiarity of the traditional control characteristic of the initial stage of development of industrial production, which is still not widespread engine technology, is that it was built according to human possibilities. This is explained by the fact that a person with his skills, mental and physical abilities at the center of the production process.

In the industrial production stage of a person from an organizational point of view, it appears as an appendix to the machines, the technology which he uses in his work. In other words, a person although it is a user-technology in the production process, however, in this process it is included not as a man in general with its inherent properties and qualities, but primarily as an expert on bringing into force the necessary tools and equipment to perform specific operations. This is manifested in the fact that the organization of production and management mainly set equipment and production technology. Depending on the production technology of the organizational management structure is built, equipment and technology set the frame structure and tasks of human resource management, among which one of the first places worth holding in relation to the personnel requirements expertly, efficiently and effectively use the machines and other technical means and tools . Finally, the equipment and technology set the labor content of the bulk of the participants in the proceedings. All this means that the control preferably constructed starting from the machine, the technology rather than the person.

The scientific and technological revolution on the basis of scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that people and technology, as it were separated during the manufacturing process. The machine starts to work itself, the production technology increasingly require direct human intervention in the production of goods and people in the production process comes from the authority of the car, leaving behind his position "appendage" of the machine. This leads to the fact that there comes a situation in which management is undergoing a fundamental change.

The industrial revolution made possible by the development of science and technology, was the result of the transition from factory to factory, between which there is a fundamental difference in the organization of the production process. He cited the fact that the manufacturing process and, accordingly, management began to build on the capabilities of the machine, not a person. In the context of the scientific and technological revolution person leaves the submission to the machine, and again becomes the basis of the production process, but not as it was in the manufactory, and a qualitatively different basis. The manufacture process of production was built on the basis of human capabilities, because there was no machine technology. The technological revolution is developing a system of machines and technology to such an extent that the person, who was formerly with the machine and the slave machine technology, separates from it and becomes the machine. And this change in the position of man in the production process leads to a radical restructuring of the management, transforms it into management, coming from the man, not the machine.

Secondly, all or the vast majority of approaches to the management of problems associated with spent last experience (often successful) solutions to similar problems. Past experience in transforming stereotypical assessment of situations and problems and stereotypical approaches to their solution, keeps developers change in their captivity, usually with not declaring themselves.

An example of one of the most widespread stereotypical approaches to solving the problems faced by the management are constantly witnessing attempts to address them through the creation of specialized controls designed to address issues related to the solution of these problems. At a certain stage of development of management in our country (20-30-ies.) Because of the specific conditions of such an approach is not only justified itself, but also gave some positive results. And this in turn led to a blind belief that to solve any new problems need to create new bodies or else convert topics.

If we discard some specific conditions when such an approach is truly justified, in general, it is absolutely wrong. Specialised bodies should be created when at least allocate part of the management function, which is not realized and secured for any one of the existing administrative bodies. The reaction of the management to the emergence of a new problem should be to develop at the needs of a control system to solve this problem and willingness to solve it. Ways to solve the problem are defined after this according to need, readily available and possible solutions. If you start with a fixation solution paths, as is the case with attempts to solve management problems through the creation of new bodies or other institutional rearrangements, in the absence of the system needs to solve the problem any proposed path will not give the desired result.

Having a concrete historical, situational content management development nevertheless carried out in accordance with a certain logic, is manifested and realized through the development of common principles of system.

The first general principle of management can be summarized as follows: regardless of the specific content of the reasons for requiring and causing management development, its transformation should begin with the transformation of the original principles, defining the construction and implementation of management. This restructuring of individual elements, links and management subsystem should not focus on the principle of enhancing their functional qualities as compared to the previous state, or on the principle of improving their effectiveness, and on the basis of harmonization with the converted source management principles.

The second general principle of management is that the need for and direction of this development mainly determined by the content of the new challenges faced by the organization. The concretization of this principle for the practical realization means that the real need to manage the development does not derive from the imperfection of the individual control of the parties and not of the opportunities to improve its efficiency, and is generated by the emergence of new challenges facing the organization.

The third general principle of management is as follows: a limiting factor any transformation management are frames. People are not only set in motion and create a new, but they also inhibit the development, not necessarily consciously. Ultimately, the success of any transformation depends on the people involved in it. Any logically based and fully supported by the resource management of the conversion scheme will be implemented to the extent and in the form in which it corresponds to the capabilities, knowledge, interests, desires and needs of the people.

Very often, if the change management status of the system management personnel, state of the relevant workforce hardly be taken into consideration, and often so that it may seem as if there are an unlimited number of any necessary experts, and existing employees can be reconstructed as the guns at any operating mode and any kind of action. In fact absent, and the first and second conditions. And the problem is not so much that can not be outside the organization to find the necessary expertise, but with the fact that the limited room for maneuver with the employees in cash management system.

Question accounting staff as the limiting factor mnogoaspekten management development. But the most important implication of this principle is that any measures aimed at the management of development, must be preceded by development of staff subsystem. Moreover, depending on the objectives and content of the measures for the development of control measures for the development of sub frames can range from training and proper training of existing management cadres before their replacement and the introduction of new employees into the personnel management subsystem.

Logical control of the scheme is as follows. The initial starting point for management development is the emergence of new problems. Therefore, the emergence of new problems can be seen as a first step towards the development of control logic.

The second step in this scheme is to develop the control system in response to new tasks - reaction, which should lead to the development of management.

There are three types of reactions that most clearly stand out from the variety of different nuances of the individual reactions occurring in the actual practice of management transformation.

The first type - an attempt not to change anything in the management or conduct small, partial changes focus to concentrate on identifying the reasons for requiring the change, and their elimination.

The second type - the stereotypical approach to solving the problems that arise. This is often an attempt to solve any management tasks almost regardless of their content, the nature and dynamics of using to justify itself before the approaches to change management system. The most common of such stereotypical approach to addressing any new tasks is to carry out organizational transformations in governance, the creation of new managerial bodies.

In fact, this stereotype rather reflects a steady trend of the evolution of the internal control system in the direction of increasing the number of its administrative divisions. Therefore, the emergence of new challenges to the management and the need to address them most are the reason for the expansion of administrative management services than the real reason, which requires just such a way to solve.

The third type - a comprehensive reorganization of the management system in accordance with the content and spirit of the new challenges faced by the management and control capabilities conversion.

This type of reaction from the scientific point of view is the only correct, from a practical point of view - the only truly effective. The subsequent presentation of the control circuit corresponds to just such a response from the management to the emergence of new problems.

The third step logic control development is the restructuring of the fundamental principles on which the control system. This involves bringing the principles underlying the management system, in line with the spirit and content of problems that have arisen prior to administration.

Once the control system is the formation of a new subsystem of the principles, the next step (in our presentation of the fourth) - step adjustment of the structure and elements of the management system. Often this step is considered as equivalent to the actual management of the development, because that is the restructuring of the organizational structure, management, personnel management, etc. It is generally regarded as a management development. In fact, this is only the most visible part of the restructuring, but not the most significant, because, even if they are mistakes at this stage, the control system is fully ready to develop, in the course of change will find the strength, ability to eliminate these errors.

Perestroika structures and elements in the control system logic control circuit development is not completed. There is still one final step - fixing in the management of new qualities and properties, grafted to it in the process of change. This implies, firstly, development of information and appropriate behavioral subsystem. Second, at this stage it is conducted regular study of the course of development and analysis of the results of activities undertaken in the framework of the restructuring. This is necessary in order to really be aware of the state of governance, and to constantly open the inhibiting factors, emerging management trends, new opportunities to accelerate the development and consolidation of the results achieved. Thirdly, in this step is carried out as a targeted adjustment of the entire management of the development process, as well as its individual components. The adjustment is carried out in order to avoid unreasonable or impossible to complete the implementation of management development areas, as well as for new, not previously foreseen change management, feasibility and need for which arose in the course of its development.

The above logic control development shows that this is not an unambiguous process that requires constant correlation of actions to transform the management challenges faced by management, as well as the opportunities available to the organization as a whole and the existing management system in it in particular.