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The history of the world economy - Polyak GB


In Yugoslavia, the reform started in 1965. In the future, as major landmarks she had a policy of increasing the independence of its constituent republics and individual enterprises. In 1974 it was proclaimed the establishment of self-governing system of planning, which resulted in the late '70s to significant distortions of regional and sectoral, the growth of external debt. Free pricing and the lack of state control over prices caused high inflation. Therefore, in 1982, put forward as an urgent task of economic stabilization policies, including the traditional measures: reduction of inflation, reduction in prices, as well as the deficit of the foreign trade and balance of payments. The need to align the levels of economic development of the individual republics of Yugoslavia. Uneven development has been one of the factors of instability growth of separatist and nationalist tendencies.

Despite the radical compared with other transformation countries, Yugoslavia has not succeeded in overcoming the crisis state of the economy. The new government A. Markovic, formed in March 1989, has taken a more decisive steps to reform the economic mechanism (without changing the orientation of the public). Markovic has put forward the goal of creating a new image of socialism, based on a market economy, a variety of forms of ownership and political pluralism. The government on January 1, 1990. introduced a series of measures to control inflation (in 1989 in terms of retail price increases, inflation was 2665%). Among them, a wage freeze when free pricing preservation for about 80% of goods and services, liberalization of a large part of imports, the introduction of convertibility of the dinar by his denomination (10,000 old dinars to one new) and the establishment of its permanent course to the German mark (in a ratio of 7: 1). This has yielded positive results.

By April 1990 the rise in prices has stopped, there was some recovery in production. But separatist tendencies republics led to new socio-economic shocks, civil war and the disintegration of the state. In June 1991, Croatia and Slovenia declared themselves independent sovereign states. SFRY Government has recognized this illegal secession. In October 1991, the separation of Slovenia was recognized by many states. In autumn 1991 the war of Serbia and Croatia. In November 1991, Macedonia declared its independence in January 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia and Montenegro declared themselves the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), with its capital in Belgrade.


The reform process in Romania, according to official data of 1989, proceeded successfully, which resulted in the growth of national income by 3.2%, labor productivity in industry by 2,1%, etc.

But according to the calculations of authoritative western research centers in Romania not only has not been made, none of the targets, but there was a sharp decline in most sectors of the economy, and the national income declined by 5%. Anyway, Ceauşescu regime was overthrown, and in May 1990 won a victory in the elections of the National Salvation Front.

In a difficult economic environment (especially reduction in living standards), aggravating the general instability, the government has begun to develop options for economic recovery, designed for two - four years. In Romania it believed that a stabilization period is necessary to prepare the transition to a market economy. practical work on the implementation of the first decrees of the new government was launched. For transfer of resources from the production in the social sector, especially for the normalization of the supply of the population consumer goods and energy. Gradually changed the role of central government: reduced number of centrally distributed products, a more flexible system became targets. In agriculture, 40% were increased purchasing and procurement prices. Members of agricultural cooperatives has been allocated 0.5 hectares of land in the free family use (other residents of the village and the town was granted at their request and with the consent of the co-operatives to 0.25 hectares for a fee). Garden area of ​​cooperative members (no more than 0.6 hectares) have been declared private property with right of survivorship. The result of the liberalization of prices in Romania in late 1990 began rise in prices for food products on 661%, industrial - 114%. Not allowed to set free prices for consumer goods, if the market was represented by at least three suppliers of these products, the prices of some goods could be established with the consent of the public authorities. In the second phase of liberalization (April 1991), available prices covered 83% of the turnover of consumer goods and 89% of the turnover for industrial use products. Over the next four months prices in general rose by 316%. The government promised to compensate for the population 70% rise in prices, but in practice the compensation amounted to only half of the planned amount. Social tension (response to price increases) forced the government in November 1991 set list prices for meat and meat products, reducing their prices in half.

In 1992, GDP contraction was the sharpest here. Manufacturing and consumer market managed to maintain almost exclusively due to the inflow of foreign loans, which went mainly to cover the deficit of mutual payments businesses. Structural crisis has affected both heavy industry, dependent on imported resources and food industry. The instability of the economy manifested itself in the field of pricing and financial policies. The amount of the budget deficit in 1993 was estimated at 6% of GDP.


After several failed attempts at the turn of the 80s, which took place against a background of decline in economic growth in 1987-1988, the country entered a new stage of reforms. The government has made a bet on the rapid introduction of market relations and proposed to mitigate the painful effects of the combination of rapid ( "shock") version of the economic reforms gradually. The main anti-crisis program - the transition from central planning to the economic relations based on the variety of forms of ownership and management.

It was assumed that free pricing should take place in two stages, combined with measures to control inflation. Much attention is paid to the economy of the state budget by limiting the growth of incomes. It provides a reduction in imports and increase exports in order to reduce external debt. The Government Declaration (February 1990) stated that state regulation of the economy will be carried out by indirect methods using the budget, taxes, fees, customs duties, loans, centralized capital investments and so on. N.

Price liberalization was implemented in February 1991, but commodity prices are not finished with a deficit of some products sold both in the free and controlled prices.

The highest level of inflation (in 1991, about 600%), financial instability, the budget deficit and other factors have put Bulgaria in a difficult position. In 1991, the course has been approved for public assistance to some industries and enterprises, especially enterprises of food and light industry, whose products are able to compete in foreign markets.

Subsequently markedly increased structural crisis: the unemployment rate here was the highest - 15%, which is largely explained by the former most tight integration into the economic system of the CMEA.

In 1993, the rate of decline slowed somewhat. According to government estimates, the reduction amounted to 4% of GDP and the budget deficit - 6-8% of GDP.

In Bulgaria, slower than in other countries, to develop the private sector. In 1992 it employed around 0.5 million. People and create 10% of GNP. The privatization was carried out mainly through restitution (return to former owners of property).


The Government of Vietnam's decision to move away from the traditional patterns of management and implementation of economic reforms adopted in the late 70's - early 80-ies. The components of the reform are: the provision of rights to the provinces, and then branches to independently conduct import-export operations, the introduction of three-tier planning system in public enterprises, involving the freedom of circulation of above-products produced on the basis of an independent survey of the market conditions of raw materials, the weakening of control over the private traders and craftsmen, increased attention to economic management methods and financial incentives.

Nevertheless, even the limited measures have led to some improvement of the economic situation, mainly due to the private and cooperative sectors in nominal industry. This was facilitated by granting land to the peasants on the rights of long-term lease, as well as the implementation of the free resolution of output in the formal preservation of cooperatives.

State same industry sector, in spite of the benefits provided and the growing budget subsidies, remained largely unprofitable. Here are preserved the old installation to enhance the role of state planning and control over the commodity-money circulation, and so on. N.

IV Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1986, has initiated a comprehensive renovation of the traditional course on the basis of "the release of all the productive forces of society." Practical implementation of the measures began in 1988 has been recognized that all existing structures, including the private-capitalist, have equal rights. The private sector is legalized not only in production but also in the retail and wholesale trade: private owner was allowed to trade in gold, silver, precious stones, to the organization of banks.

In early 1989, the country was virtually abolished directive planning, eliminated two-tier price system (free market and centrally regulated), except for a limited range of consumer goods and industrial purposes. Put the free exchange Vietnamese dong at the rate of so-called black market, the rate of interest on deposits and lending rates were made dependent on the rate of inflation, which allowed to accumulate various kinds of savings, convert currency. Naturally, the greatest difficulties began to experience state industry as it lost budget subsidies, reduced prices for raw materials, guaranteed sales. Therefore put on the agenda the question of denationalisation in various versions.

Important issues have become unemployment, stratification, difficulties in the implementation of social programs due to the reduction of budget revenues. In subsequent years, the country has managed to solve the problem of providing the population with a minimum of food and turned to the third in the world (after the United States and Thailand) rice exporter. It began economic growth. In 1992, GDP grew by 8.3%, the economy grew by 7.5% in 1993. But at the same time increased unemployment (in the cities of up to 20-22% of the working population). Negative trends in the agricultural sector: the slower (compared to industrial production) growth in agricultural commodity prices, sharp stratification of the peasantry and as a consequence - urban migration. This forced management to adjust the course of the reform, paying more attention to its social aspects, without changing, however, the main content of a policy aimed at the gradual formation of a market economy.

Mongolia. Laos

In Mongolia, the nature of the restructuring processes exerted considerable influence relatively large integration of the economy and policy of the USSR. May 1988 became the country's first year of the new period - the implementation of the update tasks and improve the economic and political systems, and social spheres of society. However, the results of the year showed strong inertia of the party-state apparatus in the implementation of adopted decisions V Plenum of the Party. Despite some changes in the economic mechanism (brigade form of organization and incentives, increase in the number of cooperatives, etc..), The volume of national income in 1988 was lower than planned at 180 million. MNT. In subsequent years the forefront of reform came political problems: the distinction between the functions of the party and the state apparatus, the recognition of a multiparty system, observance of laws.

In 1990, the government began to take practical steps. big reorganization of the central and local governments has been carried out. The main goal of this reorganization - to form a control system that would be able to make the transition from a command to a planned-market economy. In May 1990 the government published a platform for the social and economic reform, the conceptual basis of which is the transition to the state regulated market economy with equal diversity of forms of ownership. One of the features of the program can be considered a strategy for the deployment of a network of small enterprises for the production of products from animal raw materials on the basis of purchases of foreign equipment and technology, mainly Chinese. Particular attention the government pays to ensure social and political stability, high level of organization and discipline.

The results of the reforms in Laos allowed some observers to identify them as "Laotian miracle", as the country fairly quickly goes from a subsistence economy to a market economy.

North Korea

Economic processes in North Korea in recent years, especially with regard to developments in other countries in Asia and Eastern Europe, summed up the North Korean leadership to the need to find ways to overcome economic stagnation, which is reflected in a slowing of economic growth to 2%, shortage of food, clothing, medications, chronic non-compliance with planned targets (for example, figures provided in the 1990, were moved to the last year of the third Seven-year plan - 1993), ineffectiveness of control systems. The causes of the crisis state of the economy is a chronic lack of energy and raw materials, high military spending (30% of the annual budget).

Weak exports hampered the repayment of foreign debt, which, according to various estimates, ranged from 3 to 4.5 bln. dollars. Western countries and 2.2 billion. dollars. the Soviet Union (1 November 1989). In this situation, the management of all the forces sought to maintain political stability.

North Korea - free education and medical care, abolished all taxes, fees for public services is symbolic, there is no unemployment, the card system covers the entire population, but the prospects of such a development is not foreseeable.


The economic situation in Cuba also remains difficult. Since 1986 the country's growing crisis. In 1989 (with the exception of transport and sugar production), no industry has not fulfilled planned targets. Despite existing for a period of three decades, the system of rationing of basic foodstuffs and industrial goods, guaranteed supply of the population has not become resistant. It continues to decrease the level of living of the population. An unemployment. The number of unemployed amounted to 6% of the number of people employed in the public sector. This is mainly young people under 30 years old. The external debt of countries with a market economy more than $ 7 billion.. At the end of the 80s in Cuba, there was an attempt to overcome the negative trends, but the focus was on strengthening the team started in the leadership of the national economy. As a result, the country has not received significant positive results. However, the government rejects the possibility of implementing reforms similar to Eastern European. This position was confirmed by Fidel Castro in the declaration "To the people of Cuba", approved December 25, 1989 the National Assembly of People's Power.

Review Questions

1. Describe the features of economic development of the socialist countries on the first and second stages (1945-1960), show major changes.

2. Expand the features of industrialization in these countries and show how to configure the administrative-command system of economic management.

3. Tell us about the nature of the reforms in Eastern European countries in the 60s, explain the reasons for their collapse

4. Describe the countries forms of cooperation - CMEA as they changed from stage to stage.

5. What are the characteristics of China's economic development, what are the results of the reforms carried out by them?

6. What are the ways the transformation of economic development of the former socialist countries in 1989-1999?

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