The history of the world economy - Polyak GB

16.3. India's economy in an era of Mogodskoy empire (XVI-XVIII centuries.)

From 1526 to 1707. in India there Mughal Empire, which was initiated by Babur, poet, historian. He is the author of "Baburname 'famous poem, which describes the economy and culture of the countries he conquered. Hindus, he gave a low assessment, describing them as "infidels."

Economic transformation

Babur and ruled after Sher Shah did much to strengthen the central government. When Sher Shah in India was laid several main roads which connected with Bengal Delhi, Indus, etc. If it were carried out important economic reforms: started preparation of the general inventory of land, set in the middle 1/3 of the size of the rent-tax, ordered nature of land tenure commanders - dzhagirdarov.

The Mughal Empire there were two forms of state land ownership: Khalis -State Fund, which includes all the conquered lands, and Jagir - bestowed land, in return for which received pledged to put in a certain amount of the ruler army soldiers. Usually Jagir after the owner's death passed to the treasury and not hereditary. The Mughal Empire existed as private ownership of land: ownership zaminadarov, local princes and tribal leaders, which they have inherited.

About 3% of the land was in the ownership of the Muslim clergy and Hindu temples. Such land is not taxed, indicating religious tolerance in the empire. For example, the governor, Akbar tried in the early XVII century. even create a kind of synthetic religion, called for an end to religious strife among the subjects, doing great damage to the country's economy and distracted state power by default, for example, so it functions as the maintenance of the irrigation system.

Trade. Cities. Transport

Significant place in the Indian economy in the XVI-XVII centuries. engaged in foreign trade. From India went sea routes to Africa, Arabia, Europe, China. Developed as internal trade, which were as large merchants and Lotoshnikov. Evolving usury, together with the development of the domestic market contributed to the unification of the country composed of many tribes, castes, nationalities and religions. State introduces common measures and monetary units.

With the growth of trade and crafts growing city, and with the growth of cities in developing trade and crafts. Thus, the appearance of the city in a place of pilgrimage promoted the production of objects of worship, trade essentials for pilgrims flock there. With the development of cities was due not just the development of crafts, but also improving the specialization of artisans. So, in Agra we focused construction workers in Bengal - shipbuilders, in Gujarat - master inlaying. Products Indian artisans featured great skill and careful finish. In addition, the ever-growing list of training craftsmen: they made paper, jewelery, gear, squeezed vegetable oil, extracted iron, non-ferrous metals, salt, saltpeter, building stone.

Gradually formed all-India market, strengthened economic ties between the cities and regions of the country. The main water transport artery of the country was the river Ganges, in which the active transport of goods carried. So, up the river of Bengal carried wheat, rice, sugar, expensive silk and cotton fabric, and back to Bengal - salt of Rajputana, articles Lahore artisans, primarily chain mail, as well as horses and famous Kashmiri shawls. The state of affairs on the market is largely determined by the grain harvest, the equivalent of the former major in commercial relations. Harvest was also directly related to irrigation. Irrigation function has always been the most important for the Indian rulers, actively fought against feudal strife, causing her great harm.

The reasons for the decline of the empire

Religious tolerance of the rulers, the development of irrigation functions, the promotion of trade, crafts and urban development have contributed to the economic development of the empire. However, this development did not last long and Aurangzeb Empire ceased to exist because of its internal policy. Sunni fanatic Aurangzeb pursued and destroyed all nesunnitskoe destroy the temple and brought undone Akbar jizya (poll tax for non-Muslims), persecuted Hindus and Shiites.

Religious persecution caused discontent and protests, poured into all sorts of unrest and popular movements that undermined and then destroyed the economy, followed by her and the very empire. We took advantage of the British. The era of colonization of India (XVIII-XX centuries the middle.).

Review Questions

1. As reflected varna-caste system to economic development?

2. Tell us about the specifics of the economy of each of the three stages of medieval India.

3. Describe the role of the peasant communities and the state in the economy of medieval India.

4. Tell us about the sectoral structure of the Indian economy in the Middle Ages.