The history of the world economy - Polyak GB

11.Ekonomicheskoe development of England and Holland

11.1. England's economic development in the XI-XV centuries.

Completion feudalization

Process feudalization in England proceeded more slowly than in France. The reason for this was the lack of colonate, the stability of the peasant community, etc., although there was a feudal estate -. Manor.

Since the XI century. as a result of the Norman conquest of England in feudalization process accelerated: increased manornaya system began its heyday. In 1066 Duke William of Normandy conquered England. Most Anglo-Saxon nobility had them destroyed. The local feudal lords, he took most of the land and on the basis of the French system vassa-litetov among his vassals. Formed a new feudal nobility. 1/7 of the land Wilhelm himself appropriated and thus became the first and largest landowner.

With the creation process of enslavement of the peasants accelerated the strong royal power. By order of the king was held a census of all the land and people, and many free peasants were made into serfs list. Therefore, in the history of the census included a "Domesday Book".

Formed two categories of serfs: villeins and Cotter (representing the landless or land-poor peasants). Enslaving feudal peasantry was charged to heavy duty.

In the XI-XII centuries. a form of feudal exploitation was a major boon, more than three or four days a week. During the period of seasonal work (harvesting, sheep shearing and more. D.) Peasants took to the additional serfdom. Villano partially paid and natural, and money rent. As in France, in England there banalité system. Farmers and paid tithes.

The general character of the economy

In the XI-XV centuries. the main branch of Britain's economy was agriculture. There were three-field system and dvuhpolnaya. fertilizers produced primitive.

The main instrument of arable land was a light plow, pulled by oxen or a pair of Horse. In some places and used heavy plow. Manorial system was a natural in nature.

In the XI-XIII centuries. Trade boomed and the city. In the XIV century. already 12% of England's population lived in cities. Urban population growth has increased demand for agricultural products, and contributed to the formation of the internal market. Especially expanded trade in grain.

Development of cloth production in Flanders has given impetus expand exports English wool, which has become a significant source of income. Wool Market expansion prompted landlords to increase the number of sheep. For the development of sheep grazing are extended at the expense of communal lands.

With the growth of cities and trade English feudal lords tried to increase the profitability of their estates and to this end, passing the serfs to corvee. Along with the rent barshchina and natural lords demanded from them and payment of cash rent. For the cultivation of the land they used hired labor and impoverished peasants.

Peasant uprisings and mitigation of the feudal regime

In the XIV century. Europe swept the plague, which killed 1/3 of the population of England. Decreased agricultural production, there has been rise in the cost of products. The poor demanded wage increase. English Parliament enacted laws providing for severe punishment of those who demanded the increase of payment or refusing to go to work.

During the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) to cover the costs of military king increased taxes. tax collectors for its part, oppressed people, which caused great discontent of the masses and led in 1381 to the peasant uprising, led by Wat Tyler. It covered most of the country. The rebels destroyed the peasants and the landed estates of the church, burned documents, where their duties, as well as lists of taxpayers were recorded.

The peasants demanded the abolition of serfdom, reducing the land tax, the return of communal pastures and forests, captured the feudal lords, the church and monastery of distribution of land among the peasants, equality for all citizens of England.

The peasant uprising was defeated, but frightened by the nobility is not easily translate peasants to serfdom. The development of trade accelerated the replacement of natural duties farmers money.

After the feudal peasant revolts eliminated the remnants of serfdom and villeins moved in homage - hereditary landowners for money service.

In the XV century. copyholder became a central figure in the English countryside. Almost all the peasants to redeem, and the land remained in the feudal property, for the use of a farmer to pay the rent to the feudal lord. Thus the farmer received only personal freedom, and feudal exploitation remained.

Money rent accelerated the differentiation of the peasantry and the development of capitalism in the countryside. Wealthy peasants to buy land from the poor or take it out to the landowners, which was treated with the use of hired laborers work. Many feudal lords themselves rebuilt its economy based on wage labor. That was a new nobility - the gentry. In the English village developed capitalist relations.