Management - Vikhansky OS

4.1. Edhokraticheskaya organization

What should be the organization in the future? How should they be designed? How should they unite or divide the work? Respond to all this hard enough. Currently, however, in high-tech areas and in fast-growing sectors were the organization in whom there is evidence of the organization's future. In the scientific literature, these organizations are called edhokraticheskih (from English, adhocracy) for their applicability to non-standard and complex works to trudnoopredelyaemym and rapidly changing structures to power, based on the knowledge and competence, and not on the position in the hierarchy.

Edhokratiya is the at the same time, management style, and organizational design. The key to it is the competence and it is valued the highest way. Control of the management supported the establishment of goals, usually tense. The means of achieving the goals chosen by the performers. Each is directly responsible for their actions, and rewarded the one who succeeds. In edhokraticheskoy organization the individual is experiencing strong pressure from the outside, which is partially attenuated by group work, which creates a sense of community at work. Risk as well as the remuneration is divided between the parties.

Formalities are not typical for edhokraticheskoy organization and reduce it to a minimum. This refers to the hierarchy, working conditions and premises, benefits, clothes, etc. Thus, in such an organization it is often difficult to distinguish from the working manager.

The idea edhokraticheskoy environment in an organization is usually attributed to American computer company "Hewlett-Packard", which started to implement it in the 40-ies. For a long time, even during the recession, the company is not laying off workers. The company maintains a relatively small size of its offices (within 1500), which helps it to implement less formal relationships and an atmosphere of group work.

Edhokraticheskoy organization characterized by a high degree of freedom in the actions of employees, but it is the pinnacle quality execution of work and the ability to solve problems. Edhokraticheskogo key elements of design are the following:

• working in areas with high or complex technology that requires creativity, innovation and effective teamwork (group work relationship);

• employees are highly qualified experts in their field, perform complex manufacturing operations and are able to communicate with each other highly effective way;

• structure has an organic basis and is not clearly defined, and dominated by informal horizontal communication. Hierarchical building is constantly changing. Many managers do not have tight binding to any one work. Parts of the structure are stored in small amounts;

• The right of decision-making and power based on expertise, financial control is carried out from the top;

• reward system is based on expert knowledge, the contribution of the employee, his competence and degree of participation in the common work, the reward is the character of the group;

• relationships vertically and horizontally mostly are informal, often lack the structure diagram of such an organization.

The most useful this design is for organizations in areas such as consulting and novovvedencheskaya, computer, electronic, medical, research and development and design, film production, etc.

Structure edhokraticheskoy organization is usually associated with the scheme of concentric shapes (Fig. 8.7). It is not an organization that is seen with the start at the same point, which is moving from the up or down, you come to the end point. In edhokraticheskoy organization has a point of reference from which the structure is like ripples on the radial directions. Circle for an organization is a symbol of the fact that all the efforts of its employees lead to one success to the company. It values ​​(in the first place - the quality of its employees) are not ranked according to levels. Organizations can have different degrees edhokratichnosti. Nevertheless, it is clear is that it is determined by the level of technology, quality of staff and training managers.

Schematic diagram of the structure of the organization edhokraticheskoy

Fig. 8.7. Schematic diagram of the structure of the organization edhokraticheskoy