The history of the world economy - Polyak GB

7.2. Economic development in the XI-VI centuries. BC. e.

This period of time includes two stages of history of ancient Greece: the so-called Dark Ages (XI-IX centuries BC...) And the Archaic period (VIII-VI centuries BC...). Dark Ages often called Homeric period, since in addition to archaeological data the main source for the study of this period is the poem "The Iliad" and "Odyssey", attributed to Homer.

Usually XI-IX centuries. BC. e. consider the intermediate stage, in which, on the one hand, compared to the Achaean Greece reduced the level of development, but on the other hand, with the start of production of iron tools are prerequisites for the further prosperity of the Greek states.

Archaic period is characterized by two main processes, had a decisive influence on the development of Greek civilization: 1) is the Great Colonization - the development of the Greek Mediterranean, Black, Azov, 2) design policy * as a special type of community.

* Polis (c city, state.) - A special type of state, which arose as a collective of citizens, landowners, is a city with an adjoining rural areas.

The sectoral structure of the economy

In the XI-IX centuries. BC. in the Greek economy was dominated by a natural type of economy, the craft was not separated from agriculture. As before, the main agricultural crops are cereals (barley, wheat), grapes, olives. Still designed irrigation system, manuring soil applied. There has been some improvement in tools, in particular, there was a plow with a metal (particularly iron) opener. Livestock also plays an important role in agriculture, livestock was considered one of the main types of wealth. The craft XI-IX centuries. BC. e. there was some differentiation, especially been developed weaving, metallurgy, ceramics, however, the production, as well as in agriculture, it was aimed only at meeting the immediate needs of the people. Therefore trade developed very slowly and had basically exchange character.

In the VIII-VI centuries. BC. e. the economic situation in ancient Greece has changed considerably. During this period, the craft separated from agriculture, which remains the leading sector of the economy. Poor development of agricultural production in the previous step, the failure to provide power growing population policies have become one of the main reasons for the Greek colonization. The most important function of colonies located in the Black Sea basin has become * supply metropolitan bread. Many Greek city abandon the cultivation of crops, and are focusing on crops, the cultivation of which more than corresponds to the natural conditions of Greece: grapes, olives, all kinds of vegetable garden and horticultural crops; as a result of agriculture is increasingly market-oriented. This also contributes to more widespread iron tools.

* Metropolis (c mother of cities.) - The main town in relation to the colonies created by him.

Handicrafts also acquires the character of a trade, and, as in agriculture, not the last role in this played the Greek colonization, promote the expansion of the resource base and the development of trade. Many Greek city-states have become major handicraft centers, they emerge whole neighborhoods artisans. In Halkida, Miletus, Corinth, Argos, Athens has been especially developed metallurgy, improvement of which in the archaic era contributed to the discovery of iron soldering technology and bronze casting. Important centers of ceramic production were Corinth and Athens, it is the turn of VII-VI centuries. BC. e. It begins to commercially available products. The manufacture of textiles were famous Greek city-states of Asia Minor, and Megara.

Greek trade in the era of colonization is developing very actively. Foster continuous communication between the metropolises, mainly exporting handicraft products and colonies, supplying various kinds of raw materials (especially metal, wood) and agricultural products (especially grain). In addition, the colonies become intermediaries between Greece and the distant barbarian periphery. In the most developed Greek city sea trade has become one of the most important sectors of the economy. Since the end of the VI. BC. e. a significant role is played by navklery - owners and captains of merchant ships.

Land ownership. Organization of production

During the dark ages the land was the property of the territorial community, the main production unit was oikos (house from c.) - The patriarchal family farm. For each family, a member of the community was assigned a plot of land transferred by inheritance; but it is possible that from time to time carried out the redistribution of land. Slavery in XI-IX centuries. BC. e. still had a patriarchal nature, a major producer of the product was a free farmer.

Archaic period brought great changes in property relations. The leading form of land ownership becomes polis (or antique) - the right to ownership of land in the territory of the policy had only citizens; personally free people who are not citizens (metics), this right does not possess. Citizens could sell, pledge the land, to lease it.

In the VIII-VI centuries. BC. e. It occurs and an important change in the organization of production - begins to form a classical type of slavery. This process has been associated with the development of commodity production and a significant increase in the number of slaves - foreigners arriving from the colonies. Cheap slave labor was allowed to earn more income and more actively used in major industries.