Audit in zarubіzhnih kraїnah - Petrik OA, Fenchenko MT


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3. Natsіonalnі audit standards. Code profesіynoї etiki auditorіv. - K .: The foundation AAP, 1999. - 274 p.

4. R. Adams Basics audit. - M .: Audit, UNITY, 1995. -398 p.

5. VD Andreev Practical auditing: ano. allowance. - M .: Economics, 1994. - 336 p.

6. Audit Montgomery / Trans. from English. - M .: Audit, UNITY, 1997. - 542 p.

7. Audit: Scient. Benefit / Kuz'minskii A., N. Kuzhelnaya, E. Petrik, etc .; ed. A. Kuz'minskii. - K .: Uchetinform, 1996. - 283 p.

8. Audit: Textbook / V. J. Podolsky, GB Polyak, A. Savin

and etc.; ed. VI Podolsky. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2000. - 655 p.

9. Audit: Training materials / Comp. V. Kalinin. - M .: OOO "IKF Omega-L", 2000. - 384 p.

10. Bіluha MT Audit Course. - K .: Vishcha School, 1998. - 574 p.

11. Bychkova   FROM.   M. Karzai   N.   H. Audit situations, examples, tests: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Audit, UNITY, 1999. - 127 p.

12. Danilevsky   YU.   A. Audit Practice: Proc. allowance. - M .: Financial newspaper, 1994. - 96 p.

13. R. Dodge Quick Guide to the standards and norms of audit / Trans. from English. - M .: Finance and Statistics, UNITY, 1992. - 240 p.

14. Zavgorodniy VP, Savchenko V. Ya accounting, control and audit in the conditions of the market. - K .: Blitz-Inform, 1995. - 832 p.

15. Zavgorodniy VP Accounting, control and audit in the enterprise management system. - K .: Vakler, 1997. - 976 p.

16. Karlmaykl D. Benis M. standards and auditing standards. - M .: Audit, UNITY, 1995. - 527 p.

17. Kovalev OV Konstantinov YP audit. - M .: Publishing house "PRIOR", 1999. - 272 p.

18. Richard G. Audit and analysis of economic activity of the enterprise / Trans. with France. / Ed. LP White. - M .: Audit, UNITY, 1997. - 375 p.

19. J. Robertson. Audit / Trans. from English. - M .: KRMO, "Contact", 1993. - 496 p.

20. bumpkin   V. Audit methodology and organization. - M .: Business and Services, 1998. - 576 p.

21. Suyts VP Audit: Scient. manual for auditors. - M .: Anka, 1994. - 108 p.

22. Woolf Emile. Auditing Today. - Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd, 1990. - 650 p.