Management - Vikhansky OS

1.2. The content of the concept of leadership in the management of the organization

The basis of leadership is a specific type of relationship management, or leadership style. This relationship "leader - followers". Historically, leadership type of relationship arose much earlier relationship 'boss - subordinate ", appeared and took shape in the period of the first industrial revolution.

Since childhood, follow the leader is perceived by all quite natural. It is the parents in a family, it is the teacher and the school is and the characters with whom young people want to associate themselves. Presence in the individual microcosm of people leader's image is as old as man himself. Most recognized the fact that leadership is identified with the existence of related mental human relationships between the leader and his followers.

Early stage leadership management relations haraterizuetsya that someone takes a central position in the community, and all the others are located on the periphery, as it were. Control is via a centralized power, which dominates the entire community.

In this type of guide follower spends his powers for the good of the group / organization, headed by a leader, not having virtually no personal rights. This option is called leadership relations relationship "master - slave". The power of the leader in this case is absolute and may extend to decisions about life and death of members of the slave community. Typically, a change leader selected course of action is not in the power of the followers.

The effectiveness of the organization, based on this early type of leadership relations, manifested in its ability to quickly, quickly enough to perform difficult tasks in the least favorable conditions. This is achieved by uniting all around a single leader. However, this is both a weakness of this type of relationship. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the conduct of any organizational change depends on the presence of the leader of the respective desires. Second, reaching a goal, a leader often tries to keep its power artificial complication of the situation, that is not always in the interests of the other members of the organization. In-tretih care or elimination of the leader of the organizational frustrating situation for an indefinite period, which in turn leads to a corresponding decrease in efficiency.

This type of leadership relations still exist in the business and there is the most common. The biggest match of this type of leadership the environment observed in family, commercial and farmer business. As for business organizations in other areas, they are more appropriate types of leadership relations, which will be discussed below (Fig. 11.2).

The types of relationship management and ihtsiklichnost

Fig. 11.2. The types of relationship management and ihtsiklichnost

Overall leadership relationship is different in that the followers recognize the leadership part of the group / organization only when it has proved its competence and value. The leader gets its power from the followers, because they recognize him as a leader. To maintain its position as a leader is to provide them with the opportunity to meet their needs, which can not be achieved in another way. In response, they satisfy the need for leadership in the ruling and the elevation above them, as well as providing the necessary support to achieve organizational goals.

Failures comprehend leaders for various reasons, but success comes to leaders in many ways when they have quite the same abilities and skills. Studying the experience of many leading practitioners suggests that the success they need to have the ability to create an image of the future state of the organization and bring it to the followers. Also, a successful leader describes what he gives followers the appropriate rights and authority to implement the objectives expressed in the vision, can recognize their weaknesses and to address them to attract the necessary resources, including human (Fig. 11.3).

Features of effective leadership

Fig. 11.3. Features of effective leadership

The leader becomes attractive to followers due to the ability to see what will ultimately be achieved as a result of his efforts and followers. However, this is not any goal or any state organization in the future. To a large extent this is what followers want (ineffective leadership) or may (effective leadership) have. Furthermore, the vision becomes attractive if it is greater than or better than the current reality that It allowed to a certain extent the future state of idealization. The image of the vision captures the imagination of followers and motivates them to devote themselves to implementing it to the extent that they share the vision of Leadership. The vision that gives strength to the followers, forcing them to believe in the success of business.

The transfer of the followers of the vision in such a way that it gives them the enthusiasm and commitment, a leader may help to use effective communication. In modern conditions of people can inspire action fact of their direct conscious involvement (through ownership or process) in the solutions and creative implementation, which involves giving them the appropriate rights and permissions. This means that a leader must have the ability and the ability to share their power with followers, to do their part of the overall business, rather than blind executors. In modern conditions of effective leadership - this is not an iron or a steady hand, and a high sensitivity to the needs of followers, which manifests itself in the development of employees, to include them in group work, in helping them to achieve personal goals.

Effective leadership involves a comprehensive self-examination. True leaders are constantly asking themselves questions like: What am I good at? What are my strengths? Why should I as a leader is not enough? Above what I still have to work to be better?

It is recognized that leadership abilities and skills can be learned. We also know that the leaders are not immediately apparent. This is usually preceded by some type of career in the organization or organizations to help develop these skills. The leading business schools have programs of leadership development for those who are going to become a leader. This fundamental is that leadership - this is not a set of skills and qualities of character such as, for example, taking on the risk.

The strength of leadership influence is directly proportional to the degree of acceptance of a follower of the leader proposes to do. Power and influence are central to the work of the leader. In Chapter. 9 textbook examined in detail various bases and sources of power. Now we look at how power is used in the framework of effective leadership.

Expert power can help leaders lead followers for themselves, if they believe that a leader has more expertise in a particular area than they are. Overall, however, the expert authority has a narrow application, and the possibility of its use is inversely proportional to the level occupied by the leader of the organization.

Another situation is when the leader uses the example of power, as it is in many cases the cause of recognition and the subsequent adoration (charismatic) leader followers. This source of power comes directly from the followers, and this leader needs to "find" his admirers, and not vice versa.

The right to rule is acquired leader during his career and comes from his position in the organization. However, in reality this right leader can only be used until such time as it is recognized by his followers and received them as a reference for action.

Information Power in Leadership variant associated with individual abilities and the ability to connect the leader at their level nesoedinyaemye bottom ends of the flow of information.

The decision as the source of power is important for a leader during its "last word", which is usually expected of him

followers. Effective leadership requires active participation of the followers of all other stages of the decision-making and a high level of "determination" from the leader himself.

Remuneration and coercion as a source of power in the framework of effective leadership are more associated with the ability to be or not to be in a "sled" with an effective leader, rather than a monthly premium or a reprimand.

Power of the resources used by an effective leader to balance the deficiencies and improving the state of affairs.

All the more important to achieve effective leadership plays power relations, implemented in particular through the establishment of so-called networking, promoting the maintenance of effective leadership at the appropriate level, without quantitative growth of the organization. The leader should strive for the effective combination of all possible and available to him the basics and sources of power, as this is one of the main conditions of effective leadership (ris.11.4).

Conditions of effective leadership

Fig. 11.4. Conditions of effective leadership