Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

14.2. Managing the turnover processes

The development and implementation of measures to reduce employee turnover are aimed at preventing the causes of turnover, primarily related to the dissatisfaction of workers with working and living conditions. Managing the turnover of personnel at the level of the enterprise, organization, industry is primarily to minimize the contradictions between the needs and interests of employees and the specific opportunities for their satisfaction. Depending on the nature of the reasons for staff turnover, the content measures can be:

• technical and economic (improving working conditions, improving the system of material incentives, organizing and rationing labor, managing and organizing production, increasing the degree of mechanization and automation of work, etc.);

• organizational (improvement of procedures for admission and dismissal of employees, the system of professional advancement, work with youth, etc.);

• socio-psychological (improving the style and methods of leadership, relationships in the team, the system of moral encouragement, etc.);

• cultural and domestic (improvement of consumer services and public catering of workers, cultural mass and sports work, increase in the provision of housing, children's institutions, bases and holiday homes, etc.).

In the management of personnel, and in particular the turnover of personnel, the role of social information increases, the generalized results of which are the necessary basis for the development of social development plans for collectives.

Under the social information in the management of cadres in the workplace is understood the totality of legal, sociological, socio-psychological and pedagogical awareness of economic managers and employees of the personnel services, which contributes to the directed influence on the course of social processes in the collective and the education of workers. In other words, social information is information that the personnel employee needs to set up, select the means to solve and implement the tasks of forming and stabilizing production collectives and social management in general.

When developing specific measures, one should be guided by the results of the analysis of the process of fluidity, sociological and socio-psychological research. In terms of organization, the main ways of forming stable production teams are:

• concern for the permanent sources of staffing of organizations and enterprises with personnel, the organization of effective career guidance work;

• constant improvement of the processes of industrial and social adaptation of youth in labor collectives;

• determining the prospects for each employee's work path, developing individual plans for upgrading the qualification and general education level, organizing the mobility of staff within the organization (enterprise);

• introduction of the subsystem ACS "Personnel".