Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

15.3. Management of motivation and remuneration of labor

Payment of wages is usually determined by the conclusion of a contract. At the same time, the following conditions are fulfilled:

• the duration of the contract is limited by a relatively short period - such as day, week, month;

• The level of wages is determined by negotiations between the employee and the employer.

In general, wages are paid on the basis of three main criteria: time, quantity, combination of time and quantity. Paying wages according to the time criterion is a traditional approach, according to which workers are paid for the actual time spent in the workplace (time wages). Payment of wages by the criterion of quantity is an approach that involves payment for the number of products or services produced (piece-rate labor). The combination of time and quantity criteria is based on the application of a guaranteed minimum payment and piece work.

The basic salary can be accompanied by various types of surcharges, which include:

• overtime and weekend pay;

• surcharge for work in the second or third shift;

• regional and special allowances (for example, for harmfulness);

• Performance bonuses.

In order to establish a more equitable remuneration for workers, a regular assessment of the work is carried out. The main methods of assessing the work include the following.

Ranking of works . Each work is evaluated by its relative importance to the enterprise. The necessary duties, responsibilities and qualifications are considered, and then the work is grouped according to an approximate correlation of complexity or value.

Classification of works . This method is similar to the previous one and differs only in sequence: first the level of the salary is determined, and then the work itself is considered in detail.

Scoring system. The work is divided into component factors (training, observation, etc.), each of which is evaluated. The value of the work is determined by summing all the estimates for each factor.

Time of lack of control. This method is related to the length of the period during which the employee can remain unattended. This method is most appropriate to apply for the management sphere.

The policy of the enterprise in the field of wages and motivation of employees must pursue two main goals: first, to ensure an appropriate level of payment to facilitate the hiring of labor and maintaining the optimal structure of personnel; Secondly, to encourage employees to a career within the enterprise, providing appropriate payment for additional responsibilities and improving qualifications. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to take into account such important factors:

• availability of workers of the required type of qualification in the labor market;

• the impact of a high level of taxation, leading to a leveling of differences, which does not stimulate the development of personnel;

• Different terms of employment and the basis for determining wages.

The subject of the wage policy is the top management of the enterprise. In practice, it is the responsibility of the staff manager responsible for developing proposals for the creation of a flexible and effective system of payment and motivation of work based on a combination of wages and various benefits. Benefits are designed to stimulate the efforts and interest of employees and depend on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the increase in output. Financial benefits are usually divided into the following types:

1) additional payments to the basic salary in the form of premiums, indexation or participation in profits;

2) the rate of piecework or differentiated piecework;

3) bonuses for certain types of work and operations that are of an auxiliary nature, when individual efforts can not be estimated even by indirect methods;

4) the target allowance, used for fluctuations in the volume of work: (the amount of payment is determined by the average level of rates with a reduction in production and preferential rates as it increases).

Thus, the system of assessment and remuneration of workers at the enterprise includes various forms of material incentives that ensure the recruitment of skilled labor, the production of competitive products, the formation of stable personnel, the development of the organization and the motivation of employees.


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