Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

6.3. Career guidance in Japan

In Japan, the organization of career guidance work in schools and higher education institutions is largely due to the peculiarities of the education system.

The system of privileged educational institutions - from school to university - largely predetermines the choice and further professional career of Japanese youth. The admission to such educational institutions is almost predetermined by the socio-economic status of the family. In addition, in schools, and especially in universities, Japan, there is a so-called informal vocational guidance system, where the teacher is responsible for the future of his "own" students. These features determine the relatively weak impact of formal institutions on career guidance among students.

The system of lifelong recruitment, which operates only in the largest enterprises, in turn, does not contribute to the development of the state vocational guidance system in Japan, which significantly narrows the possibilities of the majority of employees in choosing a profession and sphere of professional activity, restricting the vocational guidance work to the enterprises.

The basis of the state system of vocational guidance in Japan is the State Employment Service (GSOZ).

In Japanese schools operating on a state basis, vocational guidance begins in a compulsory junior high school two years before the final of the 9th grade. In school plans there are courses for acquaintance with the world of professions. The main role in this is played by the GSOZ, whose employees conduct group discussions, less often individual work in vocational guidance, as well as testing for vocational selection for further study or employment.

Another form of organization of career guidance work in schools is the joint management of the school director and GSOZ staff. Practical work on vocational guidance is conducted by school teachers - professional advisers. There are classrooms in schools that have special literature, films and other means of information.

The third form of career guidance in Japan provides GSOZ responsibility for the career guidance of students, provided that the school administration is notified of the work carried out. This form of work has been adopted in a number of Japanese schools and in most technical institutes and universities.

The main task of the GSO in Japan is the provision of information for all units of the education system (with the help of films, slides, reference books of professions), preparation for the beginning of the academic year of the forecast of the demand for labor, joint programs with the education system for the development of programs for the preparation of teachers-profes- And offers on the labor market [1].


1. Library of the manager of personnel: world experience. Professional orientation, training and assessment of personnel: Overview information / Comp. V. I. Yarovoy; Ed. GV Shchyokin. - К .: МАУП, 1995.

2. Shchekin G.V. How they work with people abroad: Method. Recommendations on the use of foreign experience. - К .: VZUP, 1990.

3. Shchekin GV The Fundamentals of Personnel Management: A Textbook. - К .: VZUP, 1991.