The history of the world economy - Polyak GB

Trade and Finance

Important events in the economic life of France took place in the middle of the XIX century. in trade and finance. Thus, customs policy, very close to free trade, was associated with the abolition of duties on British machines, metal and coal. Its introduction has dealt a heavy blow to his own production. The capital from the productive sphere rushed to credit.

This period is characterized by a massive foundation of banking companies: the land bank, commercial, industrial banks.

A new phenomenon in lending was the bank "Credit mobnle". Created in the early 50s. Pereira brothers, he used their money for the economic development of the country, promoters' activities; engaged in all kinds of speculation; formed a joint-stock company; out the broad funding of industrial and railway construction. Mortgage Bank Company controlled land-loan usury operation in the village. In the early 60-ies. financial arsenal replenished such major banks as "Credit Lyonnais" and "General society". There is still the leading position belonged to the French bank.

The situation of workers

Throughout the XIX century. the position of the general population remains quite heavy. This is manifested in particular in a significant slowdown in population growth. For this indicator, the country ranks last in Europe. The working day is more than 12 hours, and at the enterprises of silk production - 13- 14 hours. Widely exploited women and child labor.

Wages in France were significantly lower than in the US, England or Germany. There was no any insurance. A growing number of unemployed. By the middle of the XIX century. Only in Paris, there were more than 100 thousand. At the beginning of the XIX century. Working books were introduced in enterprises. They were entered information about the behavior of workers, thus decreeing the system of wage slavery. The protest of workers, particularly the most active, was persecuted by the law of Le Chapelier in criminal proceedings. The Act was discontinued in the second half of the XIX century.

Increased exploitation of the workers, the sharpening of class contradictions have led to a strong wave of discontent. Widespread political influence acquired secret organizations and societies. One, in particular, under the leadership of L. Blanks, set the task to overthrow the government handed members of secret organizations. Other, C. Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier, widely disseminated ideas of utopian socialism. The general discontent and unrest made fighting the inevitable. Rebellion Lyons weavers in the 30-ies. and the revolutionary events in Paris in 1848 signaled the beginning of a Europe-wide struggle of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the harbinger of the tumultuous events of the Paris Commune.

Paris Commune

By challenging socioeconomic second half of the XIX century problems. added hardships endured by France's share during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). The German troops, easily breaking the rather feeble resistance of the French army reached Paris. On their way they ruthlessly plundered the population, removal of equipment and food. At destruction suffered the most economically developed departments.

The natural disturbance of the Paris proletariat the treacherous policy of the French bourgeoisie and the violent actions of the German invaders gradually resulted in a powerful uprising in Paris March 18, 1871 By the insurgent workers joined the artisans, the petty bourgeoisie and employees. A. The Government of Thiers fled to Versailles from the capital. The insurgent people took power into their own hands. March 26, 1871 elections to the City Council of Paris. The Paris Commune was proclaimed.

It was the first in the history of the proletarian revolution and the attempt to establish a proletarian dictatorship. The main challenge posed elimination of class domination of the bourgeoisie and the release of the German invasion. Even though the Commune lasted only 72 days, the memory of herself she left considerable.

First, in order to strengthen the defense of Paris, limited rule of private property and the advancement of the workers was to destroy the old state apparatus. The highest organ of state power has been declared the Council of the Commune. It becomes imperative to be elected and subject to recall at all government positions. The level of salaries of civil servants should not exceed the corresponding figure of skilled workers. On a number of companies and the railways, especially important for the defense of the capital, introduced the public and workers' control. Responsibility for payment of war indemnity on the basis of the war with Prussia was assigned to the real perpetrators of the defeat of France - the top management of the deposed government.

Broad economic program of the Commune provided the protection of workers' interests. Decree increasing wages of low-paid workers and employees. I introduce a minimum wage workers performing public orders, and so on. D. Cancels debt and reduced the total rent. The poor slum moved into the apartment of the rich. They returned items previously pledged in pawn shops. A large number of small and medium-sized enterprises and traders have been saved from ruin deferred payment of debts on commercial bills and so on. D.

In order to reduce the level of unemployment, workers associations have created more jobs in the military, as well as abandoned or dormant companies. Preparations were the decree on the eight-hour working day. On the improvement of the situation of workers were also targeted measures such as a ban on night shifts, penalties, deductions from salaries. Sets a limit on the price of bread. It is improving the food supply of Paris. The municipal shops prices were one-third lower than the market.

However, short-term existence of the Paris Commune was determined by significant flaws and annoying failures. For example, it will retain the same board of the Bank of France, which also has not been nationalized. Representation in it was limited to only one delegate from the Commune. All this is in fact retained the possibility of funding the counter-revolutionary government. Therefore, the Bank has provided support to Versailles 257,600,000. Francs, the Commune has got only 1.5 mln. Francs.

Quite slowly and timidly held unjustifiably expropriation of the expropriators. The Paris Commune did not manage to enter the eight-hour day. It did unfinished attempt to develop a series of agrarian reforms. The municipality was not able to win over the peasants of the Parisian suburbs, and so on. D. Once in isolation, unable to withstand the pressure of internal and external counter-revolution, the Paris Commune of May 28, 1871 fell.

The economy in the last third of the XIX century.

Many unresolved social and economic problems has led to a certain economic backwardness of France in the last third of the XIX century. So, its industry growth rate decreased by half compared with the first half of the century. The share of industry was lower than the share of agriculture. In industrial production by the end of XIX - early XX centuries. the country moved from second place to fourth, having passed the United States, Germany and England. During the second half of XIX - early XX centuries. its volume industrial production increased only four times, while the world in general and in Germany - to seven times, and in the US - even 13 times. France share in world industrial production decreased from 10 to 7%, and continued to decline.

In a country dominated by light industry, but not as heavy as in other leading countries. Still enjoyed the world-famous French luxury goods -. Silks and jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, porcelain, and furniture, etc. This single-piece production of highly artistic use mostly manual labor and did not require a special mechanization. And before the end of the XIX century. more than 90% of enterprises have a small number of employees - from 1 to 10.

However, it should be noted that France had made significant progress in railway construction. The total length of the railway line has surpassed the total length of England and Germany railways and amounted to almost 43 thousand. Km. There are new branches of industry - steam locomotive, aluminum, electric power, automobile, etc. France earlier than other countries, has begun to use electricity, though in a fairly modest scale..

Among the most significant causes of certain economic backwardness of the country are the following.

1) The weakening of the industrial base as a result of defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. The damage caused by the war, estimated at 16 billion francs, a considerable amount of indemnity -. 5 billion francs, the capture of two German quite economically developed provinces - Alsace, the center of the textile industry and agriculture, and Lorraine, the area of ​​large reserves of iron ore.

2) dependence on imports of key raw materials - coal, iron ore, copper, cotton.

3) Loss of competitiveness of French goods, in particular as a result of increased cost of raw materials.

4) The lack of sufficient investment for technical equipment is physically and morally obsolete industrial base. The accumulated huge financial resources to obtain super-profits were directed not to the domestic economy and abroad. This capital outflow exceeded the growth of industrial production and the size of investment in industry and commerce. The French capital is increasingly usurious acquired traits. The country became a rentier state.

5) The backwardness of agriculture due partsellyarnosti agriculture, poverty of the French peasantry, the lack of growth of the rural population in order to avoid fragmentation of the already small family allotment, the narrowness of the domestic market.


In the late XIX - early XX centuries. slower than in other major countries, held in France the process of monopolization of metallurgical, coal, machinery and other industries. For example, about half of the iron ore mining was focused on four major monopolies, coal - in ten, sea vessels - three, etc. The most common forms of monopolies, cartels and syndicates have become, and sometimes concerns, unites enterprises related industries...

However, the main power and authority were given the largest banks in the country. They are located 70% of all investments. Two hundred of the most influential shareholders of the Bank of France - the center of the country's financial capital - in fact ruled the country unchallenged. "Credit Lyonnais", National accounting firm, General Company controlled most of the French industrial production.

Obtaining high profits it is also achieved through the export of capital, which has increased since the second half of the XIX century. Moreover, the export of capital exceeded the growth of industrial production, as noted above. So, if for the years 1870-1913. industrial output has tripled, exports of the French capital - more than six times. Exported overseas capital exceeded by more than one and a half times the size of investment in the whole of industry and trade of the country.

Colonies. The need for revenge

The territory of the French colonial possessions were so great that more than 20 times higher than the metropolitan area. For this indicator, it is second only to England. However, these properties were more strategic than economic purpose.

The desire for revenge for the defeat in the war with Prussia, as well as an attempt to overcome the growing European leadership of Germany defined by the end of XIX - early XX centuries. France increased attention to the military training of the country. At that time, France pursued an active policy on creation of the Triple Entente - Entente *, which also includes Russia and England but her. She formed an army equal to German, although the total number of population is significantly lagged behind Germany.

* From France. Entente - letters, consent. The Entente was formed in 1904-1907 gg. and combined during the First World War against the German coalition of more than 20 states.