Management - Vikhansky OS

2.1. Education when entering the organization

A necessary condition for successful entry into the organization for each new member is to study the system of values, norms, rules and behavioral patterns specific to the organization. There is no need to study the whole set of values ​​and norms that exist in the organization. It is important to know those that are key in the first stage of human interaction with the organizational environment, and without knowledge of which may have irreconcilable conflicts between man and the environment. Establishing a system of norms and values ​​and the corresponding description of their management is an important task, in particular those responsible for the organization staff. People join organizations must also realize the importance and necessity of education and consider it as part of the "price" that he has to "pay" for joining the organization. At the same time it must be understood that this will help it significantly reduce the "payment" for conflicts that will arise between him and the institutional environment in the future.

The main part of the organization of life, values, behavioral and regulatory characteristics of which must first examine the person entering into the organization are as follows:

• Mission and main objectives of the organization;

• acceptable and preferred tools that can be used to achieve organizational goals;

• image and distinctive image, which has created an organization;

• the principles, rules and regulations that provide features and the existence of the organization as a single organism;

• duties that would take on the man, having entered into a specific role in the organization;

• behavioral standards, which will have to follow a person, acting as.

To join the organization, a person must understand for themselves what rules he must follow to communicate with colleagues, how to interpret the activities of the organization, in what form and on what issues refer to the manual, in any form it decided to go to work, as they manage working time as well as the time allotted for recreation.

There are two fundamentally different learning process. The first - is the process of human learning, understands the norms and values of the organization on the grounds that his previous experience was associated with work in similar in values, norms and behavioral stereotypes of the organization. In this case, a new member of the organization needs to focus primarily on the existence of specific facts he knew i'printsipov norms of behavior and communication for the purpose of adjusting their behavior to the specific circumstances of the organization. The necessary knowledge and information he can get by watching the behavior of certain key employees, by finding and discussions with colleagues and management and, finally, through direct instruction by the persons concerned.

The second process takes place when a person belongs to the organization comes from a medium with substantially different values and norms of behavior. In this case, there is a very serious problem of self-knowledge as the carrier of a different system of values and norms, and departure from these norms and values. And already only then can begin the assimilation of new norms and values ​​that exist in the organization and that he must follow, becoming a member of this organization. The second learning process when a person entering the organization is much more complicated first, as it requires not only a careful study of what is happening in the organization, the behavior of its members, but also the in-depth study of their behavior with a view to renouncing the behavioral norms unacceptable in the new organization and revision of individual values ​​in accordance with what values ​​are accepted in the new organization.