The history of the world economy - Polyak GB

13.2. The development of agriculture


During the period of Kievan Rus farming, long ago became the Eastern Slavs the main branch of the economy, notably progressed. Agriculture was spread throughout the ancient Russian state, but there were local differences, defined as a geographical factor and the level of development of the productive forces.

It must be borne in mind that in the northern half of the East European Plain lay vast forests in the north - coniferous and sub - mixed. Further to the south stretched the strip-steppes, relatively narrow in the Dnieper (300 km), expanding to the Don (500 km.) - Chernozem soils go from west to east, capturing the north of Kiev. Here there is one of the oldest centers of agriculture in Eastern Europe.

The alternation of forest and forest-steppe zone of the steppe spaces in the latitudinal direction dictated the conditions for economic development of the land. Population mastered especially areas with the most favorable soil for agriculture, water regime, climatic conditions, which contributed to obtain sufficient yields.

In the north-east of Russia develops successfully growing agricultural economy. The presence in the forests so-called "Weed" (open space with enough fertile soil), allowed to obtain satisfactory yields of agricultural crops.

The main instrument was plow farming, but in the south of used plow or plow (wooden plow). Fallow and deposits demanded cultivation plowing implements using draft power animals. When you plow farming dramatically increases productivity and appears able to handle extensive land - fields (arable land).

The development of agriculture, together with population growth led to the development of new land and a better use of land, already were in treatment. Gets development dvuhpolnaya crop rotation system. In the central regions inhabited by other thick, three-field starts to spread.

In the northern regions, in the areas of podzolic and sod-podzolic soils with large forest land, wetlands, with a relatively small thermal resources necessary for the growing of crops, land development opportunities in this period were limited. In the north, dominated by fire slash farming system. Application in the northern regions as the main tools of cultivation of the land and plow hoes hampers the development of agricultural economy.

In the whole country in agricultural production involved a small area. This corresponded to a low population and concentration of population in some relatively small areas. Most of them were river valleys, Opole inside forests, lakeside land. The share of the agricultural land in the southern sector was undoubtedly higher than the northern areas.

The main crops in Russia were rye, wheat, barley, millet, peas, oats, flax, hemp, beans, lentils, turnips, cabbage. But among of corn, which is understood as all cereals, rye was a major. Also developed horticulture and gardening.


An important sector of the economy was animal husbandry, it is closely related the Eastern Slavs with agriculture, since, on the one hand, increased fodder reserves, on the other - growing need for draft power. Bred horses, oxen, cows, sheep, pigs, poultry (chickens, geese, ducks).

In feudal economy developed successfully cattle and horse breeding. At Prince Igor and Svyatoslav O. (XII century.) Was "herd mares 3000 and 1000 horses." Stinks were poorly equipped cattle and horses.

Agriculture and animal husbandry in Kievan Rus, being the leading sectors of the economy, have reached a level of development, which in its main features preserved in time. In terms of agricultural technology, the degree of development of agriculture and crops set Kievan Rus was at the same level as that of her contemporary Western Europe.

However, the overall level of agro-technical agriculture is not allowed to make this industry more sustainable economy. As in Western Europe, the lean years in different places of Russia in the XI - XII centuries. It was very frequent, leading to mass starvation and extinction of the population.


Supporting role, although very important, playing a variety of crafts. Hunting, fishing, bee-keeping had a greater share in the northern regions, where production of agricultural activity, especially agriculture, could not fully meet the needs of the population.

Hunting satisfy the needs of the population not only in food, but in clothes, shoes that are made of animal skins and furs are not only domestic, but also wild animals. In addition, the fur tribute levied, taxes. They hunted lynx, tours, moose, bears, deer, wild boars, hares, sables, martens, weasels, squirrels, foxes and other forest dwellers, forest-steppe, steppe.

Hunting grounds are extensive and at a relatively low population density is almost inexhaustible. Annals note forest wealth of the northern lands, primarily Novgorod, where the old folk legend "olentsi mali" and "veveritsa (protein) Mlada" falling in the forest with the passing clouds and "vzrastayut and disperse on earth."

A role in the economy played a fishing. The diet of the fish time take up more space. The adoption of Christianity, with its system of posts approved fish as one of the components of lean food.