Management - Vikhansky OS

1. The interaction of human and organization

In order to understand the construction of human interaction with the organization, it is necessary to understand the essence of human interaction and organization problems which personality characteristics determine human behavior in organizations and how organizational environment characteristics have an impact on the inclusion of a person in the organization.

1.1 The model of interaction of human and organizational environment

Systemically behavior of a person in the organization may be represented with two positions: 1) to human interaction position with the organizational environment (in this case the person is in the center of the model) and 2) to position the organization comprising individuals (in this case, the organization as a whole is the starting point for consideration).

If in the initial consideration of human and organizational environment in favor of human interaction, this interaction model as follows (Fig. 1.1) can be described.

• A person interacting with the organizational environment, gets him to encourage action stimuli.

• A person under the influence of stimulating signals from the organizational environment to carry out certain actions.

Actions carried out by a person, lead to the implementation of certain works and at the same time they have an impact on the organizational environment.

In this model, the organizational environment includes those elements of the organizational environment, which interact with the person. Stimulant effects cover the entire range of possible incentives that may include verbal and written signals, actions of other people, lights, etc. In the model of a man appears as a biological and social being with certain physiological and other kinds of needs, experience, knowledge, skills, ethics, values, etc. Reaction to stimuli includes the perception of the effects of man, their assessment and the conscious or unconscious decision about retaliation. Actions and behavior include thinking, gestures, speech, facial expressions, exclamations, gestures, etc. The results consist of two parts. First - this is what man has made for himself, responding to stimuli, which own the problems caused by stimulating effect, he decided.

Model inclusion in human organizational environment

Fig. 1.1. Model inclusion in human organizational environment

The second - that he has done for the organizational environment for the organization in response to stimuli, which the organization has used in relation to man.

In the case of the consideration of human interaction with the organizational environment from the perspective of the organization as a whole system model of this interaction is as follows (Fig. 1.2).

The organization as a single organism, having an input and an output transducer, interacting with the external environment in a certain way, appropriate to the nature and content of the interaction, including man as part of the organization in the process of organizational and material exchange between the organization and the environment. In this model, a person is considered as an integral part of the entrance and serves as a resource organization that she, along with other resources, use in their work.

In this chapter the consideration of human interaction with the organizational environment will be given to the position of the first model.

Model inclusion in human organizational environment

Fig. 1.2. Model inclusion in human organizational environment with organization items