History of the world economy - Polyak GB

8.2. Economy in the Republic

Since that time, the territorial expansion of Rome is expanding. Up to half the captured territories were transferred to communal lands, which led to the enrichment of the patricians. Annual military campaigns (from March to October) demanded the maintenance and enhancement of the army's combat readiness, which it was increasingly difficult to implement without the participation of the plebeians. In 494, the plebeians refused to participate in the next campaign and forced the patricians to establish the institution of people's tribunes - inviolable defenders of their interests. Such tactics were later used by the plebeians repeatedly.

The struggle of patricians and plebeians

One of the most important stages of this struggle was the year 450, when the Laws of the Twelfth Tables were adopted . The written fixation of Roman law limited the arbitrariness of the patricians, who previously performed the court "according to custom". In addition, the Laws testify to the existence in society of private property relations. The debt law is elaborated in detail. The debtor, who did not pay his debt, fell into bondage and could be "sold for the Tiber" or even deprived of life. It is clear from the laws that usurious operations have developed significantly, although the amount of interest is still controlled (87 1/3% per annum). Essentially, the legislation of the XII tables characterizes the Roman society at the time of the approval of the slave system, but in the presence of persistent remnants of clan relations (for example, blood feud).

Only to the III century. BC. E. The plebeians eventually equaled their rights with the patricians. In 287 BC. E. The Hortense Act was passed, according to which the decisions of plebeian assemblies (plebiscites) became a law for all citizens. In addition, marriages between patricians and plebeians were no longer forbidden; One of the consuls must be chosen from the plebeians. Debt slavery was abolished: in 326 BC. E. The law of Petelia was adopted , according to which the citizen was responsible for the debt only with his property. The right to own public land was limited: now every citizen could get a plot of no more than 125 hectares, which contributed to accelerating the development of private ownership of land.

Clients and slaves

A large number of social layers of Roman society have become clients. They could be either freed slaves, or foreigners, or whole communities, forced to seek patronage from the patricians. They received the generic name of the patron (hence patronage ), land allotments, carrying agricultural and military obligations in favor of the patron. The Institute of Clientel (patronage) later became the prototype of a new form of dependence - the colonet.

Slaves in the period under consideration have not yet become the main productive force of society. Slavery was primarily patriarchal (non-market). And the position of slaves was significantly different from the classical version of slavery. Later, the Roman writer Marcus Varro divided the means of labor into three parts: speaking instruments, making inarticulate sounds and mute instruments, to the first he referred slaves, to the second - oxen and to the third - carts. At that time, the slave was not yet a "talking tool": the slave was not included in the property, the slaves were responsible for some misconduct before the court, and ill-treatment was not encouraged. Moreover, slaves - members of the surnames - in the III - II centuries. BC. E. Could receive peculium (latin property) - property, with the obligation to pay a part of the income to the masters. Pekulia, on the rights of ownership, received city slaves (artisans, villagers - villa managers), shepherds, farmers. The appropriation of slaves with peculia determined their property stratification and the convergence of part of them with the free.

Constant wars not only moved the borders of Rome, but also created a stable market of slaves, helped to expand commodity exchange and increase the role of money.

Provincial Provisions

In the IV century. BC. E. The Romans conquered Central Italy, and by 270 BC. E. - Southern Italy and Sicily. The struggle for domination of the Mediterranean Sea with Carthage continued (with interruptions) from 264 to 146 years. BC. E. And ended with the destruction of Carthage. At the same time, Macedonia was turned into a province. Thus, Rome has become a major power. Later provinces were all the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the Italian peninsula, North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, the entire Eastern Mediterranean. Among the Roman provinces - Spain, Gaul, Britain, Sicily, etc.

One of the main sources of income of the Roman state became taxes from the provinces. Their collection in the period of the Republic was in the hands of the tax- farmers, the public, from which the population suffered greatly (the size of the loan interest in the provinces sometimes reached 48%). In addition, unequal trade was conducted with the provinces: goods from them were exported at low (nonequivalent) prices. The Imperial Procurators led the tax policy in each province, controlling the governors. The difficult economic situation of the province complicated the financial situation of their population and led to mass protests.