Management - Vikhanskiy OS

2.2 Performance analysis

The purpose of the analysis of work is to give an objective description of the work itself, i.e. Its content, requirements for it and its environment or context. There are many methods of analyzing the work that help managers identify these three components of any work.

The content of the work covers the actions that must be performed within the framework of this work. Depending on the chosen method of analyzing the work, the description of its content can be broad or narrow, i.e. Can be a simple statement about what needs to be done, or a detailed explanation of each individual operation, each movement of the hand or body. This approach to the content of the work is called functional analysis of work (FAR). It includes a description of:
• what the employee does in relation to other workers and other work;

• What methods and operations should be used;

• what machines and equipment are used in the performance of this work;

• what product / service is produced in the process of doing the job.

The first three positions are associated with the actions, the fourth with the result of the work. The PHA provides a job description based on the classification of works for each of the four positions. This method is widely used in practice for the preparation of so-called staff schedules.

Requirements for work reflect the qualities of the individual necessary for its performance, such as skills, abilities, education, experience, health, upbringing and other individual qualities. To compile a list of these requirements in the conditions of a particular organization, the official analytical questionnaire (DAV) method is used . This method involves the description of the specified characteristics of the individual by analyzing the following performance parameters:

• information sources that are important for the performance of work;

• processed information and decisions made necessary to perform the work;

• Physical actions and skills required to perform the work;

• the nature of interpersonal relationships that are desirable for work;

• the nature of the individual's reaction to working conditions.

This method is used for all types of work, including for management. It serves as a base for the preparation of qualification guides.

External factors related to work, physical, social and other, describing the conditions in which it must be fulfilled, as well as the rights and responsibilities constitute the context of the work. There are a number of methods of analysis from the point of view of the environment in which work is carried out. Using these methods, you can get an answer to the question of what this work means for the organization, what conditions it requires for implementation.

People do their work in different places. But all of them can be reduced to two types: 1) factory or factory and 2) office or office.

Historically, the analysis of work began at the factory. Industrial revolution and subsequent industrialization contributed to the process of growth of enterprises, in which people performed hundreds of different specialized works. Early attempts to analyze the work followed the idea of ​​an objective analysis of the facts and data collected at the workplace to determine the only best way to design the work put forward by the founders of scientific management at the turn of the twentieth century.

Based on the concept of scientific management, founded by F. Taylor, many methods of analysis and improvement of work have been developed. Some of them are still used. Methods of studying movements and the time spent on them, simplifying work and standardization form the core of the analysis of work in the factory and other manufacturing enterprises. Despite the fact that the mechanical approach to the analysis of work has become widespread in the industry, many producers do not agree with the idea that one worker makes one narrow specialized work. Increasing recognition, especially in high-tech industries, receive the skill and readiness of the employee to perform a wide range of tasks. In practice, this led to the creation of autonomous working groups, where one worker could replace another at any time. At the same time, the content of the work and the demands on its performer are subject to a significant change in such a way that the latter is given the opportunity to make fuller use of his talent and abilities.

After the emergence of the concept of scientific management, which was mainly focused on production processes, the analysis of work in developed industrial countries relatively quickly switched to office processes, which was naturally associated with the growth of the scale and complexity of management work. Later, automation, robots, CNC and GPS changed the need for studying physical activities at work and caused even greater interest in studying work in the field of organization management. However, the modern workplace of the manager is not simply a continuation of the traditional factory. The paper subject of the work was finally replaced by an electronic one. This allowed us to sharply expand the boundaries of his work for the man. Moreover, modern electronic control systems make it possible to entrust to one performer a whole module of various interrelated works.

At present, scientists and practitioners believe that when analyzing office work, more attention should be paid to the human factor. For example, it is well known that a long work with a computer has a number of adverse effects on human health, causes headache, red eyes, back pain and the like. The source of these problems, in particular, is the design of the workplace, in accordance with which the interaction of a person and a computer system is established. The reason for this is that often the analysis of the work is focused on the technological side - the computer, since it is easier for design developers to deal with inanimate objects than with a complex nature of a person.