Management - Vikhanskiy OS

Brief conclusions

The organization can not function without targets. The target principle in the activity of the organization is set primarily by the fact that its activities are influenced by the interests of various groups of people. The target in the functioning of the organization reflects the interests of such groups or sets of people, as owners of the organization, employees of the organization, buyers, business partners, the local community and society as a whole.

There are two main components of the target in the organization: mission and goals. A mission can be understood in a broad sense as a philosophy, the sense of the existence of an organization, and in a narrow one - as a formulated, sufficiently detailed statement as to why an organization exists. A well-formulated mission includes a description of the orientation, scope, philosophy of the organization, the possibilities and methods of carrying out activities, as well as the desired image of the organization.

The objectives of the organization describe the specific state of the individual parameters, which it would like to achieve after a certain period of time. Goals are long-term and short-term. Goals also differ in the spheres of organization's life and levels of hierarchy. Goals must meet certain mandatory requirements. They must be achievable, flexible, measurable, specific, compatible and acceptable.

Setting goals involves the passage of four mandatory phases: 1) the identification and analysis of trends observed in the environment; 2) establishing common goals for the organization; 3) the construction of a hierarchy of goals and 4) the establishment of individual goals.

Basic terms and concepts

Trend analysis

Target Flexibility

Long-term goals

Reachability of the goal

Hierarchy of goals

Goal measurability


Individual goals

Specificity of purpose

Short-term objectives

Mission of the organization

Directions for setting goals

Acceptability of the goal

Goal Compatibility

Medium-term goals

Field of activity

Phases of goal setting

Philosophy of organization

Objectives of the organization


The objectives of rapid growth

Goals of growth

Goals of reducing growth

Goals of stable growth


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